
Candravali's folowers...

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - November 5, 2010 9:12 am

I would like to know, just in brief, how are devotees

becoming folowers of Candravali?


From our perspective, we speak of this "another

group" that are on the "another side", Candravali's



So, my question is, is there some sect that is cultivating

the spirit of Candravali towards Krsna? How devotees

become her folowers?


Is this decision who will be on whose side made later

in the lila, or how does this work?

Swami - November 5, 2010 3:05 pm
I would like to know, just in brief, how are devotees

becoming folowers of Candravali?


From our perspective, we speak of this "another

group" that are on the "another side", Candravali's



So, my question is, is there some sect that is cultivating

the spirit of Candravali towards Krsna? How devotees

become her folowers?


Is this decision who will be on whose side made later

in the lila, or how does this work?



The Vallabha sampradaya considersbAcarya Vallabha's son to be an incarnation of Candravalli.

Prema-bhakti - November 7, 2010 7:09 pm

Since Sri Vallabha came up on this thread I have a question relating to him. I am reading The Teachings of Sri Vallabhacarya by Shyamdas. In the mangala carana verses, a verse glorifying Srimad Bhagavatam is as follows: "I bow to the five parts of the Srimad Bhagavatam's tenth canto. They are the four chapters of Sri Krsna's birth, the four chapters of his tamas lila, the four chapters of his rajas lila, the three chapters of his sattvic lila, and the six chapters that show his divine virtues." I am not sure what the reference to the gunas is implying here.