
Finland/Poland 2009

Syamasundara - August 4, 2009 5:25 pm

I see, so everybody must still be knocked out from the retreat that no one can even get his thoughts together for a report or pictures.

No, that's good.....

Syama Gopala Dasa - August 4, 2009 8:04 pm

Here are my Finland pictures (not all from the retreat):



Quick summary:

Guru Maharaj spoke on astanga yoga from the sixth chapter Bhagavad Gita. Three devotees received initiation. Gopananda, Gokulachandra and Gopesh, formerly Ludwig, Patryk and Graciano. Outi, a girl from Finland, also asked whether she could study under Guru Maharaj and he approved. There was about a group of 16 people all the time on the island and about 30/35 in total who visited. We had people from eg Sweden, Finland, Poland, Italy. Everyone who came stayed for at least one night. Some of them had never been to a bhakti yoga retreat (but were yogis), and promised to come back next year. Kamalaksa and Krsangi were afraid that not a lot of people would show up, but this retreat turned out to be one of the nicest thus far. I am glad that it turned out this way, otherwise it may have meant the end of the Finnish retreats. Kamalaksa and Krsangi put in so much time and money to make this happen that that would have been a shame. Many thanks again to K&K!



Gaura-Vijaya Das - August 5, 2009 2:24 am
Here are my Finland pictures (not all from the retreat):



Quick summary:

Guru Maharaj spoke on astanga yoga from the sixth chapter Bhagavad Gita. Three devotees received initiation. Gopananda, Gokulachandra and Gopesh, formerly Ludwig, Patryk and Graciano. Outi, a girl from Finland, also asked whether she could study under Guru Maharaj and he approved. There was about a group of 16 people all the time on the island and about 30/35 in total who visited. We had people from eg Sweden, Finland, Poland, Italy. Everyone who came stayed for at least one night. Some of them had never been to a bhakti yoga retreat (but were yogis), and promised to come back next year. Kamalaksa and Krsangi were afraid that not a lot of people would show up, but this retreat turned out to be one of the nicest thus far. I am glad that it turned out this way, otherwise it may have meant the end of the Finnish retreats. Kamalaksa and Krsangi put in so much time and money to make this happen that that would have been a shame. Many thanks again to K&K!




nice pics. But no pics of GM at all?

Syama Gopala Dasa - August 5, 2009 6:09 am
nice pics. But no pics of GM at all?


You missed this one but there were others with big cameras who took pictures as well. Gopesh posted some on facebook. I didn't take that many pictures.



Gopesh Dasa - August 6, 2009 4:01 pm

I'm sorry, I been busy working like a mule.

Shyamgopala probably forgot how tasty the prasada was... I'm still in bliss. And yes many thanks to K&K once again, i had very great time and fun!!

Well in Poland other three devotees had initiation, and i think one of them hreeived also the seccond initiation in the same day. Unfortunately i don't remember their names(i'm brainless), only one which is Vijaya Govinda Dasa, formerly Lukash i think, from Poland.


Guru Maharaj started chapter seven from Bhagavad Gita in the morning time, while during the afternoon there was Q&A. There was a group of 20/25 people all the time. All of them were Polish mostly living in Poland and not english speaking. I don't know how many of them organized everything, but a thanks goes to all of them, it turned out very nice and much more interesting in Q&A!

So still many thanks to the Polish devotees.


Here some pics of Guru Maharaj in Finland and Poland.























and here some more... http://en.sevenload.com/videos/RyOsXGZ-Finland-Retreat-2009

Gaura-sakti Dasa - August 7, 2009 9:05 am
Well in Poland other three devotees had initiation, and i think one of them hreeived also the seccond initiation in the same day. Unfortunately i don't remember their names(i'm brainless), only one which is Vijaya Govinda Dasa, formerly Lukash i think, from Poland.


harinama diksa:


Lukasz - Vijaya Govinda dasa

Andrzej - Anadi-Krsna dasa

Norbert - Navayauvana dasa


mantra diksa:


Anadi-Krsna dasa

Navayauvana dasa

Daivi Sakti dasi

Gaura-sakti Dasa - August 7, 2009 10:01 am



Vijaya Govinda dasa




Anadi-Krsna dasa




Navayauvana dasa




Daivi-sakti dasi

Bijaya Kumara Das - August 9, 2009 6:03 am


Vijaya Govinda dasa




Anadi-Krsna dasa




Navayauvana dasa




Daivi-sakti dasi

thank you for the update it is nice to have 3 new siblings, dandavat and i look froward to their words of wisdom

Tadiya Dasi - August 9, 2009 9:29 am

Welcome to the family, everyone! :) :He He:

Madan Gopal Das - August 9, 2009 9:46 pm

Yes, welcome all new brother's and sisters!!! We're so happy to see and hear about you. I'll have to learn some Polish and Finnish, but for now, in the universal language of emoticonish, here's one for each of you - :) :He He: ;):Devil::Hug::Hug::Hug:

Mayapurcandra Das - August 10, 2009 5:34 pm
Yes, welcome all new brother's and sisters!!! We're so happy to see and hear about you. I'll have to learn some Polish and Finnish, but for now, in the universal language of emoticonish, here's one for each of you - :) :He He: ;):Devil::Hug::Hug::Hug:

You can learn some useful Polish words from Nitai, just ask him :D


Few more pics from Guru Maharaja's visit in Poland.

2.jpg 5.jpg 3.jpg 7.jpg Altar-Gaurasiakti' Deities- Gaura-Giriraja and Sri Sri Radha Vijay Krsna

12.jpg from left-Anadi Kryszna, Nitiangi, and Gopes (you can see his sikha :) )


16.jpg Premarnava 9.jpg Gokulacandra 11.jpg from left-Caitanya Rupini, her husband Navayauvana, and piece of Brajasundari :)


14.jpg Vijay Govinda, Nitiangi, Radhikaseva, -in front- Gopes and Gokulacandra

Kamalaksa Das - August 15, 2009 2:07 am

Boy how time flies when you´re having fun!


It seems like an eternity since the summer retreat, now that we have been under Gurunistha´s iron grip for the past two weeks here at Audarya.


In a sense you could say that we opted for a prolonged summer retreat, as it seems that the mandatory five days just don´t cut it anymore. And should the mountain not stay by Mohammed's side, then Mohammed has to catch a flight to the mountains.


But that is, as they say, a whole other story. In this short post I just wish to thank all of those who participated in making this one of the finest retreats in history! You were all too kind and helpful! (Or afraid that I would not let you off the island, should you not co-operate... :Applause: )


Below are some of the few shots I managed to take during the all too short time we spent together. I leave it to those who participated to fill in captions for the pictures.


Hoping that we will meet again soon - but latest next summer!




Kamalaksa Das - August 15, 2009 2:08 am

And the second batch.




Kamalaksa Das - August 15, 2009 2:10 am





Kamalaksa Das - August 15, 2009 2:11 am





Kamalaksa Das - August 15, 2009 2:13 am

And final.



