
Do you know some higher resolution pictures resource?

Yamuna Dasi - March 25, 2009 7:11 am

Does anybody know some online resource for better resolution pictures of rasa-lila? A spiritually oriented magazine in Bulgaria decided to publish my presentation of the Gaudiya Vaishnavism, but along with the material they wish to publish also some illustrating pictures. I have searched on the net but unfortunately all I found for rasa-lila was very low resolution.


Also they invited me to write a regular rubric there named “The advices of a Guru”, and for there I will also need colorful pictures to make it really nice, but I have no access to resources of pictures with some higher resolution, not very high, but still enough to be used as illustration for the text.

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - March 26, 2009 7:30 am

If you will need any high resolution photos in general

good site for this is http://www.flickr.com/

there I took one photo that you see how it looks,

Lotus... Offer it to Krsna :)


I don't know where to find Rasa Lila in HR, but I can send

you photo in HR that I bought from site http://www.fotolia.com/

(Mother Cow with calf and above them Trimurti) -

Here see how it looks like... The original file is 4,5 MB

- you can print a small poster from it :) So if you want

the HR file send me an e-mail on dragan.novisad@gmail.com


These pictures that are in SP boks I never found in HR on the

net freely or in any other way, most probably because BBT

has copyright and does not want to display them like this



Sometimes you can find nice photos in HR on the net,

but my experience is that if you realy want to have good

and HR photo you have to pay for it... So, if you want this

one I have, I can send it to you freely since I already payed

for it. Still, there are exeptions, if you spend a lot of time

searching, or whats even better - write a question on some

other forum with much more people involved, I am sure

that you will find many interesting photos and ideas about it all.



Yamuna Dasi - April 6, 2009 8:24 pm

Wow, thanks for the ideas and the offer!

I am sending you an email right now :blush: