
Are there any disciples or friends of Tripurari Maharaj near Serbia?

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - January 5, 2009 4:36 pm



I am looking for some association with devotees who live in countries near Serbia.


I am from the city of Novi Sad in the north of Serbia, and according to my knowledge

there are no disciples of Tripurari Maharaj in Serbia, or there are no any friens of

his mission here, close to my city.


So, if there are some bhaktas from Croatia, Bosnia, Hungary, Romania or any of the

surrounding countries, it would be great to come in contact with them, and sometimes

even meet on some bhakti festival or so, or in some private arrangement.



Devyah-pati das

Vamsidhari Dasa - January 19, 2009 6:52 pm

Dragi Devyah-pati prabhu,


Dobro dosao na Tattva-veveka. Nazolost ja neznam dali nas ima u Srbiji ali nas ima ovde. Hteo sam da ti pozelim dobrodoslicu u nasu grupu i da ti kazem koliko mi je drago da te ovde vidim iako se nikada nismo upoznali. Poslao sam ti poruku preko ovog sajta. Javi se ako hoces i budi dobro.

Sve najbolje,

Vamsidhari dasa