
Was Vyasadeva one person?

Yamuna Dasi - November 9, 2009 8:17 am

Most probably my question sounds ridiculous, but at a philosophy course (comparative study between Eastern and Western philosophy) the lecturer said that Vyasa was not one single person but rather a collective image and that Puranas (he could not answer my question which Purana exactly) speak about 28 different Vyasas.


Can somebody please shed some light on this?

Shyamananda Das - November 9, 2009 10:11 am

In Sanga, January 29, 2002, Vol. IV, No. 2, "Arya Samaj and the Bhagavatam", Swami wrote:


"A word about Vyasa may be in order. Vyasa did not write all of the scripture. He compiled and edited it, as the title Vyasa suggests, and there may be more than one Vyasa. Parasara was also known as Vyasa. It is conceivable that others over time have written “scripture” and attributed their work to Vyasa. This might not always be a questionable act, but rather one of integrity. Why? Because such authors would have felt that they themselves did not write the book, but that Bhagavan Vyasa inspired them to write what they did, that it was Vyasa who actually wrote the book through them. It is possible."

