
Karmic reaction will never happen, or?

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - April 10, 2010 4:28 pm

In the case of one becomming pure devotee and leaving for spiritual sky

(and even in the case of brahman realised person leaving for impersonal brahman)

whole karma is destroyed.


If, someone harmed in some way this devotee (before he became a devotee),

what will happen with the karmic reaction that was supposed to come to that



I purposefully said "before he became a devotee", since I consider it ordinary material

karmic reaction if he was not a devotee at that time, and later when a person becomes

a devotee then it can be counted as an offence.


Still the question is - what will happen with the standard karmic reaction that was supposed

to come to that person regarding his standard reactions for the misbehavior towards

the devotee, before he became a devotee?