
Mother disappereance

Radhakunda Das - November 25, 2008 7:43 pm

I'm sad (and at same time happy that she did it) to announce the disappereance of my mother. She left her body sunday evening around 11pm, she left after 15 long years of sufferening for cancers. I'm surprised and if I can say, glad, that she left with such a big smile in her face, I don't know what she was thinking when she left, I wish she would have had encounters with Divinity. I hope and pray for salvation for this fallen soul, I really desire the Supreme Lord will take care of her.

Please pray for such beautiful soul, that might she will have a new better life or even better go back Home go back to Godhead.


All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

Swami - November 25, 2008 7:57 pm
I'm sad (and at same time happy that she did it) to announce the disappereance of my mother. She left her body sunday evening around 11pm, she left after 15 long years of sufferening for cancers. I'm surprised and if I can say, glad, that she left with such a big smile in her face, I don't know what she was thinking when she left, I wish she would have had encounters with Divinity. I hope and pray for salvation for this fallen soul, I really desire the Supreme Lord will take care of her.

Please pray for such beautiful soul, that might she will have a new better life or even better go back Home go back to Godhead.


All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga


My condolences. Where would we be without mothers?


I will see my mother tomorrow. My brother tells me that she recently may have had a stroke and he is taking her to the hospital for a cat scan today.

Madhavendra Puri Dasa - November 25, 2008 8:42 pm

My condolences as well Radhakunda Prabhu. My father left just last June, also because of cancer and I know what you mean saying that you are happy that she is over with suffering.

Yamuna Dasi - February 12, 2009 12:17 am

My condolences Radhakunda Prabhu.


My Dad left this word 6 years ago and it was such an incredible divine arrangement. He was 2 days after a preventive operation by-pass of the heart done by doctor's recommendation, he never had any heart attack. It was Sunday evening and I was in the temple for the regular Sunday program, knowing that my Dad is recovering in the hospital after the successful operation and during the araty and all the program I was in some deep meditative and very peaceful mood, looking at the Dieties, singing and praying for his quick and easy recovering. After the program and the prasadam I told the devotees who remained that my Dad is in hospital recovering after operation and asked them to pray for him as well... and we remained just few closer friends in the ashram singing some soft badjan... when I received a call that my Dad had just left this world... just some tears started dropping from my eyes... the devotees understood what had happen... and without speaking anything we just continued the badjan... His name was Bogomil, which translated from Bulgarian means "dear to God" and indeed he must have been so.


I was wondering how could Krishna made such a perfect arrangement for my Dad - to leave this world exactly while I am for some hours in front of the Deities praying for his well being... and the other devotees as well... I wish one day He could make such a perfect arrangement for me to leave.