
Yoga Enthusiasts Hear the Call of Kirtana

Prema-bhakti - March 6, 2009 7:54 am
Syamasundara - March 6, 2009 2:12 pm

That's just great, the reputation of nama-kirtana is being uplifted by Krsna Das :)

Gaura-Vijaya Das - March 6, 2009 3:52 pm
That's just great, the reputation of nama-kirtana is being uplifted by Krsna Das :)

Although kirtan is rooted in India’s devotional religions and involves chanting the names of God, Krishna Das says the practice requires no allegiance to any deity or set of beliefs, and he is dismayed that many associate the chant “Hare Krishna” with people who begged on the streets and danced in airports in the 1970s.


He recalled the chant he led at a medium-security prison in Virginia. “The group was pretty into it,” he said. “They were clapping and chanting along, and then as soon as I sang ‘Hare Krishna’ they all looked at each other and went, Oh, that’s what he is. And they just stopped singing and stopped participating. That was just terrible.”


Here is the reputation of the Hare Krshnas. It is pretty bad!!!

Babhru Das - March 6, 2009 4:06 pm

And such a statement is a little odd, considering Satyaraja's book did its best to make Krishna das appear to be someone we can embrace. Oh well . . . :)

Prema-bhakti - March 6, 2009 4:46 pm
That's just great, the reputation of nama-kirtana is being uplifted by Krsna Das :)



I agree with Syamasundara. The chanting of "Hare Krsna" as mentioned directly in the article was seen in a positive light. Yes, Krsna das is an impersonalist when you get down to it :( but he's opening the door wide open for Gaudiyas to get a piece of the action. In New York, Krsna das did a program with Sacinandana Swami and the audience got to also hear nama-kirtana from someone with the Gaudiya conception.



Oh Agni..... :Whistle::Praying::Applause:

Babhru Das - March 6, 2009 5:21 pm

I hear that Krishna das is good friends with Sacinandana Swami. And I know that Jai Uttal is also really friendly. He spent a lot of time with the devotees kirtaniyas when they had that big inaugural kirtan program in Washington. And of the kirtans at that program, the one led by Gauravani, Vishvambhara, and the other devotees was considered by all the best.


Oh, Agni . . . . . :Praying: