
GM touring in NC!

Guru-nistha Das - April 22, 2009 7:20 pm

I'm at the Gopal's house in North Carolina right now. Guru Maharaja and I arrived here yesterday in the evening. GM was supposed to go alone but about a week before leaving he suddenly told me that I'm going with him! I was really happy about that, because there are niot many better things in life than being on a preaching tour with Guru Maharaja.

At Gopals, we had dinner and watched one of those Following Srila Prabhupada videos from the opening of the Krsna-Balarama temple. The DVD had Guru Maharaja's commentaries sprinkled in it. I'd never seen this one, and it was great to watch it with Guru Maharaja. He would comment on things, tell some background information and tell us where he was during the events that were filmed and so on. I was blown away to see that part of Vrindavana. I went there the frist time just two years ago, so it was already very built up, but in the video there was absolutely nothing around the temple . . .


This morning we went on a walk to the "highest spot of North Carolina" which didn't turn out to be as big a climb as it sounded like. Guru Maharaja was talking about writing books and ritvik among other things.


Today we'll head out to Prabhupada Village to have lunch and Guru Maharaja will give a talk in the evening. Should be fun! I'll keep you posted

Guru-nistha Das - April 23, 2009 11:50 am

Yesterday's talk was one of those mind blowing ones when all your conditioning, apprehensions and lethargy are swept away for a moment or two. These are the moments I'm always looking and praying for, when everything goes into the right perspective and makes sense.

Guru Maharaja will be talking on the 9th chapter of the Gita on this tour. Last night he gave a long talk on the first verse of the chapter and the fireworks went off. The 25-headed crowd seemed to just suck it in and the atmosphere was really enlivened after the talk.

Guru Maharaja made some great points about the supreme position of suddha bhakti (which the 9th chapter is all about) and how non-enviousness is the requirement for receiving it. One who doesn't get tired or put off by hearing Krsna praise himself over and over must be non-envious. Another main point was the distinction between theoretical knowledge and realization (or realized action), jnana and vijnana, as mentioned in the first verse. A nice point that tied the two main themes together was, that you can't get even theoretical knowledge if you are envious because you can't stand hearing Krsna praise himself, which is actually sambandha-jnana!

Guru Maharaja has the ability to lift attentive devotees above their subjective perspective for awhile and make them see in a broader perspective what they are involved in. It's so enlivening and reassuring when this happens. And the more we pop our heads above the clouds with his help, the more we will start staying in there. The only task is to position ourselves in relation to him in a way that this will happen as much as our conditioning allows. Aniyor! Aniyor!

Babhru Das - April 23, 2009 6:09 pm
Aniyor! Aniyor!

Yes, please! And thanks. Keep them coming.

Guru-nistha Das - April 24, 2009 1:03 pm

Yesterday morning at Karnam & archana's was a more intimate, smaller program. Karnam had a question about SB 2.3.24 where it's said that if one experiences sattvika-bhavas when chanting but still doesnt' change, his heart is steel-framed. Karnam's question was: how is it possible that someone would not change after experiencing ecstasy like that? Guru Maharaja explained the different categories of bhavabhasa (pratibimba and chaya) and how sadhakas can get a semblance of bhava in their practice but it will wear out after a while and their conditioning sets back in. He was also talking about hard-hearted devotees who may be very strict with their sadhana but don't get the results because of their lack of compassion and generosity. The theme of generosity carried Guru Maharaja to cover the previous night's topic (enviousness) in relation to this morning's question. He re-emphasized that effort is not what makes you eligible but non-enviousness and faith. So a devotee who is a kind person but doesn't chant for example, is in a better position than an ungenerous strict practitioner.


For the remaining balance of the talk Guru Maharaja was talking about using one's attachments to purify one's self for service. He again showed the generosity of bhakti by saying that you can offer ANYTHING (yad karosi, yad asnasi...) to Krsna: meat, alcohol, sex, drugs, rock&roll, whatever. And that will purify you.

I really appreciated that point. Instead of judging people and trying to get them to ascend on a certain level of morality before starting their devotional life they should start immediately and connect everything they do with bhagavan. This was another theme of the previous night's and this talk's themes: morality should be viewed from Bhakti's point of view, not the other way around. The only pre-requisite for bhakti is faith.


maybe Madan can pick up from here?

Atmananda Dasa - April 24, 2009 1:15 pm

I've been taking photos, but how do I get them uploaded onto this thread so that everyone can see them?

Gaura-Vijaya Das - April 24, 2009 1:56 pm
Yesterday morning at Karnam & archana's was a more intimate, smaller program. Karnam had a question about SB 2.3.24 where it's said that if one experiences sattvika-bhavas when chanting but still doesnt' change, his heart is steel-framed. Karnam's question was: how is it possible that someone would not change after experiencing ecstasy like that? Guru Maharaja explained the different categories of bhavabhasa (pratibimba and chaya) and how sadhakas can get a semblance of bhava in their practice but it will wear out after a while and their conditioning sets back in. He was also talking about hard-hearted devotees who may be very strict with their sadhana but don't get the results because of their lack of compassion and generosity. The theme of generosity carried Guru Maharaja to cover the previous night's topic (enviousness) in relation to this morning's question. He re-emphasized that effort is not what makes you eligible but non-enviousness and faith. So a devotee who is a kind person but doesn't chant for example, is in a better position than an ungenerous strict practitioner.


Amazing. Looking forward to see you.

I think faith or non-enviousness is crucial apart from just being generous. For example Bill Gates maybe kind and generous but it does not make him eligible to take up the process due to lack of faith. I guess through contact with a sadhu like GM, the faith can come.


Throughout the Gita the morality of a strict kind is not emphasized. Even in divine and demonaic natures chapter or the 13th chapter or the end of the 12th chapter( qualities of a superlative devotees), Sri Krsna talks of qualities like humility, tolerance, compassion, non-enviousness etc not the four regs per se. These qualities are subjective to some extent and therefore people want that every quality in sattva guna should be objectified into rules like four regs . That helps to an extent but then can be counterproductive after some time.

Citta Hari Dasa - April 24, 2009 2:46 pm
Instead of judging people and trying to get them to ascend on a certain level of morality before starting their devotional life they should start immediately and connect everything they do with bhagavan. This was another theme of the previous night's and this talk's themes: morality should be viewed from Bhakti's point of view, not the other way around. The only pre-requisite for bhakti is faith.


As an interesting parallel, I've been reading Desikachar's Heart of Yoga and when he discusses yama and niyama his opinion is that they cannot be practiced, rather, they arise out of the clarity that comes from doing sadhana. So his point is similar in that he says to just start doing the practice and one's behavior will change naturally as sattva starts to influence one's life more, not that there is a set of moral rules to be imposed upon the person in order to practice yoga.

Guru-nistha Das - April 24, 2009 2:50 pm
As an interesting parallel, I've been reading Desikachar's Heart of Yoga and when he discusses yama and niyama his opinion is that they cannot be practiced, rather, they arise out of the clarity that comes from doing sadhana. So his point is similar in that he says to just start doing the practice and one's behavior will change naturally as sattva starts to influence one's life more, not that there is a set of moral rules to be imposed upon the person in order to practice yoga.



Atmananda Dasa - April 25, 2009 7:02 pm


Swami visited a yoga studio in Winston. It is operated by Noel and his wife Megan. They are to received diksa on Sunday. He showed us around the studio and then we went to Noel's house where Megan greeted us warmly. Swami was seated on a love-seat in their temple room. Megan then put a huge crystal platter full of a variety of fruits and sweets before him. There were even silver utensils. I was looking at this scene and relishing its beauty. I think now I understand a little bit, like the picture of Srila Prabhupada with a huge silver plate of food before him, there is an ecstasy in seeing the guru served so nicely. We then followed Swami through the beautiful gardens around Noel and Megan's home and relaxed for the afternoon.

In the evening Swami spoke at Dulal Chandra and Archi's house. The topic was 'the soul of sustainability'. First Gurunishta's video about the sustainability in Madhuvana was viewed, then Swami spoke. I can't really accurately remember all of the details of the talk right now, but it was fascinating and I was astonished. I guess you'll all here it when it shows up in your mailbox in a month or two.

Syama Gopala Dasa - April 25, 2009 8:05 pm
First Gurunishta's video about the sustainability in Madhuvana was viewed, then Swami spoke.


We want to see this too!


Atmananda, you can insert photos in posts when you add attachments when writing a new post. "Select file" and upload.

Guru-nistha Das - April 25, 2009 8:26 pm
We want to see this too!


Atmananda, you can insert photos in posts when you add attachments when writing a new post. "Select file" and upload.


Mayapur tried several times to put it up last fall on YouTube but it would get cut up every time. Come to Audarya and I'll show it to you. :Just Kidding:

Guru-nistha Das - April 25, 2009 8:36 pm

The talk about sustainability was quite insightful. First Guru Maharaja explained some basic ideas of sustainability versus greed and exploitation and went on to explain how the only truly sustainable thing in the world is us, everything else will fall apart. After he had explained these principles pretty extensively, he asked a rethoric question, "how does material sustainable lifestyle relate to the knowledge of the soul and bhagavan?". From there he went to explain how an orientation of sacrifice and giving is naturally exercised by a sustainable life style. It's more sattvik and that sattva begets knowledge of the self. Not only that, but you will be even materially happier and better situated. And when you take the principle of gratitude and giving to its farthest reach you end up in vraja bhakti and lila in particular.


As Guru Maharaja was talking about our Madhuvan project and how it all fell in our lap, I was just thinking to myself how amazing it has been. Guru Maharaja mentioned the same thing after the talk in the car as we were driving back to Madan's in the night. Things have just fallen in place and we try to keep up with the pace and do whatever is needed.


The ride back was really nice, Guru Maharaja was in a cheerful mood as were Madan, Atmananda and myself and we talked about different things and were having a great time. I passed out at some point and finally we arrived to Madan's at midnight.

Guru-nistha Das - April 27, 2009 11:34 am

The next day we had the morning off. Atmananda came around a cooked a fancy lunch with all kinds of fresh vegetables, hummus, couscous, olive oil, cheese and salad. We set up the lunch outside on the grass and had a picnic of sorts. Really nice.


In the evening we had a program in a new local yoga center. About 35 showed up and Guru Maharaja gave a great talk from the last verse of the sixth chapter of the Gita (yoginam api sarvesam...). He started from the bottomof the yoga ladder from karma yoga to jnana yoga and dhyana yoga and ended up in (suddha-)bhakti yoga. One reason why Guru Maharaja is so convincing in my opinion is that he actually has understood the spirit of the other paths and knows details about them. If you just say "mayavadis are demons", it's not going to be too convincing in this day and age but if it obvious that the speaker understands the other paths but still follows a different path himself, it gives so much credibility for that path. Guru Maharaja's main argument was that all forms of yoga have giving in their heart and following that logic to it's end, bhakti must be the highest form of yoga because it's all about love, which is in turn all about giving. One might argue that giving is not the heart of yoga but knowledge of the self is. But you can't realize yourself if you are not a giver.


Gaurangi performed three beautiful dances with some of his dance school students. I didn't use to understand bharat natyam at all back in the day when I visited the ISKCON temple but it's actually a really neat form of bhakti. I was thinking of Ramananda Raya and how he personally trained the devadasis in Puri.


Next morning we went to a walk in a historic park here in Hillsborough. Atmananda and Gaura-Vijaya joined us. Guru Maharaja started talking about an introductory book based on the talk he gave at the yoga center and everyone agreed that it would be a great idea. It really is amazing that bhakti is not more popular although it goes so much to the core of what everyone is looking for. Once you hear from someone who can tie the lofty ideal of Gaudiya Vaishnavism into universal principles and understandable language, it's just hard to believe that people are not lining up to sign up for this! I guess the Gita says it itself why this doesn't happen: raja guhyam.

Swami - April 27, 2009 11:42 am
Once you hear from someone who can tie the lofty ideal of Gaudiya Vaishnavism into universal principles and understandable language, it's just hard to believe that people are not lining up to sign up for this! I guess the Gita says it itself why this doesn't happen: raja guhyam.


No, asraddhadasya purusam dharmasyasya parantapa (Bg 9.3)

Citta Hari Dasa - April 27, 2009 2:45 pm
No, asraddhadasya purusam dharmasyasya parantapa (Bg 9.3)


I was also thinking of Gita 7.3: manusyanam sahasresu . . .

Swami - April 27, 2009 7:11 pm
I was also thinking of Gita 7.3: manusyanam sahasresu . . .



Yes, but 9.3 is the direct answer in sequence.


I must say the programs here have been extraordinary, and not only well attended in terms of numbers, but the audience is practically leaning forward to drink with their ears every word coming out of my mouth. But I am not used to the amount of praise I am receiving here, especially from Godbrothers and Godsisters. even after verbally, repeatedly expressing such they go home and email me more. It's not that it goes to my head, but it's embarrassing and difficult to sidestep, which is my natural tendency.

Madan Gopal Das - April 27, 2009 7:46 pm

I have notes from classes for this trip, but have not had time to post them. Since GN is posting some summaries, maybe I'll try to put some remembrances of the other kind of nectar that happened outside of the classes. It has been a wonderful, wonderful visit.


Regarding the enthusiasm of the attendees to hear from GM, it also says something about how parched the society of devotees (particularly iskcon) are in the absence of high quality katha like GM gives. We are in an area that is not lacking in numbers of devotees or that is disconnected from the preaching circuit, but still it feels to me that devotees are not satisfied with what they've got.


Everyone here who is connected to iskcon becomes so enthusiastic hearing from GM that they all want to bring him back, have him give classes, etc. Everyone else who is not iskconnected just plain loves to hear from him.


GM said to me yesterday "I'm getting kind of tired of hearing everyone tell me how great I am"! :Just Kidding:

Citta Hari Dasa - April 27, 2009 8:43 pm

It's great to hear how enthusiastically GM is being received on this trip!

Babhru Das - April 27, 2009 9:22 pm

Coincidentally, I spent a little time today with an ISKCON sannyasi (who, I think, initiates disciples) who had asked me for more mp3's of Swami's talks. He was delighted to hear of my association with Swami and wondered what the danger would be of some sort of reconciliation with ISKCON. Perhaps rhetorically, he asked, "That he might preach something that wouldn't be supported by the GBC?" I shrugged and said, "maybe, on one or two issues, if someone asked about them. He would probably answer as forthrightly as he always does." He asked what we could do about that. The only thing I could think of would be to discuss things openly with the GBC.


Eventually, I believe the pressure to allow Swami in ISKCON centers will come from the membership. In the meantime, he seems to find plenty of service for himself and the rest of us. And we don't have to share him. :Just Kidding:

Citta Hari Dasa - April 27, 2009 10:21 pm

Will pressure from the membership actually move the GBC? As long as they perceive GM to be a threat (i.e., preaches a siddhanta different from the officially-sanctioned "siddhanta" espoused by the GBC on some important issues) then no way they will allow him to speak in ISKCON centers. It would open up a whole can of worms they're not ready to deal with, since he no doubt will not compromise the truth on such issues, and they would I'm pretty sure be quite unwilling to admit they were wrong. I just can't see that happening any time soon.










Coincidentally, I spent a little time today with an ISKCON sannyasi (who, I think, initiates disciples) who had asked me for more mp3's of Swami's talks. He was delighted to hear of my association with Swami and wondered what the danger would be of some sort of reconciliation with ISKCON. Perhaps rhetorically, he asked, "That he might preach something that wouldn't be supported by the GBC?" I shrugged and said, "maybe, on one or two issues, if someone asked about them. He would probably answer as forthrightly as he always does." He asked what we could do about that. The only thing I could think of would be to discuss things openly with the GBC.


Eventually, I believe the pressure to allow Swami in ISKCON centers will come from the membership. In the meantime, he seems to find plenty of service for himself and the rest of us. And we don't have to share him. :Just Kidding:

Babhru Das - April 27, 2009 10:30 pm
Will pressure from the membership actually move the GBC? As long as they perceive GM to be a threat (i.e., preaches a siddhanta different from the officially-sanctioned "siddhanta" espoused by the GBC on some important issues) then no way they will allow him to speak in ISKCON centers. It would open up a whole can of worms they're not ready to deal with, since he no doubt will not compromise the truth on such issues, and they would I'm pretty sure be quite unwilling to admit they were wrong. I just can't see that happening any time soon.


Maybe not. But, along with what was going on in NC, there were three sannyasis here in Alachua this weekend who are all friendly with Swami. And plenty of people on that Prabhupada Disciples list on pamho.net favored inviting him to participate. Yes, as the sannyasi I met with today said, there are hardliners (I'd call them hard heads). But it may be that their bullying wears so thin that it's no longer tenable.

Gaura-Vijaya Das - April 28, 2009 1:50 am
Maybe not. But, along with what was going on in NC, there were three sannyasis here in Alachua this weekend who are all friendly with Swami. And plenty of people on that Prabhupada Disciples list on pamho.net favored inviting him to participate. Yes, as the sannyasi I met with today said, there are hardliners (I'd call them hard heads). But it may be that their bullying wears so thin that it's no longer tenable.


Who are those sanyasis who are friendly?

Babhru Das - April 28, 2009 2:00 am

Jayadvaita Maharaja, Gunagrahi Maharaja, and B. V. Madhava Maharaja.

Atmananda Dasa - April 28, 2009 3:32 am

The photos I took are too big to put up here. I took about 250 photos, but they need to be sorted out. I'll get them up somewhere on the web as soon as I get a chance. Probably Wednesday because I've gone back to work now and that's my next day off.

Nitaisundara Das - April 28, 2009 4:14 am
The photos I took are too big to put up here. I took about 250 photos, but they need to be sorted out. I'll get them up somewhere on the web as soon as I get a chance. Probably Wednesday because I've gone back to work now and that's my next day off.

lookin' forward to it

Syamasundara - April 28, 2009 10:54 am

What about O my Friend O my Friend? Did it come up?


Please don't spare any word about it.

Atmananda Dasa - April 30, 2009 5:04 pm

Here is a slide show I put together from my photos of Swami's visit to NC. Please excuse any weird advertisements on the site. It wouldn't fit on Youtube and I didn't have enough time to edit it after creating it. Anyway, here it is. I hope you enjoy it.



Prema-bhakti - April 30, 2009 5:18 pm

Thanks for the great slide show Atmananda.


NC look so beautiful. Everyone's homes were so nice and surrounded by forest. I must admit I am jealous of you all for being able to go on a picnic with GM. :Big Grin:


Nandulal is one lucky little fellow!

Syama Gopala Dasa - April 30, 2009 5:47 pm

Oh My! Let it be July already? I can't wait to hear from Guru Maharaj!

Gaurangi-priya Devi - May 1, 2009 1:05 am

Atmananda, thanks so much for taking those pictures and putting them together in that wonderful slide show. It is so nice to see the whole trip in photos. I nominate you the photographer for every trip.


Gurumaharaj's visit here in NC was spectacular, wonderful, inspiring, awesome........ :Big Grin:

Serving in separation now until next time.

Bijaya Kumara Das - May 1, 2009 8:42 am
Here is a slide show I put together from my photos of Swami's visit to NC. Please excuse any weird advertisements on the site. It wouldn't fit on Youtube and I didn't have enough time to edit it after creating it. Anyway, here it is. I hope you enjoy it.




Madan Gopal Das - May 4, 2009 2:39 pm
I'll try to put some remembrances of the other kind of nectar that happened outside of the classes.


Moments of being with GM pop into my head at various times throughout the days, so as they do I'll share them. As today is Ekadasi here, I was reminded of a question Atmananda asked GM about Ekadasi. It was something to the effect of "why do we follow it anyway?!". As GM has answered this question over the years, I expected that he would concentrate on the lila aspect; that we follow it because Mahaprabhu followed it, and asked even his mother to follow. Instead, typical of GM's harmonizing spirit and contemporary thinking, he went in the direction of helping to make sense out of it for a modern practitioner. He spoke on how Ekadasi could be thought of as a "conservation" kind of voluntary fast. He mentioned how SP used to sometimes speak about it in such a way - that if people fasted from grains twice/month, how much grain that would make available for the world diet, the hungry, etc.

Madan Gopal Das - May 4, 2009 2:46 pm

One day Guru-nistha went with Gaurangi to see the local Iskcon temple. He wanted to check it out, was interested in the construction (it's a geodesic dome), etc. At some point later in the day he told GM about how there is a credit card deity donation atm machine to the right of the altar. GM got such a kick out of that! He was laughing about how they were "selling indulgences", because through the fancy technology you are told that you will receive "unlimited blessings", etc. GM had a lot of fun with that, and wants a picture and possibly a harmonist article out of it.

Madan Gopal Das - May 4, 2009 2:59 pm

Somewhere on this site there is a picture of Mayapur-chandra's head in the sand, legs in the air during a wrestling match with Guru-nistha. I just want Mayski to know that he has been avenged!!! GN was itching for a fight one day so he decided to take me on. I think we're pretty evenly matched, and oh was it fun. The real point though - I won. :Bring It On:


No, actually something stopped us when I had him pinned, just before GN was going to eat moss in my back yard... We'll have to have a wrestling day as part of the August festival to see who is the true undefeated champion! I propose the first annual Audarya olympics!

Citta Hari Dasa - May 4, 2009 3:35 pm
Somewhere on this site there is a picture of Mayapur-chandra's head in the sand, legs in the air during a wrestling match with Guru-nistha. I just want Mayski to know that he has been avenged!!! GN was itching for a fight one day so he decided to take me on. I think we're pretty evenly matched, and oh was it fun. The real point though - I won. :Bring It On:


No, actually something stopped us when I had him pinned, just before GN was going to eat moss in my back yard... We'll have to have a wrestling day as part of the August festival to see who is the true undefeated champion! I propose the first annual Audarya olympics!



Yes! The cowherd boys will wrestle. Better watch out, though--I have a feeling Vrindaranya will whoop us all. :Devil:

Nitaisundara Das - May 4, 2009 4:40 pm
Yes! The cowherd boys will wrestle. Better watch out, though--I have a feeling Vrindaranya will whoop us all. :Devil:


Don't get her started about last summer's arm wrestling match with GN :Bring It On:

Audarya-lila Dasa - May 4, 2009 5:42 pm
Somewhere on this site there is a picture of Mayapur-chandra's head in the sand, legs in the air during a wrestling match with Guru-nistha. I just want Mayski to know that he has been avenged!!! GN was itching for a fight one day so he decided to take me on. I think we're pretty evenly matched, and oh was it fun. The real point though - I won. :Bring It On:


No, actually something stopped us when I had him pinned, just before GN was going to eat moss in my back yard... We'll have to have a wrestling day as part of the August festival to see who is the true undefeated champion! I propose the first annual Audarya olympics!


If we are going to have olympics then we should include events other than wrestling. If we could find an appropriate venue I would be happy to challenge anyone to a swimming race. I know it's not very practical since Audarya is off in the woods and there isn't a pool or anything - but we could go down to the river under the bridge.....


I had two brothers that competed in wrestling in high school, so I was exposed to the sport quite a bit - I never liked the sport and gave it up as a very young lad because it felt too much to me like a fight, which I am naturally repulsed by.

Guru-nistha Das - May 4, 2009 6:12 pm
The real point though - I won. :Bring It On:




See you in August!

Madan Gopal Das - May 4, 2009 6:55 pm
If we are going to have olympics then we should include events other than wrestling.

Definitely! We could do all kinds of things; three legged races, water baloon tosses, cow pie shoveling speed trials, milking contests, cooking contests, sweet rice chugging contests, a cartoon-off (between Krsangi and GN), bathroom cleaning contests... I got a million! I always wanted to try what Rama and Krsna do; pasture skiing holding onto a cow's tail. :Bring It On:


Don't worry Audarya-lila, we could also do sumo style wrestling (plenty of traditional sumo wear available :Devil:) where you just have to push the opponent out of a circle. I forgot about Cittsters, I'm a lil' scared to wrestle that guy. Nah, I could take him.


Official junk talker - Madman Gopal. Or as GN knows me - Madam Gopal

Syamasundara - May 5, 2009 1:51 am

Just see, everybody is proposing the Vaishnava/cowherd discipline or skill they already excel in. :Devil: :Bring It On:


Let's make a contest for best imitation of the forest animals... :Smug:

Citta Hari Dasa - May 5, 2009 2:26 am
Just see, everybody is proposing the Vaishnava/cowherd discipline or skill they already excel in. :Devil: :Bring It On:


Heh. How about board-planing contests with a block plane? Or who can cut the straightest line with a skillsaw?


Okay, just kidding.



I'll be there for the wrastlin' Mr. Gopal. :Smug:

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - May 5, 2009 8:14 am
Here is a slide show I put together from my photos of Swami's visit to NC. Please excuse any weird advertisements on the site. It wouldn't fit on Youtube and I didn't have enough time to edit it after creating it. Anyway, here it is. I hope you enjoy it.




Thank you prabhu, very much! You made this very nice!

It's always good to keep oneself informed regarding GM

travelling, especially since I am here in Serbia thousands

of miles from all of you...


Still I am spiritualy nourished when I watch, listen and

read things from Tattva-viveka.


Thank you once more!



Devyah-pati das

Karnamrita Das - May 6, 2009 12:27 pm

Hare Krishna! Here is a link to where a few days of this visit is captured in pictures. I didn't do a total photo essay as usual as many of the pictures are very similar to the other visits in NC. It seems that the real experience is in getting the MP3 and also in the devotees reflections. I will try to add mine in the next week or so. My wife and I are preparing to do 2 workshops in New Vrindavana so we are quite busy. Swami did say on the last conference call that this was the best visit to NC since everyone who came was very open and favorable. When he first came I invited everyone in the community, and some were in the evaluating or judging frame of mind.


We are always grateful for Swami's valuable association and look forward to revisiting his visit by listening to the MP3 and his next visit in November.


I wasn't able to view the pictures in Atmananda's slide show. Nice music though. Perhaps my internet connection is not fast enough.

Here is the picture link http://www.flickr.com/photos/kadzucs/sets/72157617774975288/

Citta Hari Dasa - May 6, 2009 2:26 pm
Hare Krishna! Here is a link to where a few days of this visit is captured in pictures. I didn't do a total photo essay as usual as many of the pictures are very similar to the other visits in NC. It seems that the real experience is in getting the MP3 and also in the devotees reflections. I will try to add mine in the next week or so. My wife and I are preparing to do 2 workshops in New Vrindavana so we are quite busy. Swami did say on the last conference call that this was the best visit to NC since everyone who came was very open and favorable. When he first came I invited everyone in the community, and some were in the evaluating or judging frame of mind.


We are always grateful for Swami's valuable association and look forward to revisiting his visit by listening to the MP3 and his next visit in November.


I wasn't able to view the pictures in Atmananda's slide show. Nice music though. Perhaps my internet connection is not fast enough.

Here is the picture link http://www.flickr.com/photos/kadzucs/sets/72157617774975288/



Thanks for posting the link Karnam!


I couldn't help but notice that Servant-of-eternal-ear-nectar's thumbnail photo kinda resembles Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. It must be the eyebrows. :Bring It On:

Madan Gopal Das - May 18, 2009 11:47 am

more photos from nc initiation: link

Babhru Das - May 18, 2009 7:04 pm

Wonderful! Thank you.

Prahlad Das - May 18, 2009 10:45 pm
Heh. How about board-planing contests with a block plane? Or who can cut the straightest line with a skillsaw?


Okay, just kidding.

I'll be there for the wrastlin' Mr. Gopal. :Big Grin:

You're on! :Shocked: