
Question on recording...

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - August 2, 2010 9:07 am

This is a technical question - suggestion.


Most probably it is difficult to do like this, but let me say it.



I noticed the problem when lectures of GM are recorded,

in a sense that when people ask questions it is very difficult

to hear what they are asking (since they do not have

microphone to speak in it directly).


So, often I can only guess what they asked from the answer

that GM is giving.


Maby this is not a big problem, but if this could be solved

somehow in the future, that would contribute much to the

quality of the recorded lectures.

Madan Gopal Das - August 2, 2010 12:56 pm

I think as much as is possible the devotees who edit the classes for the recordings boost the volume when someone asks a question. I have heard on several classes where the questions asked can be heard because of a boost in the recording. Otherwise it is often the case that there is not a mic available, etc. for questions to be heard.

Guru-nistha Das - August 3, 2010 4:33 am

Dear Devya-Pati,

thanks for the feedback. I'm in charge of the editing at the moment and I'm interested to know if the problem appeared in recent talks or older ones? All the new talks should have the volume levels risen considerably during the questions. I will make sure to ask all the others who will be doing editing to raise the volume levels as well.

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - August 3, 2010 6:40 pm
Dear Devya-Pati,

thanks for the feedback. I'm in charge of the editing at the moment and I'm interested to know if the problem appeared in recent talks or older ones? All the new talks should have the volume levels risen considerably during the questions. I will make sure to ask all the others who will be doing editing to raise the volume levels as well.


Well, I cannot tell you precisely if it were older ones or new ones,

since I listen them in a mixed way for example right now I listen to

lecture from 2004 - Contemporary talks - History of the Gaudiya Matha,

and there I heard something like this, so it inspiered me to adress

this issue, since I had same difficulty many times before.


Still, I am not sure how is now with new recordings. I am preparing

myself to buy some newer lectures of GM (2009 and 2010) so I will

tell you some feedback on my experience.