
Guru Maharaja Lecture Broadcast

Nitaisundara Das - August 24, 2010 1:16 am

We are going to be broadcasting all of the (19!) lectures live throughout the upcoming festival. Please see the schedule below.


Tonight (8/23) I am going to do a trial broadcast around 7 pm and make sure everything is in order. I know it is short notice but I hope someone shows up so I can verify that everything is working properly. Everything will be broadcast here: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/swami-darshan


8/24/10: 9:00 am Baladeva Purnima Morning Lecture


8/24/10: 6:30 pm Baladeva Purnima Evening Lecture


8/25/10: 9:00 am Morning Lecture


8/25/10: 6:30 pm Evening Q & A


8/26/10: 9:00 am Morning Lecture


8/26/10: 6:30 pm Evening Q & A


8/27/10: 9:00 am Morning Lecture


8/27/10: 6:30 pm Evening Q & A


8/28/10: 9:00 am Morning Lecture


8/28/10: 6:30 pm Evening Q & A


8/29/10: 9:00 am Morning Lecture


8/29/10: 6:30 pm Evening Q & A


8/30/10: 9:00 am Morning Lecture


8/30/10: 6:30 pm Evening Q & A


8/31/10: 9:00 am Morning Lecture


8/31/10: 6:30 pm Evening Q & A


9/1/10: 9:00 am Sri Krishna Janmastami Morning Lecture


9/1/10: 6:30 pm Sri Krishna Janmastami Evening Lecture


9/2/10: 10:00 am Srila Prabhupada Avirbhava Mahotsava

Nitaisundara Das - August 24, 2010 2:04 am

I forgot to mention the trial run will be a real live lecture from GM, so it is worth stopping in for...

Madan Gopal Das - August 24, 2010 3:20 am

you made my day, my week, my year. though I'm not "fully satisfied"! It is not possible... :Idea:

Tadiya Dasi - August 24, 2010 6:10 pm

Yay! :Idea:


Jaya Gurudeva! :Smug: