
Need of Guru Maharaji pictures

Radhakunda Das - April 6, 2009 7:10 pm

Dandavatas to all




I am looking for a clear picture of our loved Guru Maharaja. I have looked at the pictures available through google and TV but could not find some large enough to frame.

I also tried this http://www.tattvaviveka.com/parampara/gurumaharaja.html but it seems not working.

Those I ttached here would be very very wonderful, if possible...

Can anyone help me?


Thanks for your kind help


All glories to Sri Guru





Yamuna Dasi - April 6, 2009 8:35 pm

Yes, I can help you because a month ago I was having the same plea in TV, you can read here.

Some devotees sent me to my email as attached files some great portraits of Tripurari Maharaj. The two which I loved more and printed in A4 size and they looked very well.

Send me an email please and I can send you at high resolution these two portraits if you like them and few more as well. The resolution is good, some are 2-3 MB.

Radhakunda Das - April 6, 2009 9:01 pm
Yes, I can help you because a month ago I was having the same plea in TV, you can read here.

Some devotees sent me to my email as attached files some great portraits of Tripurari Maharaj. The two which I loved more and printed in A4 size and they looked very well.

Send me an email please and I can send you at high resolution these two portraits if you like them and few more as well. The resolution is good, some are 2-3 MB.



Thank you once again

my email address are




in service
