
How to make a change in the topic or subtitle's name?

Yamuna Dasi - February 22, 2009 11:31 pm

I made a typing mistake in the topic subtitle's name, how can I change it? I can’t see any option given for this to be made, do only the admins have this right? The previous topic’s subtitle should be “What would he do if he was me?”

Yamuna Dasi - March 3, 2009 1:08 am

OK, I found the solution and I’m sharing it for all those who might face the same problem if committing a mistake in the topic title or subtitle how can they repair it.


One should press the "EDIT" button at the bottom of his first post in the topic he/she started and then chose from the two appearing options from the falling menu the first one "FULL EDIT". This opens the editing field with his message but above it there are also opening the fields ot the topic title and subtitle and they can be changed.


This whole situation gave me once again the proof and thus the deeper conviction that even if one gets no answer from others (no matter if because they also don’t know it or because for some reasons they don’t want to share) one should not quit his search and if the promised in the New Testament: “ask and you will be answered!” does not work, there is also another promice right there: “search and you will find!” and it would finally work! Or one can also follow the smart combination of these two by searching for those who can and would answer… :)