
Which was that Indian 9 days festival of the female aspects?

Yamuna Dasi - March 14, 2009 5:36 pm

Which was that Indian 9 days festival of the female aspects? What was the name of the festival/celebration?

I cannot remember also which were these 9 aspects of the female which were worshiped on each of these 9 days - only some of them - Bhumi (the Earth), the wife of the Guru,... ???


I don't know if 8th March is celebrated in USA as the day of the woman, but here it is and last Sunday I mentioned at the lecture this Indian celebration which is not just one day, but 9, and the students asked me this Sunday to tell them more about it.


Heeeeeeelp! :)

Tharshan - March 14, 2009 9:06 pm

I think it is called Navaratri



Yamuna Dasi - March 14, 2009 9:14 pm

Thank you! Yes, that's the one I asked about.