
forcefully descending

Brahma Samhita Das - January 14, 2011 7:12 pm

I wrote a text that is inspired by the association of Srila Tripurari Maharajas internet Sanga so I wanted share it with all of you.


feel free to correct my english, as it is not my mother tongue, and the Siddhanta content aswell. I am still young student in Krishna consciousness so any correction is apreciated.


With a mind hazy of dust from its ever first springcleaning, the new Bhakta approaches the senior Bhakta for guidence, with no specific questions in mind, he hopes to get rid of some doubts that threatens his weak faith.

A life of surrender is not so easy after all...


Neophyte Sadhaka: Why is spiritual life so demanding?

Sadhaka: Consciousness is demanding because you are eternaly consciousness. You cannot escape consciousness even if you would like to. But by adding Krishna to consciousness you would never want to escape, but rather yern to celebrate its fullness together with devotees.

Spiritual life is love, and love is demanding our full attention. In the beginning we dont have that natural force of love to give our full attention to Krishna so it may appearantly seem artificially imposed. Initialy Instead of love, we get buddhi as our force to give onepointed attention to the personifyed truth Sri Krishna.

Static nothingness will not save us, nor will automatic love engage us against our free will. But rather, active adherance to that descending buddhi will help us to discriminate between the real and false and eventually make us fit to enter the realm of divine love.

For once forget all previous dissapointments and test your capacity of full trust by applying it to the Bhagavatam culture as it vibrates from the mouth of Sri Guru. Just as we fully trust that water will purify, sustain us and quench our thirst when we bath and drink, trust his all auspicious vani

This is a forcefully descending process. Make yourself ready and steady to recieve...

Neophyte sadhaka: Wherever there are holes in my obedience to the vani of Sri Guru is like holes in the pot with which I recieve his mercy

I many times pray that he may fill me with his mercy, but it keeps leaking out because of my unchaste mind.

Should I pray to Sri Guru to mend my holes so that I may properly recieve?

Sadhaka: It is not possible. That is your part. The gift (Radha Brajeshvara) is perfect, the giver (Mahaprabhu) is perfect. but you have to become a perfect reciever.

Start by mending the holes externaly by entering into the art of Sadhana, and gradually as your introspection advances, you may fill the internal holes aswell


Just as iron becomes soft with the contact of fire, allow your heart to become soft in the fire of Krishna Consciousness so that Sri Guru may forge you with the hammer of his vani

You may only have the true darshan of Sri Guru in the sound he speak when you fill all the levels of your being (contemplative and active) to the brim with that sound.

Until then he can only benefit you with his shadow.

Neophyte Sadhaka: Is it possible for me to see Krishna in this lifetime?

Sadhaka: Instead of endeavoring to see Krishna, listen carefully to the rythm of Mahaprabhus kirtan as Sri Guru is revealing it to the world and knowlingly or unknowingly you will be prepared to dance into the eternal play

That rythm in the kirtan of Mahaprabhu turned towards the worldly minded is synchronized with the melody of the flutesong of Krishna.

We are serving thrue kirtanam, and in that process we meet with the mundane and deal with the problems of the beginners with enthusiasm and compassion. Get dancing by establishing or supporting a spiritual embassy in your prabhu datta desha.


Whatever false feelings you have, confess. Whatever true feelings you may eventually get, surpress... and reach out to give to others.


I asure that you will learn to recieve by giving, feeling happy by giving happiness, feeling consoled by consoling and eventually reach home by helping others to come home.


A distant worshiping of the greatest worshiper of the supreme worshipable

Guru-nistha Das - January 17, 2011 5:21 am

Really nice writing, Brahma-Samhita! Wouldn't mind reading more of it.

The format reminds me of Jaiva-Dharma.

Brahma Samhita Das - January 17, 2011 9:27 pm

Thank you for your words. It encourage me to write more... and to read Jaiva dharma. I read Tattva Viveka and it is in similar format.

Srila Atulananda Acharya is writing in this style aswell but more on the borderline of poetry. I will try to find something from him and post here aswell


I will take the opportunity to thank you for your hillarious comics!

the other day here in the ashram in Bulgaria we had all the devotees rolling in laughter when we translated for them (verbaly) your work

giving so much conscious happiness to devotees is great Vaishnava seva :Just Kidding:

Braja-sundari Dasi - January 18, 2011 3:21 am
Neophyte sadhaka: Wherever there are holes in my obedience to the vani of Sri Guru is like holes in the pot with which I recieve his mercy

I many times pray that he may fill me with his mercy, but it keeps leaking out because of my unchaste mind.


How true!.... Desafortunadamente :Just Kidding:

Guru-nistha Das - January 18, 2011 4:29 am
Thank you for your words. It encourage me to write more... and to read Jaiva dharma. I read Tattva Viveka and it is in similar format.

Srila Atulananda Acharya is writing in this style aswell but more on the borderline of poetry. I will try to find something from him and post here aswell


I will take the opportunity to thank you for your hillarious comics!

the other day here in the ashram in Bulgaria we had all the devotees rolling in laughter when we translated for them (verbaly) your work

giving so much conscious happiness to devotees is great Vaishnava seva :Just Kidding:


Thank you. That's nice to hear you got the bulgarian devotees laughing :)

Brahma Samhita Das - January 19, 2011 8:13 pm

correction: Prema PRadipa is similar format like Jaiva dharma (not tattva viveka)