
fox news and radhanath swami on his book

Gaura-Vijaya Das - August 16, 2010 11:06 pm

Surprising that RNS is here interviewed by Fox.


I thought it is not great that Fox had to do this! Anyways.


The comments by a ritvik show that their philosophy is far from live and let live.

Gopakumara Das - August 17, 2010 1:57 am

well, its publicity for the movement. It could have been nice if he had said something about our particular faith, but it was a good general discussion. Interesting its FOX the right wing conservative channel. Don't really think its the best for our group anyway. More power to him. His book is really that talk of the world right now.... everywhere I go...


We really need to get GM onto youtube more!! That is watched way more than FOX anyway.

Madan Gopal Das - August 17, 2010 2:13 am

It's just local morning news show on a Fox affiliate. Local fox channels don't have the insanity of the big national network cable Fox with Oreilley and Hannity and those idiots. I thought RS was purposefully measured in how he spoke about the book, not identifying specifically with Hare Krsna-ism. I don't think his book does really heavily anyway, though I haven't read it. Smart tactic I think...

Gaura-Vijaya Das - August 17, 2010 3:03 am
well, its publicity for the movement. It could have been nice if he had said something about our particular faith, but it was a good general discussion. Interesting its FOX the right wing conservative channel. Don't really think its the best for our group anyway. More power to him. His book is really that talk of the world right now.... everywhere I go...


We really need to get GM onto youtube more!! That is watched way more than FOX anyway.


What is the need to say anything about our faith? They are plenty of hare krsna evangelists out there.

Gopakumara Das - August 17, 2010 3:03 am

I agree.. He is not the most heavy of theologians...from what I can tell....but he is kind and successful in keeping disciples inspired. I offer my respects for sure. All glories to Radhanatha swami.


Now to more important things... can we get some more video clips of GM on YOutube? I offered to edit some myself. What happened? If we can get a few more nectarean talks (5 minutes?) I will make sure they get marketed to devotees properly and respectfully. People should hear GM speak. This will change the face of GV!!!!!

Gaura-Vijaya Das - August 17, 2010 3:18 am
Now to more important things... can we get some more video clips of GM on YOutube? I offered to edit some myself. What happened? If we can get a few more nectarean talks (5 minutes?) I will make sure they get marketed to devotees properly and respectfully. People should hear GM speak. This will change the face of GV!!!!!


YOu need to monitor comments as critical people are attracted very easily. :rolleyes:

Nitaisundara Das - August 18, 2010 4:36 am
I agree.. He is not the most heavy of theologians...from what I can tell....but he is kind and successful in keeping disciples inspired. I offer my respects for sure. All glories to Radhanatha swami.


Now to more important things... can we get some more video clips of GM on YOutube? I offered to edit some myself. What happened? If we can get a few more nectarean talks (5 minutes?) I will make sure they get marketed to devotees properly and respectfully. People should hear GM speak. This will change the face of GV!!!!!


I believe I asked you to remind me again in a few days, knowing it would fall by the wayside. Anyway, videos are in the works now here from some of the other devotees, but we should still have some seva for you. I have been working on it as I get time, but my DVD ripping software was acting up and so on... Worry not though, it is coming.

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - August 18, 2010 8:45 am
YOu need to monitor comments as critical people are attracted very easily. :)


Maby to not allow the comments. :rolleyes: Just watching, so everybody can decide

for himself, not that some nice video should always be commenteed by some

malicious people.


They have enough opportunity to comment and criticize us on so many places

on the internet, on harmonist, etc, and now let us shut their mouth for a change. :Confused:

Gopakumara Das - August 18, 2010 12:46 pm
I believe I asked you to remind me again in a few days, knowing it would fall by the wayside. Anyway, videos are in the works now here from some of the other devotees, but we should still have some seva for you. I have been working on it as I get time, but my DVD ripping software was acting up and so on... Worry not though, it is coming.



I am ok with it being my fault.... I apologize! I am out of the country so reminders have been forgotten...lol...

Whenever you can...but if someone else is doing it I am fine. I have a seva already that is difficult with time to complete...I m just ambitious beyond my qualification.....

Prema-bhakti - August 18, 2010 5:28 pm
It's just local morning news show on a Fox affiliate. Local fox channels don't have the insanity of the big national network cable Fox with Oreilley and Hannity and those idiots. I thought RS was purposefully measured in how he spoke about the book, not identifying specifically with Hare Krsna-ism. I don't think his book does really heavily anyway, though I haven't read it. Smart tactic I think...


I agree. I think he has poised himself well to appeal to the new age spiritualist. He is very ethereal. I am glad to see that he is branching out more into the North American preaching field. He is definately a great asset to ISKCON.

Gaura-Vijaya Das - August 18, 2010 7:55 pm
I agree. I think he has poised himself well to appeal to the new age spiritualist. He is very ethereal. I am glad to see that he is branching out more into the North American preaching field. He is definately a great asset to ISKCON.


Yes I think it is sensible to do this. His book basically is a comparative religion tour where he finally chooses GV among different options. This makes it a contemporary preaching technique where people feel that they have some option to choose. Identifying with Hare Krsna fanaticism will be less then useful. First, there is need for people to know that there are some non-fanatic people practicing GV as fanatic people are all over the place in distributing books, etc "as it is".

Atmananda Dasa - August 18, 2010 9:17 pm
Maby to not allow the comments. :rolleyes: Just watching, so everybody can decide

for himself, not that some nice video should always be commenteed by some

malicious people.


They have enough opportunity to comment and criticize us on so many places

on the internet, on harmonist, etc, and now let us shut their mouth for a change. :)


I agree, no comments. Unless they're nice comments :Confused:

Atmananda Dasa - August 18, 2010 9:25 pm

I was really impressed with how the hosts of the show received Radhanath Swami so well. They seem so taken by him. I talked to one of his disciples who is on the book tour with him the other day. He told me that the crowds have usually been small but whoever is meeting Maharaja seems to be deeply appreciative. I guess it might be kind of a new idea in GV preaching to do a book tour.

Madan Gopal Das - August 22, 2010 10:05 am
Swami - August 22, 2010 11:57 am
Oh the idiocy... :Idea:




These people are seriously deranged. The clear message here is tay away from them as much as possible. At times I thought of sending them some of my books for review. I am glad I didn't. Better to be off their radar altogether. Sick. Ugh! Their food and drink is Vainava aparadha.

Gaura-Vijaya Das - August 22, 2010 4:57 pm
These people are seriously deranged. The clear message here is tay away from them as much as possible. At times I thought of sending them some of my books for review. I am glad I didn't. Better to be off their radar altogether. Sick. Ugh! Their food and drink is Vainava aparadha.


And they(riviks) say they should not be attacked and they believe in live and let live policy.

Sridama Dasa - August 22, 2010 5:56 pm

I don't know how anyone with even a modicum of common sense could send a letter like that to the news station. The TV segment was good for what it was. This letter just screams FANATIC.

Bijaya Kumara Das - August 22, 2010 11:12 pm
Maby to not allow the comments. :Idea: Just watching, so everybody can decide

for himself, not that some nice video should always be commenteed by some

malicious people.


They have enough opportunity to comment and criticize us on so many places

on the internet, on harmonist, etc, and now let us shut their mouth for a change. :Smug:

I would agree with this. Most commentators do just that. This would then not turn the viewer on to preconceived ideas. But how would you control the message with out knowing the audience. You can not teach calculus to a student if they do not have the basics understood.


I think it would be good to get more exposure for Guru Maharaja as he would like. We are a non profit organization and the media must run our press releases free of charge.

Bijaya Kumara Das - August 22, 2010 11:21 pm
These people are seriously deranged. The clear message here is tay away from them as much as possible. At times I thought of sending them some of my books for review. I am glad I didn't. Better to be off their radar altogether. Sick. Ugh! Their food and drink is Vainava aparadha.


I usually do not read such things unless you comment. Wow. How destructive. Thank you for the warnings.

Babhru Das - August 22, 2010 11:27 pm
These people are seriously deranged. The clear message here is tay away from them as much as possible. At times I thought of sending them some of my books for review. I am glad I didn't. Better to be off their radar altogether. Sick. Ugh! Their food and drink is Vainava aparadha.

Indeed. They refused to publish my reviews, insisting that only Rocana and his wife are qualified to review books; then they turn around and bray about free speech. What a load. They think they're some kind of journalists, but their site is just a bulletin board, with plenty of dreck posted with very little discrimination. I call this site the Sampradaya Eclipse (or sometimes the Sampradaya Cloud, when I'm feeling chartiable). Ick. (Can't even work up an exclamation point for them.)

Atmananda Dasa - August 23, 2010 1:10 am

I haven't read the SS thing but Madan gave me the gist. Its truly heart breaking. As Swami has said, best to stay away from the ritviks. Radhanath Swami once said that one should not even touch any so called prasadam offered by a ritvik because it is saturated with Vaisnava aparadha. I have absolutely no time for any ritviks. No patience. Every contact with them is poisonous to ones mind and heart.

Madan Gopal Das - August 23, 2010 1:53 am
I call this site the Sampradaya Eclipse


Sampradaya STUN.


Can you believe that they start their article saying that they are contacting the press "as a service to Srila Prabhupada and the general public"??????? What bull s___!! No, that's too sacred.... pig s___!!

How could you ever think you are serving Srila Prabhupada OR the public by playing out in public your conspiracy ideas on the darkest of 1980's Hare Krsna cult horror stories. What idiots. If you ever had any doubt it is Kali-yuga and that agents of Kali are dressed as devotees (or speaking like them), just visit the Stun. :Idea:

Gaura-Vijaya Das - August 23, 2010 2:00 am
I haven't read the SS thing but Madan gave me the gist. Its truly heart breaking. As Swami has said, best to stay away from the ritviks. Radhanath Swami once said that one should not even touch any so called prasadam offered by a ritvik because it is saturated with Vaisnava aparadha. I have absolutely no time for any ritviks. No patience. Every contact with them is poisonous to ones mind and heart.


And Rocana had wrote something else.

“By the end of the 2 months I came to the conclusion that of all the theologies, philosophies, religions and spiritual paths that I have experienced there is nothing higher, nothing as sweet, nothing more beautiful then the religion of Vrindavana. Devotion to Sri Sri Radharani and Sri Krishna. So I decided to spend the rest of the my life in Vrindavana and never leave.”


I can’t say for sure whether it was his intention to paint himself as being very advanced in this article, either overtly or subtly, but that’s the overall impression I find the article gives.


What does one do to satisfy Rocana, if you say something you are not humble, if you act humble, you are artificial.

And in the end he says obeisances to RNS (sarcasm).


I understand if some people don't like a devotee or are not inspired by them. For eg I am not that inspired by NM, but I can't conceive of using my intellect to vilify him like this. I just respect from a distance. But Rocana spends so much energy criticizing devotees systematically. (where does he get money to support himself, does he have ancestral wealth :Idea:)

I don't like ritviks on one other count. Though they keep on scrutinizing each and every living sadhu, they don't stop to think that even SP cannot pass their scrutiny and their parameters for being humble and saintly or whatever that means.

Gopakumara Das - August 23, 2010 2:59 pm

Melanie Klein –the heir to Freud's intellectual legacy– distinguishes envy from jealousy by saying that in jealousy one has difficulty seeing that another has something you want and wish you had, but you still want to have it...because it is a good thing...and you do not want to ruin that good thing for someone else.


In envy, you cannot stand that there might even be a good thing outside of your grasp and control, much less that someone else who is good should have it. Better that there were no good things at all, nothing to show one's inadequacy, and no one to possess what is desirable. Better to destroy all good things than feel the shame of inadequacy for not being and possessing good things ourselves. It is a destructive emotion based on a vague apprehension of one's actual inadequacy and need to bypass awareness of it.


This in my opinion is the basis of the ritviks. They even have concocted a Prabhupada out of their own imaginings, so that he is also well within their grasp and control. It would be utterly pitiful, if it wasn't so damned disgusting.

Braja-sundari Dasi - August 23, 2010 7:36 pm
And Rocana had wrote something else.

“By the end of the 2 months I came to the conclusion that of all the theologies, philosophies, religions and spiritual paths that I have experienced there is nothing higher, nothing as sweet, nothing more beautiful then the religion of Vrindavana. Devotion to Sri Sri Radharani and Sri Krishna. So I decided to spend the rest of the my life in Vrindavana and never leave.”



This is worse pollution of the Holy Dham then all the sewage in Yamuna River :Idea:

Syamasundara - August 24, 2010 12:47 am
Oh the idiocy... :Idea:



I knew I shouldn't have clicked the link... now my blood is boiling.

On a positive note: YES! GM on youtube! One snippet I'd like to see is from a class where GM says that Svetadvipa is in the ocean of milk, milk means affection, and after a while that you have been swimming in this ocean of affection you see that the white waves of the ocean of milk become the humps and rumps of many white cows, and you are in Goloka :Smug::Cow: :Cow: :Cow: I think it's one of the Ratha Yatra classes or Janmastami, maybe 2006 or after.

Gaura-Vijaya Das - August 27, 2010 4:59 am

Loved this video on the book.

So beautifully done!!