
Cremation - Important or?

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - February 8, 2010 9:37 am

I am asking this question for myself who am practicing

Krsna consciousness, but I live in a Christian family

background. So, if I would leave the body now, my

relatives would bury my body in a standard way.


I heard that it is not good for the person if his body is not

cremated, because the soul can become confused for

a little while (some say for 40 days), and not leave for

next destination (next body).


How realy important for me is this cremation of body

when I leave it?

Vamsidhari Dasa - April 10, 2010 6:07 pm
I am asking this question for myself who am practicing

Krsna consciousness, but I live in a Christian family

background. So, if I would leave the body now, my

relatives would bury my body in a standard way.


I heard that it is not good for the person if his body is not

cremated, because the soul can become confused for

a little while (some say for 40 days), and not leave for

next destination (next body).


How realy important for me is this cremation of body

when I leave it?


I know that you live in a backward place but if you leave detailed instruction about what you want done with the body and designate a legal person to make sure that your wishes are carried out then your soul might get less confused. I can imagine that she would have a hard time finding her way out of the coffin :)

I can also very well imagine that some people might disregard your wishes and do what they think is best. For example, I was horrified to hear that on the last Census in Serbia there was no option to declare yourself ethnically Serbian and at the same time be anything other then orthodox christian (but thats another story).