
Vyasa Puja Offerings, 2011

Nitaisundara Das - January 19, 2011 10:38 pm

Dandavats dear friends.


Guru Maharaja's 62nd Vyasa-puja is on Friday, March 18th this year. As has been the custom, we will be making a website for all of the Vyasa-puja offerings to present to Guru Maharaja on his birthday. Everyone is encouraged to participate in this opportunity and submit an offering. Guru Maharaja reads them all.


Please email your offerings to me (nitai@swami.org) no later than February 22nd. Please try to also send a picture of yourself or, if possible, one of you with Guru Maharaja.


Jaya Guru Maharaja!


In service,

Nitaisundara dasa


Here are the previous four Vyasa-puja sites for your reference:









Gopala Dasa - January 20, 2011 2:51 am
Here are the previous four Vyasa-puja sites for your reference:










Thanks Nitaisundara.


Those urls actually didn't work for me until I capitalized the "V" in vyasa and "P" in puja. Maybe they are case sensitive?










Nitaisundara Das - January 20, 2011 3:50 am

Whoops. I guess so. Thank you.

Nitaisundara Das - January 30, 2011 7:19 pm

Bumping this thread up for everyone.

Nitaisundara Das - February 13, 2011 6:40 pm

bi-weekly bump.

Vamsidhari Dasa - March 18, 2011 10:02 pm

Dearest Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my dandavat pranams. Sri Guru Gaurnga Jayate!


Although my heart aches in separation from you on this glorious day of celebrating your appearance I am joyful that at least I can offer a few words to glorify you as my spiritual teacher and my dear and loving friend. My words are not scholarly, scriptural, or theological because although all those disciplines speak of the Guru profusely I only have my heart to speak from. I hope that you will accept this humble offering from your loving servant.

The appearance of a guru in once life is a truly wonderful thing. It is like the rising of the morning sun that illuminates the world that helps us see all very clearly all the beauty and value in the world. Coming under your shelter made my life worth living and when the clouds of the world obfuscate my view of you, by not being able to see you and serve you makes everything much harder.

You have given us so much and continue to offer yourself and share the glories of Vraj with us. Even though your words often are too big for my small ears few drops of your spiritual teaching melt my hardened heart and always put me in touch with a fount of Love emanating from your pure heart.

Thank you for being in my life and your patience with my innumerable flaws that keep me away from you. I hope that I will be able to one day fully bask in your glorious presence and never take your life giving light for granted.

I am always your loving servant.

Vamsidhari dasa
