
Looking for a particular talk

Babhru Das - May 23, 2010 6:17 pm

I'm looking for a particular talk that Swami gave in North Carolina a few years ago. He discusses how devotees progress at different rates and in different ways. At one point he analogizes it with flowers in a garden blooming at different times. ("Oops--I'm blooming now. How awkward" Or something like that.) I really need this talk, and for some reason it's not on my computer or my iPod. And all my CDs are at Audarya. If someone remembers the title, I could buy an mp3 version from the Sanga Store.


Thanks in advance.

Babhru Das - May 26, 2010 7:41 pm

No one recognizes which talk I'm referring to? ;)

Madan Gopal Das - May 27, 2010 1:32 am

I do recognize the talk, but I'm not sure how to find it amongst the various nc talks. My best guess is it's 2007. I'm hoping I might stumble across it but I'm just not listening to those right now, more current talks... You might have inspired me though to do the detective work. ;)

Tharshan - May 27, 2010 2:52 am

Haribol, there is a talk titled "Questions & Answers: Sincerity and Progress" recorded on 8.12.2006 Hillsborough, NC that has a part where Swami mentions how various persons come to GV from various positions; materially distressed, inquisitive, devotional inquiry, etc. He says that jnani progresses much faster and I think he gives the example of Kumara's. In this context Swami mentions how various flowers in a garden bloom at different times, or something along that line.

Babhru Das - May 27, 2010 11:10 am

Tharshan, that sounds like it! Thank you. Madan, even if I were at Audarya with all my CDs, I'm not sure I'd be able to find it (and you no doubt have more than I). But it would be fun trying.


Thanks again.

Gopakumara Das - May 27, 2010 1:54 pm

That Q&A: Sincerity and Progress is available as an MP3 on the front page of Audarya Audio as I just downloaded it the other day myself. Nice talk.

Tharshan - May 28, 2010 4:06 am
Tharshan, that sounds like it! Thank you. Madan, even if I were at Audarya with all my CDs, I'm not sure I'd be able to find it (and you no doubt have more than I). But it would be fun trying.


Thanks again.


Thank you prabhu for giving me the chance to listen to that talk. ;) I have to listen to it again