
Only under succesor guru, or?

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - April 29, 2010 7:14 am

In the situation with Gaudiya math and Iskcon there was no

succesor acarya-guru appointed. There are many reasons for

this. One of them is maby because these organizations were

too big and most probably many devotees could not listen

and follow the appointed succesor like they followed their

own original guru, so acarya simply did not made any

particular person to become one (SP only made these 12

responsible disciples).


I would like to understand a little bit better how it works

in the smaller sects?


One could see how SSM appointed BS Govinda Maharaj.

I do not have the information regarding how it worked in

their mission in the sense - how well Govinda Maharaja's

Godbrothers cooperated with him in the mission that was

left to him to lead it?


What are the disciples supposed to do when somebody is

appointed like this?


1) Does it mean that nobody is supposed to become a guru

until this appointed succesor is present, so everybody

should point to him people for instructions and iniciation?


2) Does it mean that original guru who established the sect

would be angry or displeased if somebody will not cooperate

with the appointed succesoor, and he makes his own sect?


How does it work, or how is it supposed to be?