
Love and problem...

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - April 9, 2010 8:39 am

GM often says that when you come to the point of loving somebody

(in the case of the devotee, and especially pure devotee in the spiritual sky),

then you have a problem, because love is not allowing you to rest or to be



If one as a cowherd boy enters sakhya-rasa with Krsna, which love problems

can he have? He is not connected to Krsna in a romantic way, so he is just serving

Him and playing with Him and all the other cowherd boys. Is it so, or?


I can give one answer to my question to myself, but I wanted some more insight.


My answer is that that the whole existence of the spiritual world is about Radha-Krsnas

love, and all the entities are connected with this happy or sad moods that Radha

or Krsna have at times, so even the cowherd boys can feel problems of Krsna and

be unhappy until Krsna's love problems are resolved. :)

Madan Gopal Das - April 10, 2010 1:53 pm
GM often says that when you come to the point of loving somebody

(in the case of the devotee, and especially pure devotee in the spiritual sky),

then you have a problem, because love is not allowing you to rest or to be


Intense love that does not allow one to rest is not necessarily romantic love. Hopefully one may love Sri Guru so intensely that he/she cannot rest. If we are still enjoying some rest (or not dreaming of the beloved) we are not in love enough! :)

Vamsidhari Dasa - April 10, 2010 5:50 pm

OMG if I had any love for Krishna or affection what would be the point of wondering if this is the highest expression of love in the spiritual sky (and btw, where is that sky :) ) or not. Unless we can really feel some real affection for His representative, His name and His fame right here under this sky then all these questions about what really happens somewhere else are theoretical. But I love your questions prabhu and I am really glad you are here to ask them. :Cow:


PS love is never as big of a problem as it is a loveless life

Swami - April 10, 2010 6:08 pm

The idea is that just as one cannot rest in this world without finding love and upon finding love one has no rest, similarly a wise person cannot rest in this world until he or she finds the truth (represented in a sadhu). And because the truth is love or bhakti, its nature is such that upon finding it one has no rest. Mahaprabhu was not concerned with santa rasa.


But it is true that fraternal love is based on confidence, whereas romantic love is full of doubt (she loves me, she loves me not). Yet as you say, fraternal love for Krsna is fraternal love for a hopeless romantic. So his intimate friends will ride the waves of his romanticism along with him.