
mind intellect and brain

Gaura-Vijaya Das - October 21, 2008 3:36 pm

I was thinking about a topic which braja sundari raised before: mind originates from sattva and intellect from rajas and how mind is more troublesome than intellect. How is the hierachy in bhagavat Gita different? Intellect is above the mind according to B.G. And GM talked about how mind is different from the brain on the Swami call. We can see that there are areas of the brain identified for mental functions and there are areas in the brain which correspond to intellectual functions. Can we identify the brain more with the intellect than the mind therefore intellect is in rajas and mind is more linked to I-ness and consciousness than brain.

Anyway I think there is a lot of intermingling and fluidity between these element so strict compartmentalization is not possible but it would be good to know the opinion of the devotees here on this topic.

Syamasundara - October 21, 2008 5:45 pm

Hmmm... come to think of it, the brain governs all sorts of bodily functions and movements, even the involuntary ones, so, those who equate the mind with the brain are not saying much of anything. It's the seat of everything. At the same time, if I have a custom-made armchair that doesn't mean the chair is me.

Braja-sundari Dasi - October 27, 2008 4:41 pm
And GM talked about how mind is different from the brain on the Swami call. We can see that there are areas of the brain identified for mental functions and there are areas in the brain which correspond to intellectual functions. Can we identify the brain more with the intellect than the mind therefore intellect is in rajas and mind is more linked to I-ness and consciousness than brain.

Anyway I think there is a lot of intermingling and fluidity between these element so strict compartmentalization is not possible but it would be good to know the opinion of the devotees here on this topic.


I don`t think brain is anything more but machine supervising bodily functions and facilitating mind and intellect as well. Without it they cannot communicate with the senses and outside world. Something like operating system in computer. Once I fainted. I remember loosing all my senses one by one. First I lost the ability to walk, then to see, then to hear, then I lost the sense of touch and feeling that I have a body. I was in a dark well. Obviously my brain was not working properly. My mind and intellect seemed to be unaffected and worked normally but I couldn`t express it externally therefore for the people observing me "I lost my consciousness".