
Lava matra - what is needed?

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - July 26, 2010 10:51 am

sadhu sanga sadhu sanga sarva sastre kaya

lava matra sadhu sange sarva siddhi haya


The verdict of all revealed scriptures is that by even a moment's association with a pure

devotee, one can attain all success. (C.C.Madhya 22.54)



What is needed to happen within this lava matra (split of a second) so that one can attain this succes

(spiritual succes in the future)?



Is it enough for one to just see a pure devotee like people could see SP on the airport for example?


Is it enough that a person exchanges few ordinary words with him like - "Where is the bus station?"


Should one see him in a devotional environment, like for example on a Ratha Yatra chariot of Lord

Jagannath, or while giving lecture?


Should one hear from him in personal "eye to eye" - or better to say "mouth to ear" contact at least

one sentence like "Just chant Hare Krsna, and be happy." Or - "You are eternal servant of Krsna,

and in due time you will realize that".



So again the quesiton from the beginning - What is needed to happen within this split of a second

so that one will attain this spiritual succes?

Madan Gopal Das - July 26, 2010 1:27 pm

We should have no doubt that the lava-matra sanga of a pure devotee is unlimitedly powerful. The success spoken of in this verse is the potentiality for pursuance of bhakti = complete success. Either a new awakening for the jiva who has not started on the path, or a re-awakening for those who have. I would say that such sadhu-sanga at the airport, bus stop, or in some other seemingly mundane situation yields immense benefit for a persons' spiritual development. Why? Krsna-bhakti is radiating from such a person. More importantly, Krsna is in love with such a person, so when the jiva demonstrates either neutral or favorable relations in any way to such a person, He starts to pay attention. When bhakti spreads in the world, Krsna becomes attracted to wherever it is going. Bhakti is entering the heart of the jiva, which means that their material life is coming to an end. Even unfavorable relations; somehow the jiva is coming in contact with one who holds bhakti. They have been benedicted by the mercy of the devotee being present in the world.


Now the thing to consider is how to take advantage of the many "matra" association that we are benedicted with!

Gopakumara Das - July 26, 2010 3:28 pm
What is needed to happen within this lava matra (split of a second) so that one can attain this succes

(spiritual succes in the future)?


I think this may have a double entendre.. I think that the split second of association refers to at least two levels of reality... in the external reality –like already said– it is like a seed that is planted at the moment of external contact with a sadhu that with time and effort can be cultivated.


Maybe another meaning can be that internal experience of the sadhu, even a brief glimpse of the siddha deha of the sadhu is the perfection to be attained. Through service to that vision... everything will be achieved ?