
Portland MP3 series available!

Guru-nistha Das - October 29, 2008 3:06 am

These five talks given in Portland are threaded together with a common theme of how trans rational means its the only way to arrive at comprehensive knowing and real happiness. Guru Maharaja goes through the hierarchy of experience and evolution of awareness systematically, and shows how bhakti reigns supreme above all other angles to reality, even within the trans rational plane. Guru Maharaja contrasts the naturalistic view with the religious, and gives a synthesis of the mystic view as a solution to the age old struggle of science vs. religion. Tangible spiritual experience is real knowing, not religious dogma nor research results.


Personally I think these talks are a great opportunity for devotees to strengthen the foundation of a logical, reasonable basis for their faith. Guru Maharaja has been researching a lot of the philosophy of science and the theory of knowledge (epistemology). He has also been reading up on perennial philosophy and other world views that have been able to articulate their conviction in the trans rational in a logical and reasonable way.

After hearing him emphasize from so many angles the importance of tracing out and surrendering to the infinite,

the trans rational seems to be the only rational thing to pursue. Very powerful.


The price is the usual $15 plus shipping ($2 US, $3 world) and you can contact me for ordering it.

Rebekah - October 30, 2008 3:15 pm

Hare Krsna,


I wrote you last night, but this morning thought you may not check your T.V. mail. As I said in the email, that sounds awesome. Please, hook me up!

Rebekah - October 31, 2008 1:04 am

ps...I know they are trickling through with the Sanga subscription and all, but I would like to have them now if it's no problem. mk. I'll try to be patient.