
Movie Reviews

Nitaisundara Das - April 3, 2009 3:09 am

Post here to recommend and discuss movies to be reviewed for Harmonist.

Bijaya Kumara Das - April 4, 2009 4:13 am

The movie about the life of heavy weight boxer Bradock, Cinderalla Man has some very prefound topics relevant to the struggle of Man, Society and faith. It is worth a view.


The movie Seabisquit, about horse racing in the depression gives a perspective on lifes struggles and societies need for something to believe in.

Jiva-daya Dasa - April 4, 2009 2:35 pm

Perhaps the documentary Religulous could be reviewed.

Kamalaksa Das - April 4, 2009 4:56 pm

Documentary tip: Enlighten Up!


Enlighten up! is a brand new documentary about yoga, that should be well worth seeing and commenting upon by someone in our group. It should have been released in the states already.


According to the webpage:


"Kate Churchill is a filmmaker and a dedicated yoga practitioner who insists that yoga can transform anyone. She decides to prove it. Her plan: select a subject, immerse him in yoga and follow him until he finds a yoga practice that transforms him.


Her subject: Nick Rosen a skeptical, 29 year-old journalist living in New York City. Intrigued by the opportunity to peek behind the curtain of a 5.7 billion dollar “spiritual” industry, Nick signs on to investigate yoga for 6 months. Before he can say OM, he finds himself twisted up like a pretzel, surrounded by celebrity yogis, true believers, kooks, entrepreneurs and a gentle teacher from Brazil who leads his class with his feet behind his head.


The more Nick investigates yoga the more contradictions he discovers, leading him to question whether yoga is anything more than a workout. As Nick searches for concrete facts and discards the lofty spiritual theories of his yoga teachers, he strays further from Kate’s original plan.


The two find themselves lost in Northern India, embroiled in a struggle between Kate’s expectations and Nick’s overt rejection of “spirituality.” They circle the globe talking to mystics, gurus, mad men and saints searching for the true meaning of yoga.


Ultimately, both Nick and Kate end up in places they never could have imagined. They don’t find the answers to their questions, they find much more."




On the webpage linked below you can see both the filmclip and/or the trailer, but I would recomend seeing the trailer first. It will give quite a good picture of the documentaries mood.








Again, I am painfully aware that I'm suggesting someone else to do the actual work, as the whole point of making a review will be rendered moot, once (if evere) this documentary reaches Finland.

Vamsidhari Dasa - April 4, 2009 5:47 pm
Documentary tip: Enlighten Up!


Again, I am painfully aware that I'm suggesting someone else to do the actual work, as the whole point of making a review will be rendered moot, once (if evere) this documentary reaches Finland.


This really sounds great. I think these kinds of documentaries that take one on a "journey" through change are the best. It is truly something about harmonizing. Hope its out in the US. I would love to volunteer for a review. Its too bad you live in such a backwars place where movies see no light of day :LMAO:


I saw the movie Religiousness, by Bill Maher, and although I like his unconventional approach to everything I was very disappointed to have spent 10 dollars on it. I found the movie funny for 20 minutes when he was making fun of fundamentalist religious people (I mean you should see some of these characters!).

His elaboration of the subject matter was shallow, and very repetitive, based solely on personal disappointment with his parent's tradition and little on some serious personal inquiry into the matter os spirituality. I found his idea of religion reductionistic and although funny, more of a caricature of religion to serve his own purposes rather then an informed, in depth look on religion. Many things he takes as FACTS about God can be found on this one silly website that equalizes all religions and translates the theological tenants in some kind of fact about universe and physics etc. Unfortunately, I do not have the link to it someone made me watch it for a bit to convince me there is really no God and how we just interpreted the natural occurances in the universe to be mystical. I politely said, "excuse me, that just made me :Sick: a little bit I will be right back."

But back to Bill, his source of information about religions is flawed, his incessant attacks on religious people interviewed is offensive (because he literally tells them how can you be so stupid?), and his understanding of faith is really poor and misguided. Although his supremely cynical approach makes good comedy for 20 minutes, when the same thing is repeated 5 times eventually, one is inevitably found incapable of :LMAO: and closer to :Cry: for the waste of time and :Loser: . At least the theater chairs were extremely comfortable and pop corn was gourmet.


OOOPs I think I just wrote my first mini-movie-review! :excl:

Syama Gopala Dasa - April 4, 2009 5:57 pm

more clips here: http://enlightenupthefilm.com/clips/


They have filmed in Vrindavana as well. You can see the Madan Mohan temple in the trailer.

Vamsidhari Dasa - April 4, 2009 6:29 pm
more clips here: http://enlightenupthefilm.com/clips/


They have filmed in Vrindavana as well. You can see the Madan Mohan temple in the trailer.

I did not see it but I did see some amazing twists and turns accompanied by Om Tat..... that was really HOT! :Loser:

Citta Hari Dasa - April 4, 2009 8:29 pm

Prema and I recently watched the documentary with/about Ram Dass called Fierce Grace. Might be worthwhile.


Jesus Camp as well.

Gopala Dasa - April 4, 2009 9:22 pm

Although a cable series, Morgan Spurlock's 30 Days has taken on some big issues: vegetarianism/animal rights, homophobia, living "off the grid," health care, etc. This series is based loosely on Spurlock's well-known film, Super Size Me, in which he eats McDonald's every meal for one month.

Jiva-daya Dasa - April 5, 2009 2:28 am
This really sounds great. I think these kinds of documentaries that take one on a "journey" through change are the best. It is truly something about harmonizing. Hope its out in the US. I would love to volunteer for a review. Its too bad you live in such a backwars place where movies see no light of day :LMAO:


I saw the movie Religiousness, by Bill Maher, and although I like his unconventional approach to everything I was very disappointed to have spent 10 dollars on it. I found the movie funny for 20 minutes when he was making fun of fundamentalist religious people (I mean you should see some of these characters!).

His elaboration of the subject matter was shallow, and very repetitive, based solely on personal disappointment with his parent's tradition and little on some serious personal inquiry into the matter os spirituality. I found his idea of religion reductionistic and although funny, more of a caricature of religion to serve his own purposes rather then an informed, in depth look on religion. Many things he takes as FACTS about God can be found on this one silly website that equalizes all religions and translates the theological tenants in some kind of fact about universe and physics etc. Unfortunately, I do not have the link to it someone made me watch it for a bit to convince me there is really no God and how we just interpreted the natural occurances in the universe to be mystical. I politely said, "excuse me, that just made me :Sick: a little bit I will be right back."

But back to Bill, his source of information about religions is flawed, his incessant attacks on religious people interviewed is offensive (because he literally tells them how can you be so stupid?), and his understanding of faith is really poor and misguided. Although his supremely cynical approach makes good comedy for 20 minutes, when the same thing is repeated 5 times eventually, one is inevitably found incapable of :LMAO: and closer to :Cry: for the waste of time and :Loser: . At least the theater chairs were extremely comfortable and pop corn was gourmet.


OOOPs I think I just wrote my first mini-movie-review! :excl:


Nice review but check the title of the film; it says it all...

Kamalaksa Das - April 18, 2009 6:20 am

Another new documentary of interest could be Food inc. I've only seen the trailer, which can be found at:




When both Audarya and Madhuvan as communities are striving for self sufficiency this documentary would probably prove an interesting comparison. Or at least raise a few well deserved questions about our eating habits.

Swami - April 19, 2009 8:37 pm
Another new documentary of interest could be Food inc. I've only seen the trailer, which can be found at:




When both Audarya and Madhuvan as communities are striving for self sufficiency this documentary would probably prove an interesting comparison. Or at least raise a few well deserved questions about our eating habits.


This is now playing at the Sonoma Film Festival near us. It should be more widely available after that. I had this film in mind for review perhaps by Citta Hari. so it is good to know that others are on the same page. You got it Kamalaksa.

Citta Hari Dasa - April 20, 2009 12:02 am
This is now playing at the Sonoma Film Festival near us. It should be more widely available after that. I had this film in mind for review perhaps by Citta Hari. so it is good to know that others are on the same page. You got it Kamalaksa.



I'll check it out.

Madan Gopal Das - May 5, 2009 1:51 am

In conversation with GM one day, someone mentioned this BBC documentary; Century of the Self. GM was interested in seeing it. Maybe Nitaisundara or someone can download these for Audarya movie night. I've just started watching, quite interesting.


Part 1: http://www.archive.org/details/AdaCurtisCenturyoftheSelf_0


Part 2: http://www.archive.org/details/AdamCurtisC...theSelfPart2of4


Part 3: http://www.archive.org/details/AdamCurtisC...theSelfPart3of4


Part 4: http://www.archive.org/details/AdamCurtisC...eSelfPart4of4_0

Prahlad Das - May 12, 2009 10:59 pm
Perhaps the documentary Religulous could be reviewed.

I second this. I just watched it and it has a very powerful delivery. The host is caustic, vulgar, and abrasive, but the underlying messages are noteworthy.

Acyuta Dasa - March 23, 2013 5:40 pm

The official release is about a month away but this doc is right now rather prominently featured on the iTunes Movie Trailers page – One Track Heart: The Story of Krishna Das.

Citta Hari Dasa - March 24, 2013 1:08 pm

I saw the trailer for the documentary on Krsna dasa. It might make a good review.