
Gaudiya News and Siddhanta

Nitaisundara Das - April 3, 2009 3:11 am

Post ideas here for directly Gaudiya topics: News in the Gaudiya world and philosophical points to discuss.

Madan Gopal Das - July 28, 2009 1:26 pm

I don't know if this is Harmonist mood appropriate or not, but with all the 40th anniversary moon landing talk in the air, devotees are also bringing out the old "Prabhupada said" stuff about the moon. This is a thorough challenge from a devotee to the devotees of conspiracy theories.

moon hoax

Gaura-Vijaya Das - July 28, 2009 5:05 pm
I don't know if this is Harmonist mood appropriate or not, but with all the 40th anniversary moon landing talk in the air, devotees are also bringing out the old "Prabhupada said" stuff about the moon. This is a thorough challenge from a devotee to the devotees of conspiracy theories.

moon hoax


Very good work by this devotee. He should be showered with bouquets.

Bijaya Kumara Das - July 29, 2009 6:34 am

this information has no references to the freedom of infromation data request in the 80's and the film and footage found at NASA showing the atomic clock operating on a different day then the day they were suposably there as well as other props and evidence that was failed to be scrubed


this was published in the 90's


the evidence may now have been scrubed just as all the data that aluminum has been removed from every where world wide that it causes alzhimeres and many other diseases when goverment made everyone turn in all pots and pans for the war and issued aluminum pot and pans to the public and many of the elderly forced to use the utinsels have many major health problems from over concentrations of aliminum in their bodies

Swami - July 29, 2009 7:33 pm
Very good work by this devotee. He should be showered with bouquets.



Yes, good article. We'll try to work it into the Harmonist. The way I look at it, we are practically living on the moon in that we are living on the math of today that has brought technological wonders at lest as spectacular as going to the moon, wonders that no one questions. If the doubters would just do the math they would realize the possibility of the journey was obviously realized on paper, leaving only the execution of the math to make the trip.


But it is amazing to look out into space at night and realize that humans figured out how to fly to the moon, what to speak of mars. It's, well, unbelievable!


Incidentally there are also conspiracy buffs that say "They" found a civilization on the dark side of moon! Then then there are the Moonies too. Hare Krsna.

Bijaya Kumara Das - July 30, 2009 7:21 am
Yes, good article. We'll try to work it into the Harmonist. The way I look at it, we are practically living on the moon in that we are living on the math of today that has brought technological wonders at lest as spectacular as going to the moon, wonders that no one questions. If the doubters would just do the math they would realize the possibility of the journey was obviously realized on paper, leaving only the execution of the math to make the trip.


But it is amazing to look out into space at night and realize that humans figured out how to fly to the moon, what to speak of mars. It's, well, unbelievable!


Incidentally there are also conspiracy buffs that say "They" found a civilization on the dark side of moon! Then then there are the Moonies too. Hare Krsna.


Great response Guru Maharaja. They have also done the math to telaport a body from one location to another but have not yet got an engine or device with enough power make the transfer happen.

Gaura-Vijaya Das - July 31, 2009 1:59 am
Yes, good article. We'll try to work it into the Harmonist. The way I look at it, we are practically living on the moon in that we are living on the math of today that has brought technological wonders at lest as spectacular as going to the moon, wonders that no one questions. If the doubters would just do the math they would realize the possibility of the journey was obviously realized on paper, leaving only the execution of the math to make the trip.


But it is amazing to look out into space at night and realize that humans figured out how to fly to the moon, what to speak of mars. It's, well, unbelievable!


Incidentally there are also conspiracy buffs that say "They" found a civilization on the dark side of moon! Then then there are the Moonies too. Hare Krsna.


There is a discussion going on this forum.


You can see that apart from two guys william and kulapavana, the rest of the guys are really the mainstream hare krsnas.I don't really find any difference between mainstream hare krsnas and christian evangelists. Only they have more material to regurgitate.

Sorry guys I added the link just now.

Gaura-Vijaya Das - July 31, 2009 4:50 am
There is a discussion going on this forum.


You can see that apart from two guys william and kulapavana, the rest of the guys are really the mainstream hare krsnas.I don't really find any difference between mainstream hare krsnas and christian evangelists. Only they have more material to regurgitate.

Sorry guys I added the link just now.


There are two things that people ignore: Apollo 11 is not the only manned mission to mean( there were 5 more missions like that), secondly India also put an unmanned mission to orbit moon and capture its pictures and there is no reason to believe a hoaxed effort by India would be accepted in the west.

Even if we accept the unmanned mission theory, then it is clear that moon is closer to the earth than the sun. It is even according to Surya siddhanta.

Rahu was addressed as the personality behind the shadow by SSM and as a planet between moon and the sun by SP when one of the disciples of BSST mocked at the idea of Rahu swallowing the sun. So there is discrepancy on this points between different paramhamsa devotees.

I think that because of fanatic devotees whimsical presentations, even when genuine deficiencies are pointed out in the scientific method, they are not taken seriously.

"Who cried wolf" kind of thing.

Yamuna Dasi - October 31, 2010 10:07 am
Post ideas here for directly Gaudiya topics: News in the Gaudiya world and philosophical points to discuss.


I have an idea for a cartoon - Nietzsche portrayed writing his famous quote:

"I would only believe in a God that knows how to dance."

in chapter 7 of "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" named "On Reading and Writing" (somehow this to be shown in the picture).


Years later a devotee reading it happily with the dancing Krishna in his mind and finding Nietzsche to be a "great philosopher".


And even more funny is that Nietzsche wrote this exactly in the chapter named "On Reading and Writing", which can be used maybe as a title for the cartoon.




Maybe Gurunistha prabu can draw it, if of course he would like the idea.


Gurunistha, I am sorry that in Harmonist's comments section after a cartoon of yours we came to an argument, that was not at all my intention. But this situation made me meditate on how to make somehow sweeter a cartoon even when criticizing, how to provoke rather a smile. Sweetness is the way of Krishna capturing the hearts. Thus came to me the idea about the cartoon described above.


Actually it can be not just a single cartoon, but a theme of cartoons how a devotee "reads" or "sees" some famous statements completely in devotional context, sweetly not being able to see the different meaning placed in it. Thus beauty being in the eye of the observer.


What do you think? If you like the idea I can maybe help with more ideas about cartoons and you can draw them.

Yamuna Dasi - October 31, 2010 12:01 pm

One more idea about other cartoon with Nietzsche based on other quote from him:

"I want to have goblins about me, for I am courageous." (again from "Thus Spoke Zarathustra")


Nietzsche running in horror from a sweetly pictured cow and reciting the above quote while running.

(It's a well known fact that the "brave" author of the ideas of the Super Man was afraid of cows... but was still considering himself an extremely brave person)


And if you like the idea of a picture inside the picture (story inside the story) - a devotee observing his run and thinking "How sweet of him! Just as Krishna ran away from the battlefield pretending he was afraid!"


Actually this can be a complete serial of cartoons about a devotee reading "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" with his devotional understanding (bhasya) about the text, finding it finally to be a true "Scripture". The whole serial can be named "Bhakti bhasya" - a contemporary devotional commentary on "Thus Spoke Zarathustra".


The whole story can begin with a devotee wanting to cut a joke to an innocent devotee-friend by giving him a "newly found Scripture" - "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" written by the sage Nietzsche. Thus his friend starts reading the book thinking it's an ancient Scripture, but amazing deeply the joker (and us as readers) with his profound devotional interpretations of the text. Uttama-adhikari reading of Nietzsche.



This can become a complete booklet, a cartoon story. Can be both on paper and in Harmonist.

Guru-nistha Das - November 2, 2010 11:36 pm

Yamuna, no hard feelings at all. Sorry for my slow reply.

I like the idea of quoting western philosophers in a Gaudiya context. My problem is that I have a pretty superficial grasp on western philosophers so if you have more ideas, please send them my way! Nitai already gave a funny idea from Nietzsche's famous "God is dead" statement, but isnce you seem to know about these people, I'm interestetd in getting ideas. But dont' be attached to them turning out like you envisioned, I will ruthlessly change things to my own liking ;)

Gaura-Vijay, Gopala and Jason too, I know you're all well-read in this stuff so if you got some ideas, sned them to me.

But keep in mind that they have to be one-frame strips, that's the restriction of my format.


It would be funny to do a whole series on the "western philosophers go east" kind of a team. Let's see what we can come up with.


p.s. The secretary for ISKCON Barcelona (who I've never met or talked to) put up a whole page of my comics in FB with spanish translations:



Yamuna Dasi - November 3, 2010 8:13 pm

By the way Brahma Samhita prabhu is also a painter of devotional cartoons. Maybe he can give some of his materials for Harmonist.

OK, I will think of more ideas for cartoons.


I don't remember if I heard it as anecdote or seen it as a cartoon, but I liked this joke:

An devotee says: "Shrila Prabhupad said that ISKCON is his body".

Another devotee argues back: "Shrila Prabhupad said we are not this body."


And a real story from my study of theology in the University:

A man student of Christian theology wanting to cut a joke on his female colleagues says:

"Eve was made from a ribbon and do you know that ribbons have no brain substance inside?"

A female student of theology answers:

"Better to be made of ribbon than of mud."

Yamuna Dasi - November 3, 2010 9:08 pm

An elder simple Christian lady meets a devotee and asks him:

"What's the name of your God?" and the devotee answers: "Krishna. And the name of your God?"

The lady answers: "Nice name! The name of mine is INRI."

("INRI" is written on a label on the cross over the head of Jesus Christ. It's an abbreviation standing for "Iesvs Nazarenvs Rex Ivdaeorvm" in Latin meaning Jesus from Nazareth King of the Jews, a mocking label which Pital ordered to be nailed on the cross.)


This is not a joke, but a true story. :Whew:

Nitaisundara Das - November 3, 2010 9:13 pm
I don't remember if I heard it as anecdote or seen it as a cartoon, but I liked this joke:

An devotee says: "Shrila Prabhupad said that ISKCON is his body".

Another devotee argues back: "Shrila Prabhupad said we are not this body."


I came across this recently when we cleaned out a storage shed here at Audarya. It is a cartoon in my fathers book, Our Mission 2. It was the best one in the book. The top picture is a sannyasi on the vyasasana saying "Iskcon is Prabhupada's body!" And the bottom one is Prabhupada in the exact same spot saying "I am not this body!" I don't know who drew those comics, perhaps Madan Gopal knows??

Yamuna Dasi - November 3, 2010 9:13 pm

Two devotees talking:

A: When I was in India I spoke 1 hour with God by phone!

B: How much did they charge you?

A: Only 5 rupees. They said it was a local call.

Yamuna Dasi - November 3, 2010 9:50 pm

Devotee asking his guru:

"Gurudji, if it's true that the gopis are always asking Krishna to let us join the divine lila, then why am I still here?"

His guru:

"Well, they are doing their best..."


True story.

Jason - November 4, 2010 12:49 am
I don't remember if I heard it as anecdote or seen it as a cartoon, but I liked this joke:

An devotee says: "Shrila Prabhupad said that ISKCON is his body".

Another devotee argues back: "Shrila Prabhupad said we are not this body."


This is humorous in a few ways. Philosophically speaking, we can rephrase it in logical format and draw an interesting, and formally reasonable conclusion:


Premise 1: Prabhupada said that we should not identify with the body.


Premise 2: Prabhupada said that ISKCON was his body.


Therefore: We should not identify with ISKCON.


That's kinda cruel and probably should not go further than this message board. I'm just being snarky :Whew:

Gaura-Vijaya Das - November 4, 2010 1:37 am
This is humorous in a few ways. Philosophically speaking, we can rephrase it in logical format and draw an interesting, and formally reasonable conclusion:


Premise 1: Prabhupada said that we should not identify with the body.


Premise 2: Prabhupada said that ISKCON was his body.


Therefore: We should not identify with ISKCON.


That's kinda cruel and probably should not go further than this message board. I'm just being snarky :Whew:


They just say that a devotee;s body is not ordinary as it is a sadhaka deha, so I don't whether things point can be taken too strongly.

Caitanya-daya Dd - November 7, 2010 4:45 am
p.s. The secretary for ISKCON Barcelona (who I've never met or talked to) put up a whole page of my comics in FB with spanish translations:


Just letting you know that other devotees are circulating some of your cartoons, Guru-nistha. Good stuff! :-)