
Precise questions...

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - November 18, 2010 8:56 am

I have a suggestion regarding phone call questions that

devotees ask GM.


Often we hear questions with: ... "you know, aaa..,

you know,... aaa, ...a sort of, ....a kind of, ...you know..."



A. Often it is difficult for GM to catch the point of the question,

and for me it is impossible. After a few "you know... aaa..."

my mind just shuts off, and I am waiting to hear GM answer

in order to indirectly understand what was the question


B. Valuable seconds and minutes of the phone call with GM

are wasted on thinking and formulation of the question


C. It would be good for devotees to write down well thought

out questions, so that even they ultimately get the precise

answer on the precise question



I hope that was of some use, and that I didn't offended anybody :D