
Thinking of sakhya...

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - September 21, 2010 9:27 am

For nearly two years I am a member of this Tattva-viveka.


I am reading the topics discussed, I am listening to the GM

phone calls regularly, and I am trying to catch the mood of

the mission, so to say. I also read "Oh My Friend".


When I read, hear and think of all this mood, it seems to

me like it is sakhya rasa that is prominent in all of this.


I like this idea of sakhya rasa for myself. I always wanted

to be a cowherd boy, a friend of Krsna, in a sense that if I

ever thought of myself as finaly achieving a perfection and

entering in Krsna's pastimes, that I would like to be in sakhya



I rarely think of this actively, but I like sometimes to

meditate on my rasa as sakhya rasa with Krsna.


In reality my main point now is to concentrate on my standard

sadhana of chanting, reading and hearing all that is presented by GM.



GM says sometimes that we will be what Krsna wants us to

be, and that He will induce us to serve Him in particular

position where He thinks it will give Him the most pleasure.

GM also explained that there is some predisposition since

there is also this latent-dormant rasa already in our soul-heart,

that will develope itself. In one lecture or phone call he explained

that our rasa will ultimately be determined by these two factors.


Still, my question is should I think at all that I would like to

be in sakhya rasa?


Should I set this all aside, thinking of it as mental and sentimental

desire of mine (since I am not pure), or how to think about this all?

Swami - September 21, 2010 5:11 pm
For nearly two years I am a member of this Tattva-viveka.


I am reading the topics discussed, I am listening to the GM

phone calls regularly, and I am trying to catch the mood of

the mission, so to say. I also read "Oh My Friend".


When I read, hear and think of all this mood, it seems to

me like it is sakhya rasa that is prominent in all of this.


I like this idea of sakhya rasa for myself. I always wanted

to be a cowherd boy, a friend of Krsna, in a sense that if I

ever thought of myself as finaly achieving a perfection and

entering in Krsna's pastimes, that I would like to be in sakhya



I rarely think of this actively, but I like sometimes to

meditate on my rasa as sakhya rasa with Krsna.


In reality my main point now is to concentrate on my standard

sadhana of chanting, reading and hearing all that is presented by GM.

GM says sometimes that we will be what Krsna wants us to

be, and that He will induce us to serve Him in particular

position where He thinks it will give Him the most pleasure.

GM also explained that there is some predisposition since

there is also this latent-dormant rasa already in our soul-heart,

that will develope itself. In one lecture or phone call he explained

that our rasa will ultimately be determined by these two factors.


Still, my question is should I think at all that I would like to

be in sakhya rasa?


Should I set this all aside, thinking of it as mental and sentimental

desire of mine (since I am not pure), or how to think about this all?


It's good to have a goal in mind. Details will reveal themselves in time. By happy to know that your ideal is sakhya rasa. You will attain it in due course. Now, pay attention the obstacles in front of you.

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - September 22, 2010 4:28 am
It's good to have a goal in mind. Details will reveal themselves in time. By happy to know that your ideal is sakhya rasa. You will attain it in due course. Now, pay attention the obstacles in front of you.



Dear Guru Maharaj,


Thank you very much for your merciful and encouraging answer.



Please accept my most humble obeisances.