
Arjuna is afraid?

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - January 19, 2011 8:05 am

Yesterday, I saw a trailer for the movie "Predator vs Alien".

(Very scary... Even if somenone pays me to watch, I would not

agree to see this film :) - I never liked any kind of horror movies.)

These creatures animations are so scary that it realy shaked me in fear.

Their teeth reminded me on the teeth of Universal Form and how they are

crushing the soldiers of the Battle of Kuruksetra. I am anyway a fearful person...


... But I wonder why, when Krsna manifested his Universal Form to Arjuna,

Arjuna became afraid of it?!


Arjuna is Krsna's devotee, pure devotee, who knows no fear since

he is self realized person, and more then that, he is elevated devotee,

Krsna's intimate friend.


Is this Arjuna making a show for us, or he actually bacame afraid

of this form, for a while?


Krsna can make anybody afraid, this I understand, but if you are

at the level of bhava, uninterrupted service and constant meditation

on Him, how you can all of a sudden became afraid of anything?