
Guru Maharaja in London

Gokula-candra Dasa - June 28, 2010 6:21 pm

We are very happy to announce that this year Guru Maharaja is coming to london, just before the finish retreat. He is coming here on the 20th of July and is living for the finish retreat early morning on the 23 rd of July

Anybody interested or wanting to come to London and spend some time with Guru Maharaja please contact me, Gopesh das or Madhukari.

Please forgive us for such a short notice.


in service,

gokulacandra das.

Gopesh Dasa - July 27, 2010 4:33 pm

....Jaya Sri Sri Guru Gauranga....

Here is some pics from the First London Retreat with and for GM.... unfortunately is not much what you will see, being behind the stove there was not much time to take more pics... hope you like....


IMG_2247.JPG this is my first gulab jamun

IMG_2261.JPG IMG_2273.JPG

IMG_2274.JPG IMG_2275.JPG

IMG_2276.JPG IMG_2279.JPG

IMG_2281.JPG this is my first basil pannacotta

IMG_2291.JPG ......... to be continued

Gopesh Dasa - July 27, 2010 5:15 pm

......... IMG_2285.JPG IMG_2288.JPG

IMG_2298.JPG IMG_2299.JPG

IMG_2301.JPG IMG_2306.JPG

IMG_2307.JPG IMG_2315.JPG

IMG_2319.JPG IMG_2322.JPG

IMG_2330.JPG IMG_2580.JPG Sri Sri Nimai Nitai Sundararaj (forgive my spelling)


.... that is it at the moment, waiting for devotees coming back from the Finland Retreat to post some more from London and Finland, for the pleasure of my siblings and friends...

Yet I would like to thank from the heart GM for His short visit and for His infinite presence in our life, and to give us the opportunity to serve Him in a way that is not very common in our daily life... A great thank also to Gokulachandra das and Madhukari Dasi for their constant help. Without them I couldn't been able to serve GM !! :Cow:

Another thanks goes to Nikunja Dasi and Madhusyam Das ( I guess this is the name that GM gave recently), two great souls which helped us in every thought and acts during the retreat. :Applause:

And also thanks to all the devotees who contributed, to all who attended....

May Krsna shower blessing upon them in every step of their life...

Gaura Premanande

Babhru Das - July 27, 2010 7:24 pm

Thanks for the goodies. I'm sure we've all been anxiously awaiting some reports.

Bijaya Kumara Das - July 28, 2010 6:06 am

Sweet and may Lord Narashringa protect our beloved Guru Maharaja on his spiritual journey

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - July 28, 2010 1:44 pm

Jaaay!!! I have the feeling like I am live connected with GM traveling

since devotees are posting these wonderful photos and comments.


Thank you!!

Guru-nistha Das - July 29, 2010 3:26 am

Really nice, Gopesh! These kinds of efforts never go in vain, that's for sure.