
Goloka or Gokula lila?

Brahma Samhita Das - November 17, 2010 7:37 pm

Dandavats to all devotees


We are working on an extensive map of the internal lanscape all the way from the brahmanda to the heart of Godhead, Goloka. In Goloka we would like to picture several lila sthans and a question arose... What is really going on there. For example I have heard that in Goloka Krishna is never a baby, so Damodar lila could not be depicted there right?


Is the Imlitala lila where MAdhurya turns to Audarya in Goloka? and if so could that be depicted as the border between Mahaprabhus Svetadvipa and Goloka Vrindavan?


Could Mathura and Dvaraka be depicted within the lotus of Goloka? or within lotus petals of the Lotus?