
Guru Maharaja's East Coast Tour

Prema-bhakti - January 31, 2011 12:52 am

We are happy to announce that Guru Maharaja will be visiting the NY Metropolitan area April 7th-18th for the first time in 25 years. He will be speaking on Bhagavad Gita as well as giving a two day discourse on Siksastakam in NJ, April 16th and 17th. Details for the NJ program TBA. Babhru and Agnidev will be accompanying him.


We are expecting quite a large turnout at these events from as far away as Canada. We are also expecting a large turnout of disciples. Thank you to Kanubhai for his enthusiasm and networking as well as Sridama who has been carrying a torch for this event for quite a few years.





-PURE YOGA (203 East 86th Street, NYC):


Time: 7-9pm




Tuesday, 4/12

Time: 8-930pm




(912 Country Route 25, Stuyvesant Falls, NY)

Saturday, 4/16

Time: 6-8pm

Sunday, 4/17

Time: 10am-12pm

Madan Gopal Das - January 31, 2011 3:09 pm

:) OK Prema, you can't claim the whole east coast for GM... We are here too! :Worried:


If you would like to attend GM's NC visit, he will be here from 3/30 to 4/7 and we would be happy to host you. We are expecting a much larger crowd than New York, that's for sure! We are expecting guests from far far away like Tennessee, and distinguished guests of Finnish descent. Don't miss out!



Prema-bhakti - January 31, 2011 11:49 pm

Hey, I didn't want to steal your thunder so I waited for you to post the NC dates. Geez. Take it easy with the transcendental competition, will ya :Worried:

Prema-bhakti - February 1, 2011 11:38 am

Just wanted to add that Syam Gopal, Kamalaksa, Gaura Vijaya, Madan Gopal and fam, Atmananda, and possibly Arci from NC will be coming to NY as well as GM's stalwart servants Guru Nistha and Vrindaranya. :Worried:

Madan Gopal Das - February 1, 2011 4:38 pm

Man, I hope Kamalaksa is cooking! :Worried:

This is gonna be super fun!!!

Prema-bhakti - February 1, 2011 6:44 pm
Man, I hope Kamalaksa is cooking! :)

This is gonna be super fun!!!


Gurunistha volunteered at least for some of the meals. :Worried:

Madan Gopal Das - February 1, 2011 7:45 pm

oh, and ask Kamalaksa to bring his sauna too. :Worried:

Prema-bhakti - February 1, 2011 9:02 pm
oh, and ask Kamalaksa to bring his sauna too. :Worried:


Where GM is staying there is a Finnish sauna and hot tub. :)

Madan Gopal Das - February 1, 2011 9:36 pm
Where GM is staying there is a Finnish sauna and hot tub. :Worried:

OH YEAH...!!! *for Guru Maharaj.

Syama Gopala Dasa - February 3, 2011 8:05 pm

I'll be there from the 9th till the 16th april. (so will miss some programs) Looking forward to seeing all of you.


I'm not sure if Kamalaksa will be cooking haha. I just enjoyed his cooking at the finland siksastakam retreat, it was grand as usual!

Prema-bhakti - February 4, 2011 3:48 pm

I have been communicating with most of the devotees who are planning to attend the NY/NJ programs. Anyone who is planning to attend should contact me at: premafish@hotmail.com. I would like to do everything within my limited resources to accommodate all my godsiblings who would like to attend. GM will be traveling with a party of five and of course his comfort is our first priority. We do have a good crew of people here so I think everyone can be accommodated nicely if we all work together. :)

Prema-bhakti - February 4, 2011 3:59 pm

Madan Gopal has enthusiastically volunteered to help with organizing the arrangements for our godsiblings. That will be a huge help.

Thank you, thank you. :)

Prema-bhakti - February 5, 2011 6:59 pm

Kanubhai told me Pure Yoga is advertising GM's event and people are already signing up. How exciting! I will post the link when I find it.

Prema-bhakti - February 26, 2011 3:37 pm
Kanubhai told me Pure Yoga is advertising GM's event and people are already signing up. How exciting! I will post the link when I find it.


Here's the link http://www.pureyoga.com/en/newyork/pureevents/workshops.php. Nice ad once we get them to correct the spelling of Bhaktivedanta. ;)

Prema-bhakti - March 12, 2011 2:46 pm

Pure Yoga ad corrections are done. :Angel:


Things are progressing nicely. We have a date for NJ. My friend Stacia will be hosting a program in Wall, NJ on April 9th. She is a graphic artist by profession and made some really beautiful fliers and invite cards for all the NY/NJ events. :Silly:

Prema-bhakti - March 12, 2011 4:24 pm

I've attached the pdf for flyer if anyone is interested in viewing.TSFlyerFinal_2_.pdf

Prema-bhakti - March 12, 2011 5:04 pm

Almost forgot to mention we have a homemade kombucha hook up too. Very nice family in NJ makes all kinds of exotic flavored kombucha and they are happy to gift GM with some. They also have an amazing organic garden. :Applause:

Prema-bhakti - March 15, 2011 4:59 pm

Wow, this tour is creeping up on us soon and I am soooo excited. It has been months of preparation and was only possible by a group of sincere devotees working together.


As I already mentioned Kanubhai and Sridama have been instrumental. Madan Gopal is driving from NC right after GM's visit there to drive GM and crew in his minivan around the Big Apple. Kaulini, guru maharaja's god sister has kindly offered her house for GM's use. Saci-suta and Keli have assisted in various ways as well as extended the initial invite which got the ball rolling and Stacia Murphy who designed our tour flyers as well as hosting the NJ program. Shyam Gopal and Kamalaksa who will be attending have also come forward to help with fuel expenses.


So what I'm saying is that so far this has been an amazing adventure in cooperation for a wonderful cause. Can't wait for the culmination!!!

Karnamrita Das - March 17, 2011 2:42 am
I've attached the pdf for flyer if anyone is interested in viewing.TSFlyerFinal_2_.pdf



Beautiful flyer!

Prema-bhakti - April 23, 2011 2:26 am

Wow! It's been only 4 days since GM and crew left. My head is still spinning and the wonderful feedback keeps coming. I could not have dreamed up a better seva scenario for myself. Spending time with my dear GM and friends in the city where I grew up and where I first connected to GV was so fulfilling. I know it may sound silly to most of you but in some ways New York is like "my Vrndavan", a place where I feel I can go deeper. A place steeped in the mood of Srila Prabhupada's separation from Vrndavana and his compassion for the conditioned souls. When I mentioned this to Yogesvara he said, "I understand completely."


I want to thank everyone who contributed to this tour's success. :Just Kidding: It took a team effort and as Shyam Gopal said to me on our way to the subway, "there is no "I" in team". Looking forward to more seva and tours in the near future.

Tadiya Dasi - April 23, 2011 12:10 pm
Spending time with my dear GM and friends in the city where I grew up and where I first connected to GV was so fulfilling. I know it may sound silly to most of you but in some ways New York is like "my Vrndavan", a place where I feel I can go deeper. A place steeped in the mood of Srila Prabhupada's separation from Vrndavana and his compassion for the conditioned souls.


How beautifully put, Prema!


I understand completely, too, even though I've been to New York only once (as a little kid and all I can remember of the city is the toy store my parents took us :Just Kidding: )