
For the maintainer of www.swami.org

Yamuna Dasi - February 2, 2009 10:01 am

Dear devotee (sorry, I have no idea whom to address),


I have tried to submit a query via the query form at www.swami.org and it did not work. The next page opening when I try to submit the form displays the following message:


"Error 404: File Not Found

The requested page is not found. This may happen due to the following reasons:


Page or file is outdated, renamed, moved, or does not exist.

You typed the address incorrectly, like http://www.example.com/pgae.html instead of http://www.example.com/page.html

Please contact your webmaster if you are not sure what goes wrong."


So I decided to report the problem and submit also here my query and technical feedback since it was impossible to do it through the web site:


Dear Editor,


Please accept my humble obeisance!

I was checking the web site for some products and decided to send you this feedback hoping it can help you in your service making the site better.


Here are the 2 feedbacks I would like to share:


1. I wanted to see the art prints, but when I clicked on each of their thumbnails, it is not opening as expected a bigger one so that a buyer can see what is there. The size of the thumbnail is not allowing any view and this can be an obstacle for the sales. Please check it and you will see.


2. If from the home page one clicks the link at the right upper side "books & more BOOKSTORE" and scrolls down the page to "New Arrivals", the first 2 items in the list are not opening the pictures:

1/ Ratha Yatra 2008 MP3

2/ Finland 2008 MP3

Most probably the pictures for them are not uploaded at the server or have changed their destinations.


And one question:

A friend of mine is now in Vrindavan and I would like him to bring me some of the books of Tripurari Maharaj, so is there a place in Vrindavan from where he can buy them?


Dandavat and wish you good luck in your service!


Yamuna d. from Bulgaria



Please delete this topic which I started afterwards since it's not connected very much with the stream of this forum, I just did not know to whom to address via email.


Nitaisundara Das - February 2, 2009 3:02 pm
Dear devotee (sorry, I have no idea whom to address),


I have tried to submit a query via the query form at www.swami.org and it did not work. The next page opening when I try to submit the form displays the following message:


"Error 404: File Not Found

The requested page is not found. This may happen due to the following reasons:


Page or file is outdated, renamed, moved, or does not exist.

You typed the address incorrectly, like http://www.example.com/pgae.html instead of http://www.example.com/page.html

Please contact your webmaster if you are not sure what goes wrong."


So I decided to report the problem and submit also here my query and technical feedback since it was impossible to do it through the web site:


Dear Editor,


Please accept my humble obeisance!

I was checking the web site for some products and decided to send you this feedback hoping it can help you in your service making the site better.


Here are the 2 feedbacks I would like to share:


1. I wanted to see the art prints, but when I clicked on each of their thumbnails, it is not opening as expected a bigger one so that a buyer can see what is there. The size of the thumbnail is not allowing any view and this can be an obstacle for the sales. Please check it and you will see.


2. If from the home page one clicks the link at the right upper side "books & more BOOKSTORE" and scrolls down the page to "New Arrivals", the first 2 items in the list are not opening the pictures:

1/ Ratha Yatra 2008 MP3

2/ Finland 2008 MP3

Most probably the pictures for them are not uploaded at the server or have changed their destinations.


And one question:

A friend of mine is now in Vrindavan and I would like him to bring me some of the books of Tripurari Maharaj, so is there a place in Vrindavan from where he can buy them?


Dandavat and wish you good luck in your service!


Yamuna d. from Bulgaria



Please delete this topic which I started afterwards since it's not connected very much with the stream of this forum, I just did not know to whom to address via email.



Some of Guru Maharaja's books may be found in the big book stores like Ras Bihari Lal. But if not, it is almost definite that they will have many of them at Paramadvaiti Maharaja's Yamuna Kunda center, which is near Narayana Maharaja's math on the Parikrama marga.

Syama Gopala Dasa - February 2, 2009 5:03 pm

Contact page has been fixed. Not sure why it was broken...


Mp3 cd have no picture on purpose. They are temporarily in the store.


This store has limits so getting bigger art prints is one of the wishes but the store is too complicated to allow for this right now.

Vrindaranya Dasi - February 2, 2009 5:56 pm

I've been updating the swami.org site to add pages and add a link on the navigational bar for Madhuvana, which has required updating dozens of pages. If anyone else finds glitches on the site, please post here or email me directly at vrindaranya@swami.org. For any problems with the store, you can email Shyam-gopala. I'm currently working on the problem with the form, and I'll post when I have it resolved.

Vrindaranya Dasi - February 2, 2009 7:26 pm

OK. The forms have been fixed.

Yamuna Dasi - February 2, 2009 7:31 pm
Mp3 cd have no picture on purpose. They are temporarily in the store.


This store has limits so getting bigger art prints is one of the wishes but the store is too complicated to allow for this right now.


At the site it's not just that these 2 CDs have no pictures, the site is displaying a red-crossed boxes, not just a normal background, which is usually when there has been a picture, but the link to it has been changed or the link remained but the picture has been deleted. It looks as a mistake:


Especially that these are the first two CDs displayed.


Regarding the art prints, it's very small the possibility somebody to purchase an art print if cannot see at least a preview of it. What is seen at the web site is just a thumbnail 1/2 cm size which is absolutely not enough to get even a vague idea. A good size and view picture can be no more than 50 KB and this is absolutely enough and would not take much space at the server. Would you buy an art print if you can see only this?



But as you like, I am just sharing an opinion as a visitor of the web site.



If technically you don't know how to fix the problem, I can do it if you give me the necessary access.

Yamuna Dasi - February 2, 2009 9:02 pm

According to the browsing logic of 99.9 % of the users is if they click on an image, a bigger version of it to be open and especially if the image is the main issue (as in this case - selling an art print).

But if you go the page for buying an art print:




and you click on any of the images, it opens a page with the same miniature size picture of the product as I have shown in my previous post.


The web forms at the web site is very important to be working, since at the web site there is not any email address given for contact. So if the contact form is not working, the user does not have ANY chance to contact the web master or Maharaj to report a problem, ask for some product or ask a question.

Syama Gopala Dasa - February 2, 2009 9:38 pm

If technically you don't know how to fix the problem, I can do it if you give me the necessary access.


If you want to help me get the docs that would be great. The store runs on oscommerce. As far as I know it is not possible to create different sized pictures for different categories, so if you enlarge the pictures of the art prints, the pictures of the CDs will be enlarged as well.

I'm not sure if you can have pictures clickable for different categories bt that would be an option. If you could do some research, that would be great.




ps you probably see the Xs because you're using a PC and Internet explorer right?

Yamuna Dasi - February 2, 2009 10:08 pm
ps you probably see the Xs because you're using a PC and Internet explorer right?


Right, and nearly 47 % of the Internet users do so :dance:, versus 44 % using Firefox. :P

You should follow the statistics if you wish the web site to be accessible for as many people as possible and to keep track of what do they see when they open the web site. Since IE is still the most popular browser, you should first consider what is seen if using IE, sorry if you are a fan of other OS than Windows and of other browsers than IE :Rose:


Here are some browser usage statistics:



Also even if using Firefox, the second most popular browser after IE, still what is seen is an empty space and twice repeated title (once up and once down) which still seems strange and unnecessarily repeating... and no picture.


Regarding your request to help by finding the documentation, it will be much easier and faster for me to fix it :)

But if we can't go this way, I can try to find you documentation...

Yamuna Dasi - February 3, 2009 9:09 am
If you want to help me get the docs that would be great. The store runs on oscommerce. As far as I know it is not possible to create different sized pictures for different categories, so if you enlarge the pictures of the art prints, the pictures of the CDs will be enlarged as well.

I'm not sure if you can have pictures clickable for different categories bt that would be an option. If you could do some research, that would be great.


OK, here is the documentation for you, uploaded here:


file name:


so you can download it.


Since osCommerce is a free software, I have no idea why did you have problem finding it's documentation. Anyway...


Regarding your remark that you are not sure if you can have pictures clickable for different categories, here is an example:


Click for example the first product baby wheel-chair and it opens in a new page enlarged:


and if you click on the enlarged picture again it opens in a separate window bigger and with all the details of the product displayed.

This web site is also made with osCommerce so as you can see it's possible. :dance:


The picture which opens in 3 different sizes is in fact 3 different pictures:

- the smallest one: http://shop.danet.bg/images/quinny_buzz_1a.jpg

- a bigger one: http://shop.danet.bg/images/quinny_buzz_2a.jpg

- and the biggest one: http://shop.danet.bg/images/quinny_buzz_3a.jpg

depending how deeply dives the interest of the customer for this product till all his curiosity is completely satisfied :P.


OK, you have now the documentation ("osCommerce Shastra"), it's up to you what to do - dive deep into reading and studying it or ask me to do the shortcut fixing the problems and give me in this way some chance to do some service and get some sucriti :Rose:


Up to your mercy...

Syama Gopala Dasa - February 3, 2009 5:15 pm

If you think handing me the oscommerce manual will relieve you of your assignment, then I have to disappoint you. I have the manual.


Please let me know where I can find in the manual how to enlarge pictures, to have three different pictures. I don't think that is mentioned in the manual and that it is an add-on that you have to hardcode in the php files. If you think you can do this easily, please tell me how you plan to do this.


Please be aware we are running on the 2005 version.



OK, here is the documentation for you, uploaded here:


file name:


so you can download it.


Since osCommerce is a free software, I have no idea why did you have problem finding it's documentation. Anyway...


Regarding your remark that you are not sure if you can have pictures clickable for different categories, here is an example:


Click for example the first product baby wheel-chair and it opens in a new page enlarged:


and if you click on the enlarged picture again it opens in a separate window bigger and with all the details of the product displayed.

This web site is also made with osCommerce so as you can see it's possible. :dance:


The picture which opens in 3 different sizes is in fact 3 different pictures:

- the smallest one: http://shop.danet.bg/images/quinny_buzz_1a.jpg

- a bigger one: http://shop.danet.bg/images/quinny_buzz_2a.jpg

- and the biggest one: http://shop.danet.bg/images/quinny_buzz_3a.jpg

depending how deeply dives the interest of the customer for this product till all his curiosity is completely satisfied :P.


OK, you have now the documentation ("osCommerce Shastra"), it's up to you what to do - dive deep into reading and studying it or ask me to do the shortcut fixing the problems and give me in this way some chance to do some service and get some sucriti :Rose:


Up to your mercy...

Guru-nistha Das - February 3, 2009 5:22 pm

With all due respect Yamuna, you come off very condescending and belittling. It's good that you bring out problems with the website, but the way you're doing it is quite off putting. It doesn't make it any less condescending that you're using four smiley faces per a post.

Yamuna Dasi - February 3, 2009 7:16 pm
With all due respect Yamuna, you come off very condescending and belittling. It's good that you bring out problems with the website, but the way you're doing it is quite off putting. It doesn't make it any less condescending that you're using four smiley faces per a post.


With all due respect Guru-nistha prabhu, not every smile is ironical or condescending and belittling.


Why is all this negativism and opposition for everything? I can understand that maintaining the web site is somebody else's service and the person can feel condescended and belittled if I show some problem connected with his/her service, but is there any other way to resolve a problem if not admitting it first?


From the very beginning I offered the shortest and most easy way to be done - to do it myself.

From the very beginning all I am meeting is opposition. Why?


First I had to prove that there is a problem at all because it was objected. OK, I did it with pictures and explanations.

Then it was objected that this problem is at all fixable so again I had to prove it with examples and explanations.

Then I was asked to find the documentation - ok, I did it.

Now I am asked to find the page where the way to fix this problem is described... if it is described, because usually fixing a problem is a combination of settings, situations, factors and also the version of the program which is used + the OS on which it is run etc. etc.

Can you allow me a smile if from the very beginning I am repeating that this is the long and hard way to fix the problem and with every post it gets more and more obvious that it really is so?


Now in order to help Syama Gopala prabhu to fix the problem I will have to ask him one by one many questions, waiting for the answers, maybe finding, downloading and installing exactly the same version which he is using and creating a simulation of the probable situation judging about it by his descriptions... and so on and so on, because as you can see he asked me some questions, even though by the example which I have shown with this other commercial web site I have responded to the question HOW this can be done - like this in the example with the 3 different size pictures, because it's exactly the same case – i.e. at the first page is a smaller picture and when clicked opens a second page where is a bigger one and this is exactly what he needs, right? This casus has 2 options - at the second page to be directly a bigger picture OR at the second page still to be a smaller picture and if that second picture is clicked THEN to be open a pop-up window where to be the biggest picture. And this is exactly as the example I posted and it explains how to be done.


But if you just like the web site as it is, ok. I am refusing to be put in the position of being so much insisting and persisting of fixing it and you finding this very condescending and belittling. Peace.

And a smile :dance:

(just a normal one)

My smiling capacity has no option of being forbidden.

Yamuna Dasi - February 3, 2009 8:23 pm
If you think handing me the oscommerce manual will relieve you of your assignment, then I have to disappoint you. I have the manual.


Please let me know where I can find in the manual how to enlarge pictures, to have three different pictures. I don't think that is mentioned in the manual and that it is an add-on that you have to hardcode in the php files. If you think you can do this easily, please tell me how you plan to do this.


Please be aware we are running on the 2005 version.

Thank you for the assignment prabhu!


There are several add-ons listed on the contributions webpage of osCommerce for adding 3 images for a product. One of them that I think is suitable for your case is http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/1346 . The instructions are detailed, I have not tested however the installation. There is a running version of the addon on: http://shop.babythings.se/. Hope that helps.

Braja-sundari Dasi - February 3, 2009 9:42 pm
With all due respect Guru-nistha prabhu, not every smile is ironical or condescending and belittling.




Now in order to help Syama Gopala prabhu to fix the problem I will have to ask him one by one many questions, waiting for the answers, maybe finding,


My suggestion- one simple thing- communication with Syam Gopal via e-mail or skype could probably make your discussion much more focused and you will not have 100 or so members of TV reading and commenting about these quite technical details :dance:

Yamuna Dasi - February 3, 2009 9:50 pm
My suggestion- one simple thing- communication with Syam Gopal via e-mail or skype could probably make your discussion much more focused and you will not have 100 or so members of TV reading and commenting about these quite technical details :dance:


I am waiting for his invitation to switch to email communication, since he knows my email, but I don't know his.


And as I’ve asked in my starting post:

“Please delete this topic which I started afterwards since it's not connected very much with the stream of this forum, I just did not know to whom to address via email.


Syama Gopala Dasa - February 4, 2009 5:10 pm

"the person can feel condescended and belittled if I show some problem connected with his/her service, but is there any other way to resolve a problem if not admitting it first?"


Yamuna, but that's the point why others think you are condescending. I get the feeling you think we are not aware of these problems, nor knowledgeable to fix it. From the start, I trusted your good intentions, so I did not take any notice of that, while others who are not implicated have taken notice.


I'll give the option you offered a try, just what I was looking for. If it doesn't work, I'll email you. Sorry a stubborn Dutchman who wants to try it out himself.

Yamuna Dasi - February 4, 2009 11:57 pm
"the person can feel condescended and belittled if I show some problem connected with his/her service, but is there any other way to resolve a problem if not admitting it first?"


Yamuna, but that's the point why others think you are condescending. I get the feeling you think we are not aware of these problems, nor knowledgeable to fix it. From the start, I trusted your good intentions, so I did not take any notice of that, while others who are not implicated have taken notice.


I'll give the option you offered a try, just what I was looking for. If it doesn't work, I'll email you. Sorry a stubborn Dutchman who wants to try it out himself.


"Opposition enhances beauty" as Shridhara Maharaj says.

If as a result of all these small "crushes" a more beautiful web site for Maharaj is born, then this opposition would have been part of the realm of lila and no more part of the realm of karma.


This is what can make this little story a part of the bhakti lila, which is so beautiful and which is part of Krishna lila. Finally what happens here in TV is a kind of a family affair, it's between us and we are at home (ok, you are more at home than me, but somehow I also feel a kind of at home, because this is the home of my Uncle and He had kindly invited me here)... where there is the "Home Comfort" of which ShM writes so sweetly. We are cousins, but we are not at Kurukshetra, right? If we were, everybody would like to be the Pandavas, so who would play the Kauravas? :dance:


What happens here stays here and in our hearts and minds, and what the outside world sees is the web site of Maharaj which is his preaching and is his seva… heart and soul... so we all care it to be the best of the best!


If I can see you not as "a stubborn Dutchman who wants to try it out himself" but rather the beauty of your desire not to put at risk the site of your Gurudeva by giving access to it to a stranger like me (since you don't know me) who just says she can fix it but nobody is sure if she really can do it, but still there is no other way to check if she really can if you don’t give her the chance… And if I can see you as a devotee who is not just against me but rather keeps his service and is ready to fight for it since for you your service is your life and soul... and if I can see the beauty in Guru-nistha prabhu's blaming words towards my performance because he was trying to protect you, his spiritual brother, and your service from me (in the role of the intruder)... and if I can see the words of Braja-sundari devi as a sweet trial to help us co-operate in a better way for the benefit of Maharajas web site... and if maybe you could see me not as an intruder but as a strange overemotional a bit wildish cousin from a far Eastern European country who is trying to help with some good intentions and is a kind of pushy but it's because of her oriental temper which wants every service done ASAP because so many other services are waiting in a queue... and if Guru-nistha prabhu could see me not as a condescending and belittling silly smiling left and right puffed up stranger but as rushing to help and having a bit different sense of humor than the American one... all this story would stop being part of this world of karma and conflicts and will become part of the realm of divine lila...


Let's all make it happen...

Let it be!

Guru-nistha Das - February 5, 2009 1:07 am
and if Guru-nistha prabhu could see me not as a condescending and belittling silly smiling left and right puffed up stranger but as rushing to help and having a bit different sense of humor than the American one...


Heheh. This really excited my "American" sense of humor... Sorry, that was a little condescending.

Anyway, I think the matter has been discussed enough. No hard feelings.

Yamuna Dasi - February 19, 2009 11:01 pm

What happened? I have seen that the problems at the web site remain.

Do you have problem with the instructions how to fix the problem?