
Sri Guru Parampara

Madan Gopal Das - October 22, 2009 6:10 pm

I have been enjoying chanting Sri Guru Parampara by BSST for some time now and in researching different missions' presentation of it I wanted to adjust it a little for ours. I need some help from some Bengali composers though; (Bhrigu, Shyamu?)


Verses 1-8 seem universal. Then it seems to diverge into (1) honoring BSST with two lines composed by his followers and continuing the song to honor subsequent acaryas (2) each mission honors their respective acarya with a 4 line verse or (3) some who respect an acarya outside of their mission honor them with a two line verse.


Here is kind of the standard 8th verse:


viśwanātha-bhakta-sātha, baladeva jagannātha,

tāra priya śrī-bhaktivinoda

mahā-bhāgavata-bara, śrī-gaurakiśora-bara,

hari-bhajanete jā'ra moda


then a new verse (9) starts which I would like to see the first two lines honoring BSST as:

śrī-vārṣabhānavī-barā, sadā sevya-sevā-parā,

tāhāra dayita-dāsa-nāma


Then the problem is finding a two line verse for Srila Sridhar Maharaj. I have yet to find one, but it would nicely end that 9th verse.

Then for beginning a tenth verse we could use these two lines honoring Prabhupada:

tāra pradhān pracārako, śrī-bhaktivedānta nāmo,

patita-janete doyā-dhāma


and then I thought we could complete the song with two lines composed (by YOU!) to honor Guru Maharaj.



Anyone up for helping me figure this out? I need meter, language, composer consultants! What do you say Bhrigu, Shyamu? Pretty please? :Praying:

Madan Gopal Das - October 22, 2009 6:13 pm

I also like this verse concluding the whole thing:


ei saba harijana, gaurāṅgera nija-jana,

tāṅdera ucchiṣṭe mora kāma

It is my desire to honour the remnants (ucchiṣṭa) – their mahāprasāda and their instructions – from the lotus mouths of all these personal associates of Śrī Kṛṣṇa and Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu.

Madan Gopal Das - October 22, 2009 6:17 pm

Here is SCS math's verse honoring Srila Sridhar Maharaj; but it is 4 lines. The diacritics are destroyed in translation from a pdf:


tadabh^nna deha-divya svar¨pa-r¨pa-raghu-jivya

sadå sevya jaíra pådapadma

susiddhånta m¨rtti-dhara ßr^ ßr^dhara guruvara

rupånuga-sådhu ßreya sadma

The nondifferent personality and embodiment of bhakti-siddhånta as well as

çr^la Saraswat^ ëhåkura; and who is living within the conception of çr^la Swar¨p

Dåmodar, çr^la R¨pa Goswåm^ and çr^la Raghunåth dåsa Goswåm^; and whose lotus

feet are always the worshipable, and the happy shelter of the followers of R¨pa

Goswåm^, he is çr^la çr^dhar Dev-Goswåm^.

Madan Gopal Das - October 22, 2009 6:19 pm

Here is a two line verse glorifying Sridhar Maharaj, but the meter doesn't fit the rest of the song:

sri-bhakti-raksaka sankirtana-murti dhara

sei hetu guru-nama rakhila sridhara (10)


Because he is the Guardian of Devotion

as the very embodiment of the world-chanting of the glories

of the Supreme Lord, his Guru named him

Srila Bhakti-Raksak Sridhar Maharaj,

the protector of the highest wealth of the soul.

Bhrigu - October 23, 2009 11:21 am

We already have a final verse for our sanga. I know the audaryavasis have it. Perhaps someone could post it? I can't seem to find it on my computer.

Guru-nistha Das - October 24, 2009 2:32 am

Sorry for the slow reaction. Here it is:


9. śrī-vārṣabhānavī barā, sadā sevya-seva-parā,

tāhāra dayita-dāsa nāma

se siddhānta-sarasvatī, nāma diyā viśva māti

kore gauḍīya maṭh saṃsthāṇa


10. tãra ati-priya-jan, śrīdhara-gosvāmī han,


prabhupādera ekānta, svāmi śrī-bhaktivedānta,

patita-janete dayā-dhāma


11. tãdera parama-preṣṭha, priya-narma-jana-śreṣṭha,

bhakativedānta tripurāri

vinod-vāṇi śire dhari’ śāstra-bhāva-mantha kori’

nūtana-pracārer adhikāri


12. e saba paramahaṃsa, gaurāṅgera nija-vaṃśa,

tādera ucchiṣṭa mora kāma

tãdera caraṇa-rati, sei se uttamā gati,

tāra saba gaura-guṇa-dhāma


9. Śrī Vārṣabhānavī is totally devoted to serving the supreme object of service, and he who is

known as Dayita Dāsa belongs to her. This Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura intoxicated

the world with the holy name and founded the Gauḍīya Maṭh.


10. A very dear follower of his is Śrīla Bhakti Rakṣaka Śrīdhara Dev Gosvāmī Mahārāja, the very

life of the saints that follow in the line of Śrī Rūpa Gosvāmī. Śrīla A.C. Bhaktivedānta Swami

Prabhupāda was also a single-minded disciple of Prabhupāda Sarasvatī Ṭhākura, and a veritable

abode of mercy towards the fallen souls.


11. Their dearest disciple is Swami Bhaktivedānta Tripurāri Maharāja, the best of the funny and

likable people. Taking the teachings of Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura on his head, he churns the

ocean of scriptural feeling, and is qualified to preach in a contemporary way.

12. All these paramahaṃsas are Lord Gaurāṅga’s own family; my desire is only to partake of their

remnants. Love for their feet is the ultimate attainment, for they are all embodiments of Lord

Gaura’s qualities.


I remember that we ended up changing the words "funny and likable" in the english translation but looks like I forgot to change it in the version I have and I can't remember what the change was . . . I'm sorry about that.

Madan Gopal Das - October 24, 2009 3:27 pm

this is awesome! dream come true! thanks!!!


I'm assuming that all the a's that have the squiggle over them are supposed to have a straight line right?


I'd like to hear what the alternative is to funny and likable. How about humorous and affectionate? No one can argue that GM is that!

Bhrigu - October 26, 2009 1:04 pm

"Best of the funny and likeable people" is priya-narma-jana-srestha in Bengali, so humorous and affectionate would no doubt work just as well. It is just a cover-up, after all! :-)


The squiggle should be a squiggle! It indicates a nasalisation of the vowel. The first "tādera" in verse 12 should be "tãdera".

Guru-nistha Das - October 28, 2009 3:24 am

Ok, I found the change we made to the translation of the SGP verse. It's "best of the dear and witty ones."