
Swami Call on Sunday, Sep. 12

Gopala Dasa - September 11, 2010 2:14 am

Dandavats. Jai Sri Guru and Gauranga.


On Sunday, September 12, 2010, Swami B.V. Tripurari will be answering questions on his weekly “Swami Call" from Audarya.


Swami will begin speaking promptly at 11:30 am (Eastern Standard Time). Participants are urged to start calling in at 11:15 am. The number to call is 1-760-569-0800. After you get connected, you will be prompted to enter an access code. The code is 606050 followed by the “#” key. Every time a person joins the conference, a chime will be heard. (I will be substitute moderator this week.)


Please let me know if I can be of any further service.


Your servant,


Gopal dasa

Gaura-Vijaya Das - September 12, 2010 4:51 pm

This is what I was referring to in the call.


SP's omniscience is presented as a fact because he knows past, present and future. If his idea of world war 3 and india-pak war did not happen, then you can say it was a lila to test the faith of his disciples. It is hard for me to take it, but I think even Arcana siddhi has given the lila argument many times. The idea that guru makes mistakes to test the disciple runs very deep in many places and I feel it may not be a great idea.