
Bad for good...

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - January 10, 2011 1:46 pm

I sometimes wonder when I look TV programe like some true crime investigation documentaries,

how is it so that some realy nice and good (at least materialy looking) people, are killed in so

brutal way, buried alive...


These people were good parents, neighbours, ready to help anyone, giving money to poor children,

dooing charity volontary work, and who knows what, and then in the end, someone kidnapes them

and torchures them for two months in the basement of some abandoned house... and finaly kills them

with no mercy for them.


It is beyond my understanding of karma.


Krsna says that one who does good is never overcome by evel.

Gauravani Dasa - January 10, 2011 6:56 pm

When we see people who appear to be good and are doing good, yet they suffer unexpectedly and (seemingly) without reason, we should understand that it is karma from their previous lives. Karma is difficult to understand, as you mention, but the persons we see suffering now most likely caused others to suffer in their previous lives.


The "good" that Krsna talks about is bhakti. He is not referring to good works in relation to the world which generate more karma.


In general, as conditioned souls, we are bad at determining what is good. Guru and Krsna know what is good for us.

Gauravani Dasa - January 11, 2011 11:44 am

Devyah-pati, I forgot to add that we should still have compassion for people (and animals) who are suffering.


Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur defines "sin" as any action performed without knowledge of Krsna. This type of sinful action generates karma, both good and bad. So jivas who are suffering do so because they have not come in contact with a sadhu and heard about Krsna. Our compassionate efforts to help them end suffering should consist of setting a good example and spreading the message of Sri Caitanya.


It is also worth noting that the "good" karma accrued by jivas ultimately results in suffering in the form of loosing those material possessions, beauty and fame by force or at death.

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - January 12, 2011 8:44 am

Gauravani Prabhu, Haribol!


Let me first offer my respectful obeisances to you.


1.) The answer you gave is very clear and clarified my thoughts on this topic.


It is funny how even after 20 years of "knowing" these things, I forget the

details, and important essential points.


I new that it is karma from their previous lives, but I forgot that Krsna

is not speaking about good karmic acts, but referring to transcendental acts

when speaking of doing good.


I posted the answer without looking to the gita 6.40 to read the verse and



"The Blessed Lord said: Son of Prtha, a transcendentalist engaged in

auspicious activities does not meet with destruction either in this world

or in the spiritual world; one who does good, My friend, is never overcome by evil."


Maby it is good that I asked the question because still maby I would not see

it with my own strenght, but now with the grace of vaisnava, I get it.


2.) I thought of it all deeply, and how good and bad activities are all useless

binding and ultimately keeping me in Cycle of Birth and Death. It all coincides with

the period in my life when I am dissatisfied with my financial situation.

Superficialy I am finding reasons how I need this and that, want to do this

and that (even spiritual things, like come to Poland when GM is comming, etc.

since I have no extra money for traveling nowhere),and on the other side, deep inside,

I know that I have financialy as much as I am supposed to have, to get. No overeffort

will make it better, so let me concentrate on Maha Mantra and contact with you all.


3.) It is worth mentioning also the following: two years ago, when I started

to participate in Tattva-viveka, I was primarily interested to read and understand

what GM has to say about some question or topic. I was not reading the answers

of the devotees. What a :) mentality I had. Gradualy I started to appreciate the

comments and answers of the devotees, and now, this particual answer of yours

is the crown of this uphill climbing for me. Finaly, I accept devotees as valuable

source of knowledge that I can rely upon. Their knowledge is great, and their mercy

is even greater. I thank and offer my respectful obeisances to you all.

Gauravani Dasa - January 12, 2011 11:33 am

My obeisances to you, Devyah-pati Prabhu! I'm hoping I'll be corrected by the Vaisnavas if I post something that is not in accordance with guru and sastra. We are all helping each other :)


Below is more from GM in his commentary to 15.16. Here he is comparing the jivas' accrual of karma and Krsna's non-implication:

Central to God’s noninvolvement is the principle of free will inherent in the finite soul, as is the principle of beginningless karma. The notion of beginningless karma is explained in Vedanta-sutra (2.1.34–35). It refers to the condition of the bound souls. Their conditioning under the influence of material nature, while having no beginning, can come to an end through the exercise of their inherent free will in relation to the hand of God’s grace, which is perpetually extended to them.


God does not create an individual soul’s agency for action. It is the soul’s lower nature arising out of ignorance and timeless karmic implication that is the true agent of action. The living beings are disposed to material action through the influence of desire arising from timeless ignorance. God engages them in such action, but he does not make them act. Because God is self-satisfied, he does not direct the living beings for the fulfillment of his selfish desire. He directs in accordance with the living beings’ previous actions. He does this through the power of his illusory energy (maya). In doing so, he acquires no sin or virtue, as do the living beings.

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - January 12, 2011 12:48 pm

Thank you, Prabhu.


Anyone who realizes this point, I believe, can freely engage in devotional service,

without being distracted with ones desires arising from lower nature.


As Krsna says to Arjuna to rise above weakness.


My weakness are my material desires. I am in the process. Slowly but surely...