
Nandi's arrival

Gaurasundara Das - June 5, 2010 1:31 am

Here's some pics of Nandi's arrival in Costa Rica. He is a Jersey/ Zebu mix and will be our lead bull here.

It's a very special bull that gets flown from Audarya to Madhuvan. He has the same great disposition as his father Seva.







Prema-bhakti - June 5, 2010 1:40 am

Thanks for the pics Gaurasundara. Nandi seems to have taken the journey in stride.

Hari Bhakti - June 5, 2010 3:50 pm

Thanks for the update Gaurasundara! It's great to see Nandi has made to Madhuvan safely.

Nitaisundara Das - June 5, 2010 5:30 pm

Jaya Nandi! Abhay looks like an expectant father reuniting with his boy :Cow: He is surprisingly clean after so many hours in that box. Now we need pictures of him frolicking in the Costa Rican grasses!

Madan Gopal Das - June 5, 2010 7:22 pm

Wow, what a lucky guy! World travelin' jerzybu stud! Nandi, I just want you to know how cool you are.

Guru-nistha Das - June 6, 2010 2:24 am

I can tell you, getting him ready for going across borders (health certificates, tests, permissions...) and getting him to LAX and on the plane was filled with suspense and sudden turn of events. When we finally got him approved by the airlines, me and Nitai were super excited and relieved and toasted with plastic cups of freshly brewed ginger-kombucha. Jai Nandi!

Nitaisundara Das - June 6, 2010 3:42 am

The trip down was funny too, everywhere we stopped he was mooing and drawing a bit of crowd. Apparently cows are not common in the heart of LA, or in the various gas stations along the way. He even had his picture taken, the celebrity.

Syamasundara - June 9, 2010 9:13 pm

Funny, because we stopped in the middle of a commercial mall-type complex to find a bottle of water for him (he kept insisting on Evian), and he mooed, but no one noticed. It must have been the rain.

Atmananda Dasa - June 10, 2010 1:02 am

This sounds so exciting :Cow:

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - June 29, 2010 7:20 am

I just got to read this topic. Very nice!!


May Nandi be happy and healthy in Madhuvan.

Swami - July 2, 2010 1:01 am
I just got to read this topic. Very nice!!


May Nandi be happy and healthy in Madhuvan.



He is!