
26 qualities of the pure devotee

Braja-sundari Dasi - February 13, 2010 2:27 am

among the 26 qualities of the pure devotee one is: "no one finds faults in him". But there were people who found faults even in Lord Caitanya, what to speak of others... Seems like all the great Vaisnavas were criticized by someone. How to understand that statement then?

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - February 15, 2010 8:40 am

When a materialist sees the pure person like for example Srila Prabhupad,

down deep his heart the materialist knows that there is no reason in the world

to criticize, because there is nothing to catch on in the heart of this pure person.


In the heart of pure devotee is only Love of God, compassion for all living beings,...


Still, materialist has his selfish way of life and is not willing to give it up.

Therefore he has to invent some materialistic reason why the pure devotee

should be criticized.


What to speak of materialists, when even neophyte and materialy motivated

devotees have a tendency to criticize pure devotee since they see him as a

threat for their plans (a case with SSM and Iskcon).

Vamsidhari Dasa - April 10, 2010 5:58 pm
among the 26 qualities of the pure devotee one is: "no one finds faults in him". But there were people who found faults even in Lord Caitanya, what to speak of others... Seems like all the great Vaisnavas were criticized by someone. How to understand that statement then?

I think that criticism is often about the one who criticizes rather then the object and perhaps if we do not take this statement too literal we can understand it to mean that a pure devotee melts the heart of even the most critical person and dissolves their critical tendencies. Criticism comes from envy which makes people feel deficient and humiliated by the good qualities of others because they feel to be devoid of goodness themselves resulting in attack on those who are seen to possess them.