
Vyasa-Puja Festival

Prema-bhakti - March 12, 2009 4:56 pm

Dear Friends,


I would like to personally thank all the devotees who participated in this year’s Vyasa-puja festival, especially our dear Guru Maharaja for engaging us so mercifully and for being so kind and encouraging during the process.


Thank you to the Audarya-vasis for their assistance and especially to Nitai for having a smile on his face through the whole process.


Myself along with Hari-bhakti, Citta Hari, and Scott worked as team to organize the festival. I would like to thank them all for their surrender, enthusiasm and encouragement during the many weeks we spent preparing and the days we spent together at Audarya managing the festival.


Thank you to all the guests that contributed to the wonderful festivities and who kindly volunteered for seva.


It was a very purifying festival for me personally and that is how I know this process of responsible seva works. I often feel like a bull in a shop of all Guru Maharaja’s beautiful and fine China. It is wonderful to be surrounded by so many gentle souls (who could be more gentle than Gopal dasa :) ).


Please forgive any mistakes or offenses I may have made along the way.


Koti dandavats.



Syamasundara - March 12, 2009 5:09 pm

I'll forgive you if you write a report or get someone to do it. I still don't know what happened there. :)