
Nityananda's Mercy

Prema-bhakti - February 8, 2009 7:27 pm

Yesterday Citta Hari and I had an observance here in our home for Nityananda Trayodasi. While cooking an offering we listened to a lecture by Guru Maharaja from a previous Trayodasi where Guru Maharaja emphasized Nityananda Prabhu's merciful nature and that he gives bhakti without consideration of the qualification of the recipient. To further illustrate this point he cited the example of Srila Prabhupada who gave bhakti to those who had no adhikara for bhakti at all-- he in fact created their adhikara.



After that, during the offering we sang a few songs to honor Nityananda Prabhu, one of which was Thakura Bhaktivinoda's Dalalera Gita (Song of the Broker). There in verse number two he says sraddha-mulye suddha-nama sei hatete bikay, "The pure holy name is being sold in that marketplace for the price of one's faith alone." Then in verse number 3 he says jata bhakta-vrnda basi', adhikari dekhe' nama becche dara kasi', "While the devotees wait in line, Lord Nityananda studies their qualifications and the sells them the name after setting the price they must pay." This seems to be contradictory since we have all heard many times that Nityananda Prabhu gives bhakti to even the most fallen with no regard for their qualification--he even gave the name to those who refused it, like Jagai and Madhai. So my question is: how do we reconcile BVT's expression in this song with Nityananda prabhu's indiscriminate mercy.