
muslim speaking about errors in the bible and the hare krsna movement

Gaura-Vijaya Das - February 5, 2009 10:47 pm

here he compares bible as brainwashing similar to hare krsna movement and the fact that you can get temporary peace through them but only quran is scientific with no defects.

Gaura-Vijaya Das - February 6, 2009 1:52 am
here he compares bible as brainwashing similar to hare krsna movement and the fact that you can get temporary peace through them but only quran is scientific with no defects.


He here speaks as if every scientific fact has been predicted by Quran from Big Bang Theory, stationarity of the sun, moon's light being reflected light etc. Obviously it is not so great when you look at it objectively but I can see how he is getting huge gatherings of people following strictly 3 regulatory principles(excluding meat eating)

Gaura-Vijaya Das - February 7, 2009 7:21 pm

Now he nicely quotes scriptures including manu smriti and mahabharata to justify meat eating for hindus.



He quotes scriptures well especially bhisma and yudhistara's conversation.

Bhrigu - February 9, 2009 4:39 pm

Why are you listening to this guy? He's reading the shastras as the Devil reads the Bible. What do we care whether Bhima ate meat? Our ideals as sadhakas are the goswamis.

Gaura-Vijaya Das - February 9, 2009 5:24 pm
Why are you listening to this guy? He's reading the shastras as the Devil reads the Bible. What do we care whether Bhima ate meat? Our ideals as sadhakas are the goswamis.


Yes but that is what the devotees should know instead of trying to establish some kind of theory that such and such is absolutely true in the vedic age. We are just following the goswamis's sadhana.

Gaura-Vijaya Das - February 21, 2009 3:25 pm

One good thing here is that this gentleman admits that the highest religion is in which the concept of God is the highest and here he establishes that Islam has the highest concept of God through 4 seed verses of Quran.

According to him there is no ambiguity in Islam so it is best; for him acintya abheda bheda may be over the head as he stresses on preciseness. He says that Quran has given 99 attributes which is impossible for any scriptural book and the genius of Muhamed is that he kept out father in heaven out of the attributes as there is scope for ambiguity in that expression.

Now the question is that GV has such a great concept of God that it needs good platform to relay its concept.

Bhrigu - February 22, 2009 6:44 am

Gaura-Vijay, this is pure propaganda. There is nothing very special about the 99 names of God in the Quran. If Muhammed left out "Father" since that may be ambivalent, why then did he include Al-rahim, "King"? :Batting Eyelashes:

Babhru Das - February 22, 2009 2:04 pm

This gentleman, Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, was certainly clever and articulate. But so what? His business is denigrating others' faith, not an unusual occupation for a fundamentalist. We used to see Christian fundamentalists pounding Bibles on street corners in the '60s and '70s. I imagine there were also members of The Nation of Islam doing something similar in cities on the US mainland. (They weren't so prominent in Hawaii.) His presentation is a little more sophisticated, and I'm sure many Muslims found solace, even strength, in his presentation of a Muslim apologetics. Are you suggesting that some of us should prepare to do the same? Some of us older folks have already been through the phase of arguing with people from other religions. There must be a better way to present our siddhanta, as we see in our Swami. And he's unique particularly in the sophistication of his presentation. Many other teachers of Krishna consciousness today are attempting to present a positive, thoughtful. view of Mahaprabhu's teachings that educated folks can appreciate. I'd prefer to do something like that over studying the Bible, the Qur'an, or some other religion's books just to find holes in their philosophy.

Gaura-Vijaya Das - February 22, 2009 2:26 pm
This gentleman, Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, was certainly clever and articulate. But so what? His business is denigrating others' faith, not an unusual occupation for a fundamentalist. We used to see Christian fundamentalists pounding Bibles on street corners in the '60s and '70s. I imagine there were also members of The Nation of Islam doing something similar in cities on the US mainland. (They weren't so prominent in Hawaii.) His presentation is a little more sophisticated, and I'm sure many Muslims found solace, even strength, in his presentation of a Muslim apologetics. Are you suggesting that some of us should prepare to do the same? Some of us older folks have already been through the phase of arguing with people from other religions. There must be a better way to present our siddhanta, as we see in our Swami. And he's unique particularly in the sophistication of his presentation. Many other teachers of Krishna consciousness today are attempting to present a positive, thoughtful. view of Mahaprabhu's teachings that educated folks can appreciate. I'd prefer to do something like that over studying the Bible, the Qur'an, or some other religion's books just to find holes in their philosophy.


No I don't suggest that at all. I don't speak like this either. These all things go to illustrate that when devotees speak about krsna consciousness while showing how all other paths are hollow and they have God's knowledge "as it is", then atleast they will be aware that everybody has the capability to present their knowledge in the same dogmatic manner with some spice of sophistication.

Seeing persons like Deedat, makes one think about the quality of presentation of GV that in the current times is not better than this gentleman. This is apart from GM and a few other people who are making a thoughtful presentation but don't have a prominent voice in GV.

It is just unfortunate that only people like Deedat get a voice with the masses. And if you get sophisticated you are charged of being elitist and non-inclusive.


I am sorry if people in TV don't like these kind of videos. But that is current state of faiths and inter faiths right now, so I thought this forum is good to illustrate this point.

Babhru Das - February 22, 2009 3:49 pm
No I don't suggest that at all. I don't speak like this either. These all things go to illustrate that when devotees speak about krsna consciousness while showing how all other paths are hollow and they have God's knowledge "as it is", then atleast they will be aware that everybody has the capability to present their knowledge in the same dogmatic manner with some spice of sophistication.

Not everybody. Seen too many of these preachers, mostly Christian, of course, to be too impressed. But that's probably only because I've been around a while. It strikes me as an odd lesson you want to give us--that when we go out and thump Gitas to convert the unwashed, we'll have to deal with folks like this. I haven't polled the TV community, but I doubt there's a large number of such preachers here.

Seeing persons like Deedat, makes one think about the quality of presentation of GV that in the current times is not better than this gentleman. This is apart from GM and a few other people who are making a thoughtful presentation but don't have a prominent voice in GV.

It is just unfortunate that only people like Deedat get a voice with the masses. And if you get sophisticated you are charged of being elitist and non-inclusive.

Actually, there are many thoughtful voices. Let's aim higher than the lowest common denominator. Others have that covered, sometime with very nice programs. Here in Florida, the Gainesville ISKCON center has had a Krishna Lunch program on the UF campus since 1971, usually serving 1,000 plates five days a week, with students going to their center on weekends and during the summer to eat. They just make friends, answer questions, sell books to the inquisitive. Not much thumping going on that I can see.


I am sorry if people in TV don't like these kind of videos. But that is current state of faiths and inter faiths right now, so I thought this forum is good to illustrate this point.

I neither like nor dislike them. And there really is much more going on in interfaith dialogue than this sort of thing--has been for a long time. This kind of fundamentalism is not new and unlikely to disappear any time soon. When I lived in San Diego, I occasionally listened to an AM radio station that had a lot of programming of Christian-apologetics talk shows. I'm sure they're still going. Deedat is long gone; does he have any disciples? I can tell from the comments that Muslims think he was as cool as triple-chocolate ice cream. But guess what? There are millions of lawyers, sales persons, and all kinds of fast talkers around. Let's see who we can impress with our character and our genuine understanding of Mahaprabhu's message.

Gaura-Vijaya Das - February 22, 2009 3:56 pm
Not everybody. Seen too many of these preachers, mostly Christian, of course, to be too impressed. But that's probably only because I've been around a while. It strikes me as an odd lesson you want to give us--that when we go out and thump Gitas to convert the unwashed, we'll have to deal with folks like this. I haven't polled the TV community, but I doubt there's a large number of such preachers here.

Actually, there are many thoughtful voices. Let's aim higher than the lowest common denominator. Others have that covered, sometime with very nice programs. Here in Florida, the Gainesville ISKCON center has had a Krishna Lunch program on the UF campus since 1971, usually serving 1,000 plates five days a week, with students going to their center on weekends and during the summer to eat. They just make friends, answer questions, sell books to the inquisitive. Not much thumping going on that I can see.

I neither like nor dislike them. And there really is much more going on in interfaith dialogue than this sort of thing--has been for a long time. This kind of fundamentalism is not new and unlikely to disappear any time soon. When I lived in San Diego, I occasionally listened to an AM radio station that had a lot of programming of Christian-apologetics talk shows. I'm sure they're still going. Deedat is long gone; does he have any disciples? I can tell from the comments that Muslims think he was as cool as triple-chocolate ice cream. But guess what? There are millions of lawyers, sales persons, and all kinds of fast talkers around. Let's see who we can impress with our character and our genuine understanding of Mahaprabhu's message.


Yes TV doesnt have such preachers but GV has plenty of them. Deedat has still got a lot of disciples and Zakir Naik the other guy( I had posted the vidoe of him too) has millions and biollions supporting his Islamic research institute.

It is foolish for me to give you any lessons, Babhru. You are 100 times more experienced and knowledgeable about these issues than me. sorry if you found my post derogatory.

Babhru Das - February 22, 2009 6:23 pm

No, no--I didn't find it derogatory, and I don't really object to the subject being raised. I was just trying to gfigure out a context for this. And I guess there is still much fundamentalist preaching going on in the name of Gaudiya Vaishnavism, especially from some quarters in ISKCON, and many of us do have to deal with that. Where I am now there's a good mix of approaches, it seems. But some places we'll find more influence from more fundamentalist preachers, who I don't think we need to name.


I apologize if I came off as cranky or defensive. It was unwarranted. And I'm really sorry for any condescension. That would be especially unwarranted. I guess I was just a little surprised that this seemed interesting. Sorry.

Gaura-Vijaya Das - February 22, 2009 6:30 pm
No, no--I didn't find it derogatory, and I don't really object to the subject being raised. I was just trying to gfigure out a context for this. And I guess there is still much fundamentalist preaching going on in the name of Gaudiya Vaishnavism, especially from some quarters in ISKCON, and many of us do have to deal with that. Where I am now there's a good mix of approaches, it seems. But some places we'll find more influence from more fundamentalist preachers, who I don't think we need to name.


I apologize if I came off as cranky or defensive. It was unwarranted. And I'm really sorry for any condescension. That would be especially unwarranted. I guess I was just a little surprised that this seemed interesting. Sorry.


I have got repeated experience of the people who criticize SSM and GM from among your own godbrothers. They are otherwise impeccable in their sadhana.

Anyway it is good that your place does not have such a problem.

No need to be apologetic Babhru; I have the greatest respect for you.

Babhru Das - February 22, 2009 6:47 pm

Oh, I wouldn't say that there is no such problem here, just that the main preaching at UF seems to be pretty cool, at least in general. I've heard there are also devotees here who are critical of Srila Sridhara Maharaja and our Swami; I've just kept to myself to some degree. My affinity for Swami is no secret here, at least to those who know me at all, but I've encountered very little friction. If I mixed more, I may encounter more. Who knows?