
Krsna Balarama are finally in Central America!

Syamasundara - December 20, 2009 11:23 pm

After days of preparations we finally installed Krsna and Balarama in their Central American estate.

Considering the setup and the resources, we had quite a festival. All the decorations were from Madhuvan flowers, or just outside the property. We had banana leaves and sugar canes on the posts, and on the altar we had our Birds of Paradise, Pavoncillos, purple sugarcane flowers, Bouganvilles and various grasses.

It was a real marathon, trying to finish the outfits, wigs, accessories and jewelry in time, and the jewelry didn't quite happen, also for lack of nice beads, but we finally have KB on the altar! To try to describe their beauty seems almost an insult, but I'll try anyway. Balaramas's right arm going down is perfection personified (well, limbified), his hair is so voluptuous, no matter how incomplete the wig was. When I put the plow on his shoulder I almost lost it, and so also when I saw the cadar going down his chest on the left side. Now I know what it's meant when they say that Krsna actually beautifies his ornaments. Krsna's stick is also something, and the mudras of his hands. And the rope tucked into their sashes... ahhh.

I can't believe I finally got to dress Krsna and Balarama, I felt like I could do that forever, but like anything done in material consciousness, it came to an end.

And then we had a great feast with our own rice, mung, red beans, burgundy okra, bitter melons, plantains, daikon, spinach, mint, chillies, and milk products of course.


And it's not even over, because tonight we'll sing our very first KB sandhya arati song ever!


Oh they're pressing me to post it even if it hasn't been sung yet, so here it goes:


gokule phiri' jacche krsna-balarama

jugala kishor dekhite jagatera kama


purna-candra, syama-ghana, dui brajasundara

go-dhuli-ankita rupe ati manohara


sridama, sudama, subal kore abestana

goru-dhare hasi' gae rama-krsna guna


isa brahma surapati bimaner upore

ullasito drsya dekhi', puspañjali kore


ki bhagya ki anondita braja-basi brnda

jãhara dayita bandhu dui paramananda


bosi' ratna-simhasane, rama-giridhari

pitambara vamsi dhore, nilambara turi


diner sese du' bhai jonne abhira nagore

saba jana prema-dipe arapana kore


ei bhaktivendanta sevak kore nibedana

kobe pabo rama-krsna abhaya carana



Krsna and Balarama are going back to gokula. Everybody is eager to see the divine couple.


The two beautiful boys of Vraja are like the full moon and a dark cloud. With their bodies decorated with cowdust they are extremely charming.


Sridama, Sudama and Subala are all around; in a stream of cows they laugh and sing the qualities of Rama-Krsna.


Siva, Brahma and Indra on top of their airplanes are watching the scene overjoyed and offering flowers.


How lucky, how happy are the people of Vraja bhumi, for their beloved friends are Krsna and Balarama, who are the supreme bliss personified.


Rama and Giridhari are seated on a jeweled throne, Pitambara holds a flute and Nilambara a bugle.


At the end of the day all the people in the cowherd village offer the lamp of their love to the two brothers.


This servant of Bhaktivedanta makes a submission: "When will I attain fearlessness at the feet of Rama-Krsna?"






Swami - December 20, 2009 11:58 pm

Note that these are the vijaya murtis (12") (sri sri dauji gopal) and the larger deities will be installed when the temple is opened, which should not be long from now. Don't miss that event.

Vrindaranya Dasi - December 21, 2009 12:15 am

Ecstatic celebration! I can't believe we've come so far already. Sri Sri Dauji-Gopal ki jaya!!! :He He:



Babhru Das - December 21, 2009 12:28 am

Wow! I'm breathless. Thanks for posting these, and thanks, Vrindaranya, for the extreme close up. I am so out of here. Sri Sri Dauji Gopala ki jaya!

Madan Gopal Das - December 21, 2009 1:47 am

Sri Sri Dauji Gopal are so beautiful. I'm so happy they appeared for their eager devotees. I'm so happy for all of you and so happy that one day I'll get to see them in person. Thank you Guru Maharaj!


I'm so glad they came with an arati song too! Did GM write it? I've been hoping for such a song and knew it was only a matter of time! :He He: What tune are you singing it in?

Syamasundara - December 21, 2009 2:04 am
isa brahma surapati bimaner upore

ullasito drsya dekhi', puspañjali kore


Actually the latest version says "bahaner upore", where "vahana" is any carrier, like Nandi, Airavata, Garuda and so on. Vimana is the swan shaped space vessel of sort, but to say "on top of an airplane sounded weird in English to some, while to say "in their airplanes" sounded even more hilarious, at least to me, imagining Siva calling the flight attendant..

Syamasundara - December 21, 2009 2:12 am
Sri Sri Dauji Gopal are so beautiful. I'm so happy they appeared for their eager devotees.


You've been on my mind this whole week, and if Gaurangi told you, the song was the surprise I was telling her about.

GM wrote it through me. I wrote him in Aug 2008 that KB don't have any song about them and we should see to that. He wrote me he was thinking about that himself those days, only I was working on an evening one, and he on a morning one.

This song has been a dream come true after less than two years of praying and hoping.

Then GM came here and the time was finally right. I shared the lines that had already sprung in my heart, he gave more guidelines, and as soon as he manifested his heart about the song, it manifested in 2 or 3 days.


Jaya Sri Sri Dauji Gopala!


PS Now I need to work on the extra lines (like gaurangera arotik sobha). We just took a video of the arati, but there were only 3 people :( and I am not great at singing and playing at the same time. One true thing about this place is that it only gets better, though. We'll take another video one year from now and we'll see... :)


PPS Same melody as gaura arati.

Vrindaranya Dasi - December 21, 2009 2:46 am

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Guru-nistha Das - December 21, 2009 3:04 am

Jay jay jay!!

Madan Gopal Das - December 21, 2009 3:17 am

fantastic pictures Vrindaranya...

Sridama Dasa - December 21, 2009 3:44 am

Wow, these deities are just beautiful. Madhuvan looks incredible!! :)

Prema-bhakti - December 21, 2009 4:30 am

Such wonderful photos! Thank you Vrindaranya.


Beautiful vaisnavas, beautiful deities. I love the name Dauji Gopal!!!

Bhrigu - December 21, 2009 7:58 am

Sadhu, sadhu! Thank you for the report, the song and the pictures, Shyamu and Vrindaranya!

Swami - December 21, 2009 10:17 am

Here is another arati song I put together with Vrindaranya's help. It follows the lead of Mahajana Thakura Bhaktivinoda, who followed Sri Narahari in writing his Gaura arati. It also borrows from the great Nayananda Thakura's heart, his poems in the sentiment of eternal fraternity for Rama Govinda.


jaya jaya rama krsna arotika sobha

sri vrndavane jaga jana mana lobha


krsna-tate pita-dhati kancira sahite

kari sunda bhuja-yuga valaya tahate


daksine sri-balarama candrama barana

nila-patta paridhana ghurnita locana


sridamera gaura-kanti anga jhalamala

subala prabhrti krsna vesthita sakala


madhura ukti narma-katha subaladi sane

hasya-parihasa kore loiya priya-gane


şiva-suka-narada preme gada-gada

bhakativedanta dekhe yugala sampada


Victory to the beautiful arati of Rama Krsna in Sri Vrndavana that attracts the minds of everyone in the world.

Krsna wears a yellow dhoti along with a belt of tinkling bells. His two arms look like the trunks of elephants and are adorned with bracelets.


To Krsna's right is Sri Balarama, whose complexion is like the full moon. He is wearing blue cloth and his eyes are rolling in intoxication.


Next to him is Sridama whose fair-golden bodily complexion is sparkling. Thus Krsna is completely surrounded by all the boys headed by Subala.

They share sweet statements and jokes with Subala and the other dear ones amidst much smiling, joking, and laughter.


Siva, Suká, and Narada are all there and their voices are choked with the ecstasy of transcendental love. Thus Bhaktivedanta envisions the glory of the divine pair.

Madan Gopal Das - December 21, 2009 4:25 pm

My sanga makes me so happy! Thank you all for being here, there, everywhere for me.


Wow, this ocean of song and sat-sanga just keeps increasing! I really like both these songs.

Shyamu - I also had some thoughts about a song several years ago when GM told me Krsna-Balaram were going to be the deities of Madhuvan. Except I was thinking of a mangala-arati (I love that time of day!). I thought it would be so nice to mirror GM's Audarya Gaura-Mangala Mahima with a sakhya sentiment mangala-arati for Dauji-Gopal. The basis of the song could be the morning aspects of the lila as GM has described, with rowdy boys gathering in the courtyard of Nanda's house, Krsna's friends coming to his door (Nitai bhai cale ase), Krsna remembers his own lila (radha-krsna raho lila, smari rasavese) from the night while rising from bed, early morning milking, preparation for cowherding... :) Unfortunately, I don't have any language composition skills. I just have this vision that one day devotees can transfer between Audarya and Madhuvan singing the same tune and meter absorbed in different, yet compatible lilas. Awesome!


Is the altar outside a cabin - like on a porch?

Syama Gopala Dasa - December 21, 2009 4:45 pm

This is fantastic! It's unbelievable how Madhuvan has developed in these few years. I remember walking there and seeing just jungle...

Syamasundara - December 21, 2009 8:22 pm
I thought it would be so nice to mirror GM's Audarya Gaura-Mangala Mahima with a sakhya sentiment mangala-arati for Dauji-Gopal. The basis of the song could be the morning aspects of the lila as GM has described, with rowdy boys gathering in the courtyard of Nanda's house, Krsna's friends coming to his door (Nitai bhai cale ase), Krsna remembers his own lila (radha-krsna raho lila, smari rasavese) from the night while rising from bed, early morning milking, preparation for cowherding...

Is the altar outside a cabin - like on a porch?


Oh that song is coming next, and I had the very same scenario in mind, minus the milking. I need to catch up with the gardening and get back into gear now, but soon I'll be more free, and if GM likes to engage me again, I'll be ready to be milked.


The altar cabinet is under the porch of the kitchen cabin.

Nava-yauvana Dasa - December 21, 2009 9:47 pm

Dauji - Gopal ki jay


Beautiful Deity.

The most beautiful that I knew.

Vrindaranya, thank you for the pictures.

Wonderful to be in the company of devotees of Krsna.


From frostly Poland with love.

Hari Bhakti - December 21, 2009 11:06 pm

Wow, Dauji-Gopala are stunning...

thank you Vrindaranya, your photos are wonderful.

Syamasundara - December 22, 2009 3:58 pm

In one sense, yesterday it was even better. The pictures of our Lords were bouncing back and forth all over the internet, and people from even outside of our immediate sanga were praising Dauji Gopala. I am so proud of them.

Also, yesterday Juan saw our altar for the first time and even said Krsna. Ok, Krisma, but it was good. He had come up unexpectedly with a bunch of plantains that had just broken off the plant, looked at all the sugar canes and banana decorations, then the altar, and said it was all really beautiful. Somehow he manages to draw parallels with Catholicism at all costs, so when he saw the cows besides the silas, he said he had just the same at home, but he had an ox and a donkey :)


Yesterday Dauji Gopala were wearing their black outfit, which apparently was a hit, because everybody asked me if I had taken a picture.


So, here it goes. The orange one is today.




Prema-bhakti - December 22, 2009 5:33 pm


Yesterday Dauji Gopala were wearing their black outfit, which apparently was a hit, because everybody asked me if I had taken a picture.


So, here it goes. The last one is today.




I really like the style of Dauji Gopal's outfits and turbans. Simple and appropriate. Who has been designing and making them?

Babhru Das - December 22, 2009 5:37 pm
Gaurasundara Das - December 22, 2009 11:34 pm
I really like the style of Dauji Gopal's outfits and turbans. Simple and appropriate. Who has been designing and making them?




Syamasundara - December 23, 2009 2:08 am

Man, they're so beautiful, I noticed that whoever is the cook, when we have a bit of time, we just step outside and look at them. It's so hard to keep the cabinet's doors closed. Yesterday I was seeing them in their black outfit every time I would close my eyes. I hope it's never going to change.

Tadiya Dasi - December 23, 2009 9:08 am

Dauji-Gopala ki jaya! Guru Maharaj ki jaya! Sri Caitanya Sangha ki jaya! :)


One word: Beautiful.

Madan Gopal Das - December 23, 2009 4:59 pm
Man, they're so beautiful

I love Gopal's mudras and angle of his arms. He just looks like he is ready to march; leading the cows and the boys out to or back from the forest! He has a very confidence bestowing (abhaya carana sakhau) look.

Syamasundara - December 26, 2009 2:01 am

I finally found my camera cord, so now all these pictures all together won't have much visual impact, but anyway, here are our Lords as they were in the past two days and today.









Prema-bhakti - December 26, 2009 4:13 am

Nice ropes.


Does Dauji actually have a plow in the Braja-lila?

Swami - December 26, 2009 2:40 pm

He used it in Vraja when he chastised the Yamuna. But he is more well known in the Vraja lila for his buffalo horn--Krsna with flute, Rama with horn. The flute enchants everyone and the horn engages them.

Syamasundara - December 26, 2009 3:42 pm

I like this daily darshan thing. When I was living outside I was always hoping to see something like that, so I hope I'm making a few devotees happy.


Oh, and horn and the rest of the paraphernalia are slowly coming, I just need a free morning once the gardening and guests have been taken care of.




Prema-bhakti - December 26, 2009 6:47 pm
I like this daily darshan thing. When I was living outside I was always hoping to see something like that, so I hope I'm making a few devotees happy.


Oh, and horn and the rest of the paraphernalia are slowly coming, I just need a free morning once the gardening and guests have been taken care of.


Thank you so much for posting Syama!!! I am very happy. :)


Did you make all the beautiful paraphernalia for Dauji Krsna?

Syamasundara - December 26, 2009 11:12 pm

No, not yet.

Syamasundara - December 26, 2009 11:23 pm

Oh, you mean, the one so far?


I made the herding stick for Krsna, the flute and the plow. In a bit of a hurry, though. Soon I'll make a more proportionate and better-looking plow, more flutes, bugles, fighting sticks, whatever the scriptures mention. I found out I love whittling!


Oh, thanks to Gopala dasa for the silver clay and the rest of the care package. I'll be making padukas for Dauji Gopala out of that. Tadiya is coming on Monday with more silver clay.


Anyone else is more than welcome to ship us silver or gold clay, so we can make custom-made paraphernalia, and I mean literally. I'll take the "shoe size" of the deities before shaping the padukas!


Precious metal clay is powdered metal mixed with a natural pulp that burns off in the fire, so you are left with pure silver (or gold, etc). The advantage is that you can mold it like clay, instead of learning how to be a goldsmith.


GS has a background as piercing jewelry maker, so GM wants to set up a little workshop for our Lords asap. How cool is that?


You can find PMC (precious metal clay) here. Make sure it's the kind that can be fired on the stove, as we don't have a kiln. :)



Babhru Das - December 27, 2009 12:16 am

Your postings make me happy, too. Thanks.

Karnamrita Das - December 27, 2009 8:12 pm

Thanks to Vrindaranya & Syamasundara for the pics and everyone for their posts. After hearing Swami's fascinating update on the Swami call today we had to come here to check it out. Very inspiring and inviting! Any pictures of Syamlal, Nama-Cintamini and their daughter, or any other things that are going on, etc?


Karnamrita and Archana

Vrindaranya Dasi - December 28, 2009 12:23 am

Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures of Shyam-lal & Nama-cintamani's visit, but in the next thread in Audarya Notes there are pictures of Preyo-bhakti, Madhuvan's first calf who was born on Christmas morning, and in the thread after that there are pictures of the mung dahl harvest and waterfall pictures.

Syamasundara - December 28, 2009 10:22 pm

Sorry for the delay. This is yesterday's; an outfit Maharha made. We got it through Nama Cintamani and Syamalala.


Syamasundara - December 28, 2009 10:24 pm

And this is today.


Syamasundara - December 29, 2009 4:10 pm

Daily darsan!




Babhru Das - December 29, 2009 4:47 pm
Sorry for the delay. This is yesterday's; an outfit Maharha made. We got it through Nama Cintamani and Syamalala.

Wow! Looks like their Sunday-go-to-meeting outfit. Beautiful. Thanks to Maharha.

Syamasundara - January 1, 2010 2:18 am

I guess I should call it nightly darsan...




Madhukari Dasi - January 1, 2010 7:29 pm

How sweet they look!

Thank u so much for all your hard work

Syamasundara - January 2, 2010 3:23 pm

I moved the daily darsan feature on my Facebook profile, since I was double-posting for nothing. If you are not among my friends there, add me as Syamasundara Dasa.

Babhru Das - January 2, 2010 6:14 pm

This is worth getting on Facebook, if you have been reluctant to do so; he's posting videos!

Citta Hari Dasa - January 26, 2010 5:35 pm

This is so sweet! Could this song be sung at Audarya directly following the Gaura arati?








Here is another arati song I put together with Vrindaranya's help. It follows the lead of Mahajana Thakura Bhaktivinoda, who followed Sri Narahari in writing his Gaura arati. It also borrows from the great Nayananda Thakura's heart, his poems in the sentiment of eternal fraternity for Rama Govinda.


jaya jaya rama krsna arotika sobha

sri vrndavane jaga jana mana lobha


krsna-tate pita-dhati kancira sahite

kari sunda bhuja-yuga valaya tahate


daksine sri-balarama candrama barana

nila-patta paridhana ghurnita locana


sridamera gaura-kanti anga jhalamala

subala prabhrti krsna vesthita sakala


madhura ukti narma-katha subaladi sane

hasya-parihasa kore loiya priya-gane


şiva-suka-narada preme gada-gada

bhakativedanta dekhe yugala sampada


Victory to the beautiful arati of Rama Krsna in Sri Vrndavana that attracts the minds of everyone in the world.

Krsna wears a yellow dhoti along with a belt of tinkling bells. His two arms look like the trunks of elephants and are adorned with bracelets.


To Krsna's right is Sri Balarama, whose complexion is like the full moon. He is wearing blue cloth and his eyes are rolling in intoxication.


Next to him is Sridama whose fair-golden bodily complexion is sparkling. Thus Krsna is completely surrounded by all the boys headed by Subala.

They share sweet statements and jokes with Subala and the other dear ones amidst much smiling, joking, and laughter.


Siva, Suká, and Narada are all there and their voices are choked with the ecstasy of transcendental love. Thus Bhaktivedanta envisions the glory of the divine pair.

Citta Hari Dasa - January 26, 2010 5:51 pm
He used it in Vraja when he chastised the Yamuna. But he is more well known in the Vraja lila for his buffalo horn--Krsna with flute, Rama with horn. The flute enchants everyone and the horn engages them.



Since it's the horn that engages us then what significance does the murti of Dauji holding the plow have for sadhakas? I've heard you say that he uses it to prepare the soil of the heart for the seed of bhakti--is that an ongoing process?

Swami - January 27, 2010 3:12 am
This is so sweet! Could this song be sung at Audarya directly following the Gaura arati?



Yes, certainly

Swami - January 27, 2010 3:14 am
Since it's the horn that engages us then what significance does the murti of Dauji holding the plow have for sadhakas? I've heard you say that he uses it to prepare the soil of the heart for the seed of bhakti--is that an ongoing process?


There are always new bhaktas and he is always preparing them for Krsna. Looking for a horn.

Babhru Das - January 27, 2010 6:05 pm

Would it be okay if the horn were silver or gold colored?

Braja-sundari Dasi - July 16, 2012 12:34 pm

I forgot the refrain, cannot find it here. Any Madhuvan vasi can help? :Praying:

Braja-sundari Dasi - July 16, 2012 8:55 pm

Thank you, Audarya-lila! :dance: This is full text:



gokule phiri' jacche Kṛṣṇa-Balarāma


yugala kishor dekhite jagatera kāma


pūrṇacandra, śyāma-ghana, dui brajasundara


go-dhulī oṅkita rūpe oti manohara


Śrīdāma, Sudāma, Subal kore abeṣṭana


goru-dhāre hasi' gāy Rāma-Kṛṣṇa guṇa


(Rāma-Kṛṣṇa guṇa-gāy! goru-dhāre hasi', naci',


Rāma-Kṛṣṇa guṇa gāy)


Isha, Brahmā, Surapati bahaner upore


ullashita dṛśa dekhi' puṣpāñjali kore


ki bhāgya, ki ānandito brajabāsī vṛṇda


jahara doyita bondhu dui paramānanda


bosi' ratna-siṁhāsone Rāma-Giridhari


Pitāmbara baṁśi dhore, Nilāmbara turi


(Pitāmbara baṁśi dhore, cāru muhke caṭul netre,


Pitāmbara baṁśi dhore)


(ghurṇita locane dekhi' Nilāmbara turi dhore)


diner ṣeshe du-bhāi jonne ābhira nagore


saba jana prema-dīpe arapana kore


ei Bhaktivedanta sevak kore nibedana:


kobe pabo Rāma-Kṛṣṇa abhaya caraṇa?"


Lalita-sakhi Dasi - July 18, 2012 12:09 am

I was thinking to write to someone at Madhuvan to get songs for Krsna-Balarama, and here they are! Does anyone know if there's a recording of the melodies available somewhere? Or are the melodies perhaps similar to familiar songs?

Anuraga Das - February 1, 2014 6:57 pm

Here is another arati song I put together with Vrindaranya's help. It follows the lead of Mahajana Thakura Bhaktivinoda, who followed Sri Narahari in writing his Gaura arati. It also borrows from the great Nayananda Thakura's heart, his poems in the sentiment of eternal fraternity for Rama Govinda.


jaya jaya rama krsna arotika sobha

sri vrndavane jaga jana mana lobha


krsna-tate pita-dhati kancira sahite

kari sunda bhuja-yuga valaya tahate


daksine sri-balarama candrama barana

nila-patta paridhana ghurnita locana


sridamera gaura-kanti anga jhalamala

subala prabhrti krsna vesthita sakala


madhura ukti narma-katha subaladi sane

hasya-parihasa kore loiya priya-gane


şiva-suka-narada preme gada-gada

bhakativedanta dekhe yugala sampada


Victory to the beautiful arati of Rama Krsna in Sri Vrndavana that attracts the minds of everyone in the world.

Krsna wears a yellow dhoti along with a belt of tinkling bells. His two arms look like the trunks of elephants and are adorned with bracelets.


To Krsna's right is Sri Balarama, whose complexion is like the full moon. He is wearing blue cloth and his eyes are rolling in intoxication.


Next to him is Sridama whose fair-golden bodily complexion is sparkling. Thus Krsna is completely surrounded by all the boys headed by Subala.

They share sweet statements and jokes with Subala and the other dear ones amidst much smiling, joking, and laughter.


Siva, Suká, and Narada are all there and their voices are choked with the ecstasy of transcendental love. Thus Bhaktivedanta envisions the glory of the divine pair.

I have been looking for this for quite a while. Thank you.

Braja-sundari Dasi - February 2, 2014 3:57 pm

I was thinking to write to someone at Madhuvan to get songs for Krsna-Balarama, and here they are! Does anyone know if there's a recording of the melodies available somewhere? Or are the melodies perhaps similar to familiar songs?

I never noticed this post. Melody is the same as Gaura arati song :)

Lalita-sakhi Dasi - February 5, 2014 9:23 pm

Thanks, Braja-sundari!