

Nava-yauvana Dasa - November 16, 2010 2:34 pm



Philo cow may be world's smallest



Monks hope their Miniature Zebu claims Guinness World Record

Rati is a very petite cow who so far has lived a very quiet life at a monastery in the redwoods near Philo. That all will change, however, if she earns the title of "World's Smallest Cow." For instance, she might have to get used to days like Thursday, when the local paparazzi arrived to watch as she was measured by veterinarian Paul Michelsen. Using as flat of a surface as Michelsen could find at the hilltop monastery called Audarya, he declared the Miniature Zebu to be 31 and 3/8 inches tall at the hip, which is more than an inch and a half shorter than the current title holder. According to the 2011 Guinness Book of World Records, a Dexter cow measuring 33 inches in London is the smallest, but the monks who raised Rati hope she may be proven tinier. To qualify, a cow must be at least a year old, and Rati is just over three years old, being born in October of 2007. As proof, monk Wren pointed to the cow's horns.

"It takes a long time for the horns to grow in, at least a year," she said.

Swami said the monks have not bred Rati, "because the bulls are so much bigger than her," and instead she helps watch over the calves of others.

"She's a good babysitter," Wren said, explaining that having a job of sorts may help the tiny cow feel a part of the group that normally towers over her -- the other Zebus are typically twice as big, while the monastery's Jersey cows are enormous in comparison. In fact, one of the calves Rati babysits is only 3 weeks old, but is already taller and heavier with much larger hooves. Swami estimated that the Jersey cows weigh about 900 pounds each, while Rati "can still be picked up and carried," and likely weighs only about 100 pounds.

To prove her smallest status, monk Alex said the group needs to complete a packet for Guinness that includes having a vet measure the cow, notifying local media and videotaping the process. Alex said the group will send the completed packet and wait for word.

He said the monks did not think of entering her until they read recently about the cow in London and thought that Rati might be smaller.

"It's too bad we didn't measure her when she was only a year old, because she would have been a couple of inches shorter then," said Wren.

The monastery has a herd of 15 cows and milks three of them, selling what Swami called "cow shares," where people purchase a portion of the milk produced. He said the monks are also trying to "re-invent the family cow," crossbreeding the Zebu and Jersey cows in an attempt to create a cow that produces the perfect amount of milk for the average family.


Justine Frederiksen can be reached at udjjf@pacific.net or 468-3521.

Gopala Dasa - November 16, 2010 10:10 pm

Always enjoyable to watch:


Madan Gopal Das - November 17, 2010 1:52 am

All glories to Rati's mama - Sukhi - look at the children she produced! :D


Prema-bhakti - November 17, 2010 12:21 pm
All glories to Rati's mama - Sukhi - look at the children she produced! :D



Seriously, those two are beauties and Sridama seems to know it. :)

Prema-bhakti - November 17, 2010 12:38 pm
Always enjoyable to watch:




So nice. Thanks for posting.