
Help with landscaping Audarya!

Guru-nistha Das - December 5, 2009 5:19 pm

Now that the main structures of Audarya are up, Guru Maharaja has turned his focus on the natural surroundings of the dhama. Like we have mentioned before here, his brother has been working on a beautiful landscaping design. The idea is that we will start from up top around Guru Maharaja's house and go down towards the temple. The first installment will be from the house to the bathhouse. The idea behind the landscaping is the same as behind making the infrastructure attractive: it serves as a vision of a prototype for Gaudiya vaishnava monasteries that not only have the philosphical beauty to them but the attempt is to bring some of that beauty out for the naked eye as well. We have already had very positive feedback from outsiders who have come to visit and have been blown away by the beauty of the place. Landscaping will take that effect on a totally new level and we are very excited about it!


We would like to extend a request to our congregation for a service opportunity in this regard. To make this happen, we will need some more funds, so donations would be very much appreciated. As you can see from the plans attached below, the idea is that a lot of the landscaping is also edible, so that's another very concrete way of how this project is an investment in the future of Audarya.


You can contact Shyam Gopal about sending donations at tim@setsail.nl

or you can donate through PayPal at https://swami.c4.ixwebhosting.com/store/asub_paypal.php



Thank you very much!





Fruit_Grove_Close_Up.pdf Bath_House_with_Plants_Close_Up.pdf Bath_House_with_Plants.pdf


Front_Entry.pdf Main_House_Plan_with_Plants.pdf Main_House_with_Fruit_Grove.pdf



Swami - December 5, 2009 11:02 pm

This is a big project and I need help from just about everyone to complete it. The design includes a list of plants with prices attached herein. I suggest that everyone pick a tree or plant and buy one for the holy day season. Of devotees can contribute to the hardscape in the form of stone patios, decking, sauna, etc.

Here is the plant price list. Note that these are all mature plants. Note also that we are trying to do the first four categories on the list at the moment.


Bijaya Kumara Das - December 6, 2009 5:40 am
devotees can contribute to the hardscape in the form of sauna,

I can make the sauna out of the cedar that Chitahari prepared unless you have used it else where, then I can prepare more and make it out of that.

Madan Gopal Das - December 6, 2009 1:22 pm

Are the little ladder looking things (one on the main entrance and one between the bath house and hill up to GM's house) bridges over the roads? Wow, that's cool!!!

Vrindaranya Dasi - December 6, 2009 10:03 pm
I can make the sauna out of the cedar that Chitahari prepared unless you have used it else where, then I can prepare more and make it out of that.



Great. You will need to spend couple of weeks here and we will supply the materials and a little help. The structure is 5' x 7'. When can we schedule you for?

Citta Hari Dasa - December 7, 2009 1:27 am
Are the little ladder looking things (one on the main entrance and one between the bath house and hill up to GM's house) bridges over the roads? Wow, that's cool!!!


They look like trellises to me.

Swami - December 7, 2009 2:35 pm
Great. You will need to spend couple of weeks here and we will supply the materials and a little help. The structure is 5' x 7'. When can we schedule you for?


Whoops. The message above was posted be me from Vrindaranya's computer.



Bijaya Kumara Das - December 7, 2009 6:22 pm
Great. You will need to spend couple of weeks here and we will supply the materials and a little help. The structure is 5' x 7'. When can we schedule you for?


do you have the tools ? I have the tools here. Maybe I could build it an they bring it. Do you have the plans or should I use the ones I have ? I would only need to schedule the time but at the moment we are behind on the mortgage and working on a modification. How soon would you need it ?

Gaura-Vijaya Das - December 8, 2009 1:08 am

I am sorry I am not able to contribute to this project much because of the financial situation. Is it ok if I only sponsor 2 Vitex agnus-castus Purple Chaste Tree 5 gal $31.50 $63.00 ?

Swami - December 8, 2009 3:07 am
do you have the tools ? I have the tools here. Maybe I could build it an they bring it. Do you have the plans or should I use the ones I have ? I would only need to schedule the time but at the moment we are behind on the mortgage and working on a modification. How soon would you need it ?


I will call you about these details.

Swami - December 8, 2009 3:08 am
I am sorry I am not able to contribute to this project much because of the financial situation. Is it ok if I only sponsor 2 Vitex agnus-castus Purple Chaste Tree 5 gal $31.50 $63.00 ?



Yes, wonderful. Your help is much appreciated!

Babhru Das - December 8, 2009 3:16 pm

How do we keep track of what's sponsored and what's still available for sponsorship? Do we offer to sponsor plants here?

Swami - December 9, 2009 4:46 am
How do we keep track of what's sponsored and what's still available for sponsorship? Do we offer to sponsor plants here?


Yes I am keeping track here or devotees can email me personally. This is my Christmas marathon! There are plenty of choices left.

Swami - December 10, 2009 3:36 pm

We received the following donation from Tharsana and his family:


1 Crataegus phaenopyrum WASHINGTON HAWTHORN 36" box $990.00


1 Cornus florida 'Rosea' ROSEA FLOWERING DOGWOOD 24" box $390.00


1 Magnolia grandiflora 'Monlia' MAJESTIC BEAUTY MAGNOLIA 24" box $350.00

Vrindavandas - December 11, 2009 1:53 am

do we send the donation money directly to the landscaper or should we do it online at the audarya website?

Swami - December 11, 2009 7:33 pm
do we send the donation money directly to the landscaper or should we do it online at the audarya website?


The landscaper is my younger brother. So we are getting a great deal in terms of his design fees (a two month process that has been paid for). Send the money to Audarya and I will then pay him. But let me know how much you are sending, and thank yu a million times for your help. This one means a lot to me!


I should note that there are additional hardscaping fees for fences, decks, patio's etc. and The Finnish devotees lead by K&K have paid for a portion of this plus my brother's fees.

Swami - December 12, 2009 1:31 am

Thanks to Madhavenda and Tulasi for their 20 British pounds ans to Gopesa for his 55 euros!

Gaura-Vijaya Das - December 12, 2009 2:22 pm
Thanks to Madhavenda and Tulasi for their 20 British pounds ans to Gopesa for his 55 euros!


Syama Gopal has drawn my committed donation from my credit card. He asked me to inform you.

Swami - December 12, 2009 8:31 pm

Gokulacandra just pledged 200$ for the ORNATUM JAPANESE THREADLEAF MAPLE. His comment: it looks just amazing!


Yes, it's a beautiful tree. Thanks so much!

Swami - December 12, 2009 9:49 pm

From Gopal das:


I am donating $260 to cover the cost of eight ribes sanguineum, also known as “pokie pink red flower currant.” These will flank the front entry, so when I see them I’ll know I’ve come home.


Thank you!

Swami - December 14, 2009 1:11 pm

Gopesa's family has sent 40 euros for Audarya landscaping. How nice!

Swami - December 14, 2009 7:42 pm

From Tadiya:


I would like to donate the $31 needed for "BURKWOOD VIBURNUM" plant.


Jaya Gaura!

Swami - December 14, 2009 7:57 pm

Vamsidhari has just donated $100. May he be belssed ten fold!

Swami - December 15, 2009 1:47 pm

Vrindavana das has donated $250 and Bhrigupada has donated $108! Vrindavna das needs sambandha jnana. I pray Mahaprabhu will help him assimilate more. Brhrigupada needs to apply his considerable sambandha jnana more. I bless him that he may do so despite any material difficulties in his life.


Thanks to both of you.

Swami - December 18, 2009 8:21 pm

Sridama has donated $150 an volunteered to visit Audarya next year and help with planting, etc. He has a very nice attitude toward seva.

Swami - December 19, 2009 10:34 am

From Portland:


Hari-bhakti and Scott $150

Gaura Krsna $1008


Portland is my favorite US city for outreach at this time because of devotees like these three and others living there. Hari-bhakti in particular has organized the best outreach and follow up for our mission of any of my students not living at Audarya or Madhuvan. The Japanese gardens there were also an inspiration for the present landscaping at Audarya. Gaura Krsna has a love for gardening and for me as well. May his own bhakti lata and those of Scott and Hari-bhakti flourish as a result of their participation in this seva.

Swami - December 20, 2009 12:38 am

Babhru has pledged $150 as well as his summer arrival at Audarya. May it be his land from which there is no return.

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - December 23, 2009 10:12 am



I want to send some money as a donation for landscaping Audarya.


The most easy way for me is to send it with Western Union.


Please, give me the name and surname of the person I should

send money to, and the name of the country. When they transfer

money, I will send you the MTCN number, and money can be picked up.



Devyah-pati das


Swami - January 5, 2010 10:38 am


I want to send some money as a donation for landscaping Audarya.


The most easy way for me is to send it with Western Union.


Please, give me the name and surname of the person I should

send money to, and the name of the country. When they transfer

money, I will send you the MTCN number, and money can be picked up.



Devyah-pati das



Sorry I just read this for the first time. Please send the money to Carolyn Marsden in Santa Rosa California, USA. Then you can email me at swami@swami.org with the MTCN number. Thank you!

Swami - November 14, 2010 6:55 pm

Well we did not raise as much as we wanted to. So I have been working with my brother and we have reduced the size of the plants we will plant and we also managed to get a better wholesale price on everything. We are still a little short. The project we tried to fund will cost 6K and we have not quite collected it, but we are going ahead with it and pulling from elsewhere to make it work. The plants will arrive here on the 1st of December and we hope to install them over a one week marathon. Be sure to visit for Gaura Purnima to see the result in progress (growing to size). My thanks to all who participated.

Babhru Das - November 14, 2010 9:08 pm

Although the news wasn't as positive as we would have liked, I'm glad you posted this. It caused me, in a panic, to check my PayPal history, and, alas, I could find no evidence of having honored my pledge. I will try to do so before I get out of here.