
attack on ISKCON

Gaura-Vijaya Das - May 16, 2009 12:14 am

In this document which I saw right now IDS says that how SSM subtly criticized SP. SSM just said that they should respect all members of Gaudiya Math as any of them could have gone to the west like SP.

This is on Page 7 of the document and he further says that SP was devastated when he got the news that they visited SSM.


Atmananda Dasa - May 16, 2009 2:28 am
In this document which I saw right now IDS says that how SSM subtly criticized SP. SSM just said that they should respect all members of Gaudiya Math as any of them could have gone to the west like SP.

This is on Page 7 of the document and he further says that SP was devastated when he got the news that they visited SSM.


interesting GV I just read that very same lecture last night.


I found it interesting that he first says that Srila Sridhar Maharaja very subtely offended Srila Prabhupada by his comment that any member of the Gaudiya Math could have done what Srila Prabhupada had done so they should respect them accordingly. I don't understand how it is that this comment can be constued as an offence. It appears to me to be some good advice that we should take to heart. It is, after all, Krishna who empowers an individual to spread the chanting of the holy names. It is Krishna's will. For devotees he may choose to use them in this way. Later on he says that he offers his respects to Srila Sridhar Maharaja, that he is a pure devotee who entered the nitya lila. So, how is it that on one side Srila Sridhar Maharaja has made an aparadha and on the other side he is a pure devotee who entered the nitya lila?


Anyway, this lecture was given more than 10 years ago, Indradyumna Swami may have changed his tune by now.


There was also an article published on the (appa)sampraya sun about a month ago which somehow tries to connect Srila Sridhar Maharaja to the origin of the ritvik philosophy. The authors idea was that the idea originated with Sridhar Maharaja and was somehow transfered subtely through the ether to the devotees in Carrier, Mississippi who concocted the ritvik doctrine.


It is astonishing to me how the devotees are coming up with these ideas. Srila Srdhar maharaja is the emblem of humility and grace. They are just abusing him horribly. They are trying every possible way to externalize the problems and find a scapegoat. If ever I meet any of these devotees face to face I will definitely confront them on this issue.

Swami - May 16, 2009 2:36 am

This is not accurate. SM did not speak on the occasion, but one sannyasi said in the assembly about SP's disciples that "they are chanting but they are not chanting suddha nama." Prabhupada took exception to this remark and perhaps the fact that SM did not comment. These dealings between SP an his Godbrothers are filled with poor communication and some actual envy of him from the other side. Once this envy became clear, everything coming from that side was questioned by SP. He probably felt about them as a whole as I feel about so many. Still he loved SM and SM had no envy of him and even chastised others for their envy on occasion.

Gaura-Vijaya Das - May 16, 2009 3:12 am

I find that the issue is more about trying to see SSM with such heavy scrutiny and overlooking the same behavior if it comes from SP. I am uneasy with this attitude in ISKCON.

Swami - May 16, 2009 3:26 am
I find that the issue is more about trying to see SSM with such heavy scrutiny and overlooking the same behavior if it comes from SP. I am uneasy with this attitude in ISKCON.



Yes, that's also true.

Gaura-Vijaya Das - May 16, 2009 3:42 am

The other point is that IDS says that he appreciates the association of SRS a lot, without realizing that SRS has got a lot of nectar from NM. All along he criticises people who go outside ISKCON to get any siksha.

And this whole thing about SP being the only siksha guru for ISKCON members.