
Srimati Radharani as the six oppulences?

Shyamananda Das - September 26, 2010 11:26 am



I heard one Radhastami lecture given some years ago where Swami goes through the six oppulences of Bhagavan and explain how they are all actually Srimati Radharani. I found here on TV a reference to that - sarva laxmi krsnera sad vidha aisvarya. Where is it from? I think Swami said it was Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur who wrote it. Is it in the same book where its's mentioned that the topics of vedanta (brahman, jiva and jagat) are all related to Her?


Thank you.

Swami - September 26, 2010 1:06 pm


I heard one Radhastami lecture given some years ago where Swami goes through the six oppulences of Bhagavan and explain how they are all actually Srimati Radharani. I found here on TV a reference to that - sarva laxmi krsnera sad vidha aisvarya. Where is it from? I think Swami said it was Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur who wrote it. Is it in the same book where its's mentioned that the topics of vedanta (brahman, jiva and jagat) are all related to Her?


Thank you.


That line is from Cc. As for the topics of Vedanta and Radha, that is from me, I think.