
Cool song on youtube:)

Madhavendra Puri Dasa - February 11, 2009 8:41 am

I've just come across this song on youtube. It's really positive. I don't speak much russian, but from what I understood, the singer sings about his neighbor, who is a devotee and whose life is easier and more spiritual then the singer's material life. First the devotee moves into the house and the main character hears him singing maha-mantra. Then he describes his own life- drinking, smoking, girls, and that he is feeling old, and then he is contrasting it with the pure life of a devotee. Videoclip is awesome and it ends with kind of personal (lets hope devotional) liberation:)


Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - February 11, 2009 9:12 am
I've just come across this song on youtube. It's really positive. I don't speak much russian, but from what I understood, the singer sings about his neighbor, who is a devotee and whose life is easier and more spiritual then the singer's material life. First the devotee moves into the house and the main character hears him singing maha-mantra. Then he describes his own life- drinking, smoking, girls, and that he is feeling old, and then he is contrasting it with the pure life of a devotee. Videoclip is awesome and it ends with kind of personal (lets hope devotional) liberation:)



Wooooooooow!!! Great song!!!

Great text, music, rythm and videoclip!!!


I like it very much and will distribute link to all devotees and friends :Yawn:


Jay Prabhu, you made my day very nice!



Devyah-pati das

Syamasundara - February 11, 2009 12:07 pm

That creeped me out, but it's kind of cute. Let's see what Mother Sundari understands; unless Nandatanuja decides to emerge. I only got: "U menya ne balit."

Citta Hari Dasa - February 11, 2009 4:36 pm

Conceptually I thought the video was pretty slick in telling the story of samsara--big fish eat little fish--to finally emerging on the land to pursue life as a totally different kind of being.