
Audarya Outing

Citta Hari Dasa - August 12, 2004 11:39 pm

Today, as the temperature soared into the 100s, we visited another petal of the lotus of Sri Audarya dhama--the nearby waterfall. In the midst of this major heat wave (106 deg. reported in Ukiah yesterday) Guru Maharaja decided to have a picnic lunch at this pristine location. Thus after the noon arotika we packed up the expertly-prepared sandwiches (which can only be imitated, never duplicated) we jumped into the truck and headed into the wilderness valley below Audarya. Upon our arrival we all took part in a (short) refreshing dip in the cool, clear pool before honoring prasadam. After filling up with Gaura-Nitai's mercy we sat with rapt attentention as Guru Maharaja read Bhaktivinoda Thakura's Navadwipa bhava-taranga, in which the Thakura eloquently and mercifully reveals his vision of Sri Navadwipa-dhama. In this extended prayer, which Guru Maharaja later explained is an example of the type of prayer in the sadhana of bhava-bhakti, Thakura Bhaktivinoda describes the various places of Mahaprabhu's lila and gives the correlation in Krsna-lila. Along the way at each place he prays for the mercy of the dhama, for pure bhakti, and ultimately, in the end, prays for the service of Radha-Krsna under the shelter of Lalita-sakhi. He then mercifully reveals his svarupa (Kamala manjari) and his service under Ananga manjari's direction. This is an amazing revelation of the inner moods of a great Vaisnava expressing himself as he prays in the aspiration to attain bhakti. Very highly recommended reading.


When the reading was finished we packed our things and headed back up to Audarya, feeling refreshed, enriched, and blessed to be involved in such a wonderful path with such excellent sanga. Sri Navadwipa-dhama ki jaya! Sri Bhaktivinoda Thakura ki jaya! Sri Bhaktivinoda parivara ki jaya!

Babhru Das - August 13, 2004 2:49 am

Now my yearning is even stronger. But so hot at such an elevation! Wow!

Kalpavrksa Das - August 13, 2004 4:17 am

They say you cannot get enough of a good thing and that repetition can often be seen as a good thing. With that in mind I'll post what I wrote about our outing today. I guess Citta can type faster than me. Pictures will soon be posted.



The temperatures have been in the "uncomfortably hot" to "very uncomfortably hot range" here at Audarya for the last few days. Today, Guru Maharaja decided to take us all down to the waterfall for a refreshing swim. We packed up a lunch after noon arati and hopped in the truck for a transcendental field trip with our Guru.

Deep in the pit of the valley flows a beautiful stream that meanders around the steep cliffs that decorate the surroundings of Sri Audarya dhama. The stream is hidden in a secret ravine and is somewhat difficult to get to. One has to know the path and walk carefully down its steep slopes less one would loose their balance and fall. Guru Maharaja led the way for us and following in his footsteps we arrived at the final cliff before paradise and found a rope there to help us descend.

The waterfall is amazingly beautiful. It rolls down a hill, atop beautifully colored rocks, and fills two separate bathing pools that are surrounded by various creepers and plants. The earth’s fragrance was sweet and pure and the birds were singing in joy.

The top bathing pool is small, about 20ft across and maybe 8ft deep. Guru Maharaja was the first to dive in and then one by one the rest of us jumped into the frigidly refreshing water. Some of the devotees, however, needed a little encouragement because the water was quite chilly. Guru Mahraja warmly joked with them and said they couldn't take prasada until they jumped in. It worked, they smiled and jumped in and we were all filled with joy.

After a refreshing swim and sumptuous lunch sandwich we sat on the rocks around Guru Maharaja while he read to us from Bhaktivinoda Thakura's "Navadvipa Bhava Taranaga". The book is a vivid description of the holy places and the personalities of Sri Navadvipa dhama and their significance in Krsna lila. The Thakura earnestly prays throughout the book to those personalities and tirtha's for residence in Navadvipa and love of Gaura-Krsna. Looking to Sri Navadwipa dhama with bhava-siddha-nayana (vision perfected by bhava), he finds Navadwipa non-different from Vrndavan and has left this inspired vision behind for our benefit.

Thus Guru Maharaja lead us through the short book and implored us to pray with him like Bhaktivinoda Thakura. The secret ravine, the beauty surrounding, the gentle flow of rushing water...the Acarya's inspired vision and the Guru's compassionate extension of that vision and love, all combined for a very compelling experience . And like so many streams of mercy, the nectar flowed from up to down.

Kalpavrksa Das - August 13, 2004 4:37 am

I guess you'll have to wait for pictures, sorry.

Dayal Govinda Dasa - August 13, 2004 9:03 pm

Guru maharaja standing in front of the bathing pool:


Dayal Govinda Dasa - August 13, 2004 9:05 pm

Guru maharaja taking an effulgent dip:


Dayal Govinda Dasa - August 13, 2004 9:07 pm

Taruna Krsna exiting the water. Citta Hari and myself looking on…


Dayal Govinda Dasa - August 14, 2004 1:04 am

After a refreshing dip, the devotees all took lunch…
