
Bad from chanting...

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - September 22, 2010 11:18 am

I have heard GM once said that when one starts chanting

Maha-mantra, that all sorts of things are comming out...

and by that I understood that there are also some bad

things that are comming to develope at least for some

time till they are gone, and we are purified.


Maby I did not use the exact words that he used, but if

I understood correctly the point, that it's effect is like

some churning of all that we are in the present state -

body, mind, inteligence, ego up to the spiritual soul



My question is - How to understand that since chanting

is all-auspicious activity one can have some bad effect

for oneself, even temporarily, even for a moment?

Gauravani Dasa - September 22, 2010 12:21 pm
My question is - How to understand that since chanting is all-auspicious activity one can have some bad effect for oneself, even temporarily, even for a moment?


Dandavats Devyah-pati,


As we try to chant purely (suddha-nama), we'll notice tendencies (anarthas) in ourselves that distract us and prevent from chanting attentively, without offense. We may not be aware of these tendencies until our we really put our hearts into chanting. By the grace of Guru and Gaura-Nitai, we'll begin to see what we need to work on. Seeing these anarthas will also give us humility which should fuel our chanting and prayer, drive us to study the words of our Gurudeva with some urgency and also allow us to preach with compassion.