
To become leaders, or to go in the forest

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - May 6, 2010 5:58 pm

I have heard and read here and there in SP books that

devotees are supposed to become leaders and respected

members of the material society, so that people will respect

them and consequently Krsna consciousness.


On the other hand practically we can see that in real

situations from the time Iskcon was founded, and up to now

in all other sects (and in ours also), it all boils down to

the position that one should become more and more

absorbed in spiritual life, and therefore enter community

life on some farm or some hermitage project.


How to reconcile these two seeming contradictions?


P.S. Maby the answer can be compared to this famous SP

statement - "All man should remain brahmacaris, and

all woman should get the husband".

Citta Hari Dasa - May 6, 2010 6:47 pm
I have heard and read here and there in SP books that

devotees are supposed to become leaders and respected

members of the material society, so that people will respect

them and consequently Krsna consciousness.


On the other hand practically we can see that in real

situations from the time Iskcon was founded, and up to now

in all other sects (and in ours also), it all boils down to

the position that one should become more and more

absorbed in spiritual life, and therefore enter community

life on some farm or some hermitage project.


How to reconcile these two seeming contradictions?


P.S. Maby the answer can be compared to this famous SP

statement - "All man should remain brahmacaris, and

all woman should get the husband".




It all depends on one's level of faith and one's proclivities according to their mental/emotional makeup. Most people would not make good leaders, secular or spiritual. Some make good secular leaders while having a spiritual life, and some are powerful spiritually and lead in that way. No one lifestyle is going to work for everyone; devotees must find what works for them with the help of a sadhu so that they can be peaceful and pursue sadhana-bhakti to the best of their abilities.